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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Mother and daughter? I think you watch too much porn!
  2. My wifes brother got married last month and went to Cairns for their honeymoon, taking his mother in law too. I was genuinely speechless when my wife told me this. Why the f**k would anyone in their right mind do this?!
  3. He's a good player in a winning or dominant team. Tends to disappear when the chips are down in my opinion.
  4. I dont think I was out of line there. Just felt it was a bit strong. The lassie bore him a child and loves him. Very noble of you to defend Throbbers better half but I think her obvious lack of self esteem is highlighted by her being with him in the first place.....
  5. Heads gone on the heads gone thread...... we're through the looking glass, folks...... except we've been through that looking glass numerous times before!
  6. Is that not @virginton in his Morton top?
  7. Blowback by Chalmers Johnson. Excellent book highlighting the consequences of American interference and manipulation of other sovereign Countries politics and economies throughout the world since the end of WW2. Probably more relevant now than at any other point in time.
  8. Are you sure that's them working on the new stadium at Kingsford? It looks more like footpath remedial works on the West Highland way.....
  9. sjc


    A tenner bet would have got him more than a 147 at the Scottish Open......
  10. Yeh, like you would ask her to keep the cardigan on! Knee length high heel boots granted but not a fucking cardigan!
  11. Still not having it! You can add cardigans to the list too!
  12. Has anyone, regardless of their attractiveness ever looked good wearing a bow tie? Dungarees too!
  13. Wolves are effectively owned by Agents......hence the FA investigation. In the end they were happy the problem was promoted out of the way.
  14. The Club's are subject to market forces like all other industries. They either pay the money or don't get the player because the Agent will be confident of creating interest from other Clubs via the media.
  15. Agents never had this much power though. Players (through their Agents) have effectively become bigger that the Clubs..... I genuinely wonder how the likes of Shankley, Stein, Paisley would have managed in the post Bosman era.
  16. In fairness, the ruling suits the big Club too...... particularly the elite Clubs.
  17. The case of Bosman wasn't really the norm though, was it? You're right in respect of that case highlighting what could happen but in most cases a fee was agreed or a tribunal would set the fee. He biggest beneficiaries from the ruling has been far and away player agents......money that leaves the game completely.
  18. I'd agree with that. 4-3-2-1 "Xmas tree formation" with McTominay holding and the other 4 midfielders having freedom to rotate position and the full backs providing width going forward.
  19. f**k it. Just go for SPFL, then we can all sit back and watch the whole fucking thing burn!
  20. it's a fair cop.....my mistake! It's been a long, hot day and the white wine I've had with dinner has gone straight to my head!
  21. Don't get me wrong, I'd never have one but the union jack does look smart on the roof of a mini.
  22. Probably more likely to put out than her daughter at the moment in all honesty.....
  23. On the subject of Chick Young: If he really cared for radio listeners, he'd retire. But if he REALLY cared for Scottish football, he would do one final round of all 42 SPFL league Clubs, where he does the halftime lotto draw from the centre circle and is then waterboarded by the lucky winner.
  24. It should have been kept in the head of its inventor, more like!
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