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Everything posted by sjc

  1. To quote a (in)famous former MP: "Sir - I salute your courage, your strength, your incuntability".
  2. Too much of a c**t to be banned more like.....
  3. You don't get out of it that easily! What do you think coping mechanisms are? They're effectively a fantasy that help the user detach themselves from the reality of a situation in order to cope. The key is not to lose yourself from reality within the fantasy permanently. I personally don't use religion but have used other forms of coping mechanisms to productive effects.
  4. Some things simply cannot be dealt with by rationale though. With certain things in life if you did , you wouldn't sleep at night. Religion as a coping mechanism in these circumstances makes sense IMO.
  5. Absolutely. Didn't know that about pubs in the ROI. Not sure I believe it TBH!
  6. We've had this conversation before and as an atheist myself I tend to agree with you however I'm not disparaging towards those that follow their religion peacefully for whatever rationale though.
  7. A journalist for the Guardian no less.
  8. You only say that because you're an atheist fundamentalist......
  9. Owen Jones regularly stamps his little feet in a tantrummed protest whenever anyone disagrees with his particular brand of champagne socialism on twitter. Typifies those that can't handle someone having a difference in opinion to them and who's only response is to try shout them down.
  10. Seriously? Morons gonna moron I suppose! Do these fuckwits think going back to the days of women using gin & knitting needles for homemade/back street abortions is in any way a good move?!
  11. Whilst I do think he's technically the best fighter out of Wilder, AJ & himself, I think his abilities have somewhat become overblown in his absence from the ring. He's the Manchester version of Sugar Ray Robinson the way some folk remoniss about his talents!
  12. Believing pretty much anything on the menu at a Chinese takeaway is authentic Chinese cuisine.....
  13. I don't quite get this. I love spicy food, even some of those at the hotter end of the scale but there has to be more than just raw heat about it. There has to be some flavour or taste to it in my opinion.
  14. The Leith flasher strikes again! Despicable behaviour Throbber!
  15. You've been exposing yourself to her again, haven't you Throbber?
  16. Just be aware that the Japanese drinking culture is in isakayas where you order food and drinks as opposed to bars. Some isakayas offer 90mins of drinking for a set price but you need to order food.....usually small dishes like tapas (edamame beans, tofu etc) ETA: e.g - the yakiniku place near me offers 90mins of unlimited drinking for 1200yen (about £8) when you pay for 90mins of unlimited bbq meats plus veg etc (2250yen - about £15)......great value if you're hungry!
  17. Fair enough......you could have a few days there and a few in the City? We had that beach 30 seconds walk from the chalet in the pics to ourselves! Really relaxing plus the facilities allowed us to get supplies from the supermarket to make a big pot of spaghetti pescatore to munch on when not eating out.
  18. We stayed here (see link below). Self contained chalet type place with your own cooking and washing machine facilities. You'd need a car though.....that's the easiest way to get about. You MUST have an International licence to hire a car though......easy and cheap from the post office. https://www.booking.com/hotel/jp/guest-house-annsea-ishigaki.en-gb.html?aid=356995;label=gog235jc-hotel-XX-jp-guestNhouseNannseaNishigaki-unspec-jp-com-L%3Aen-O%3AwindowsS10-B%3Achrome-N%3AXX-S%3Abo-U%3AXX-H%3As;sid=c771093601b549403f82197f539cc3a6;dist=0&sb_price_type=total&type=total&
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