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Everything posted by sjc

  1. I wouldn't exactly call it an "expensive holiday"........it's the equivalent of a weekend trip to Pettycur Bay for us over here! ETA : nice pic btw!
  2. It was a holiday weekend here in Japan last week so we took a trip to Kochi in Southern Shikoku. Nice sunset over the Pacific Ocean
  3. Here is my invite link: https://initiativeq.com/invite/HbTTRgE0Q
  4. I suspect it's more to do with BT having their fingers burnt by massively overpaying for the UCL.
  5. 11pm: c***s on a plane: Late night docurama containing actual on flight footage of the Old Firms latest Euro adventures....
  6. What are these crypto currencies values based on? Have recently been looking at switching some of my savings into a more tangible assets in light of rumours of the US $ value collapsing.
  7. Could be worse, we could be discussing the name of mushroom suppers/pakora.....
  8. Great news mate. ETA: How's your Missus doing? x
  9. Sakura's having her 3 year ceremony today at Tsubaki Shrine:
  10. Twice in my life I have had similar toilet related panicking. First was a shite after eating beetroot, second was first time I encountered the smell of pish after eating asparagus. Having a completely grey shite is fucking worrying. Trust me on that one!
  11. Sounds like you've contracted bad aids to me.....
  12. id imagine, if extremly baked, that was a very difficult decision You'd think, but surprisingly not. I don't think I was the only one to proclaim that "I'd rather shag the Jack Russell!"
  13. Reminds me of my latter days at school when I'd spend entire weekends at a mates smoking dope. There was regularly a stark choice to be made in a stoned haze of, 1. Sit in the living room with your equally stoned mates watching the Jack Russell shag f**k out of a teddy. Or 2. Go upstairs for a shot on his(our mates, not the Jack Russell!) sister. Like I say, that Jack Russell could really shag f**k out of that teddy......
  14. Silly me. Of course it is! FAO: @KnightswoodBear
  15. I believe the correct procedure on spotting a black widow spider is to turn the heating up full blast with the windows rolled down.......
  16. I'm sure there's a Dundee United fan on here that got paid with those....... although it might have been a £500 note......
  17. It's not necessarily as you think it is. I now only work part-time but own properties, even though my wife works full-time I wouldn't classify ourselves as rich, I would say we're living comfortably.
  18. Went out to an Italian red wine tasting event last night. Some very nice wines plus they put on some very nice Parma ham, olives, anti pasting etc.....my daughter enjoyed the fresh bread too!
  19. She'll catch a death going out in that in December.....
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