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Everything posted by sjc

  1. if only it was that parochial.........its alleged that it was ALL Premier league clubs. Furthermore Aberdeen were Rangers most consistent rivals back then.
  2. ah ok crossed wires ! I think you are correct for what its worth........although the lack of surprise by the revelations throughout this whole sorry saga is the only thing that now surprises me !
  3. was on RTC months back, which has been fairly accurate to date............burden of proof however
  4. why would anyone in their right mind throw money into keeping Rangers afloat through the summer with absolutely NO money coming in whatsoever ? £3.5m per month running costs plus unless something is agreed with Ticketus/SPL & SFA means no money coming in !
  5. we just need someone to do that thing with the descending shades and a quote of "deal with it" !
  6. kind of like the Germans retreat from the old Soviet Union '44-45 if we can't have it nobody can. so basically they want to destroy Scottish football on the way out..........the great irony is that if they stay in the SPL as a Newco.......they'll destroy Scottish football !
  7. Which "pond" are you going to fish when/if Celtic go the same way as Rangers, Captain ?
  8. here's an idea for what we could do with Ibrox once RFC are gone.......... Could learn a lot from those Germans !
  9. I'm not disagreeing with your sentiment.....its the same for all the other Chairmen. The potential loss of fans attending is "untangible" whereas the TV deal is "tangible".......even more so in Celtic's case. What's that analogy about money top be made by warmongering ? Its a bit like the Cold War......better to have one big enemy than lots of little ones.
  10. I thought Jim Traynor cleared that one up......and we were all to stop wearing tin foil hats ?!
  11. I wasn't disagreeing with you.........and no....its not Kirk Broadfoot.
  12. Where Murray used his considerable influence within the BoS to strangle the other Scottish Clubs financially.......remember if Murray could get the BoS to support his businesses to the tune of £1bn getting them to "call in" overdrafts of other Scottish Clubs wouldn't have been too hard. Thus strengthening RFC's position domestically and ensuring access to the ECL.
  13. I've read about the BoS/Murray thing before and could believe it but given "the burden of proof" I can't see it being proven.....However the match fixing/bribery is new to me.......any info (without prejudice)?
  14. I believe your referring to the "collusion" between the Bank of Scotland (Banker to ALL the Premier league clubs back then) and Murray ? Am I right ? Do I win a prize ?
  15. I'd say its the same for most clubs. The problem for Celtic fans is its seen as parochialism.......actually forget that we ALL end up getting "labelled" in this little parochial Country ! If it were my Club I'd EXPECT us to be expelled or in the EoS league.
  16. It's just as well the SFA made all those changes to the organisation last year to make them "fit for purpose"................................
  17. I can understand your ire as a fan but would it really surprise you if the Celtic Chairmen/BoD colluded to reunite their "old firm" ? Celtic are the one team in this with the most to lose after all (except Rangers obviously!)
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