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Everything posted by Ignoramus

  1. Apparently he’s not there unfortunately, devastating news
  2. Your pal from the weekend Conor McNamara has just confirmed that he’s Sky’s lead commentator for the Tour. No doubt with a little Heaslip on the side as well for good measure.
  3. It’s almost as if the whole ‘one season in the LL’ was a Trojan horse
  4. The whole club is sleepwalking right now, probably to relegation and then who knows? As pointed out above, the level of communication from the club's hierarchy to its apparent 'owners' has been appalling for a good while now. To offer an example, I submitted two questions to the Zoom meeting a few months back and they still haven't been answered. I didn't understand then why they couldn't have been briefly answered on the night, but to take this long and still have no sign of a response is not good enough. We hear enough from the board members that they only volunteers and that they can't do everything quickly but other clubs in this division look more active and at the very least communicate with the fanbase regularly about the running of the club, transfer business, goals and targets etc. On that point, what is our target for the upcoming season? Are we just hoping for a miracle that somehow the coaching staff can extract the most out of a poor squad because at the moment we're not even close to other sides in the division and the opportunity for significant strengthening - short of a few shrewd loans and that's hardly a given - is over. I'm not one for indulging in all of the internecine boardroom warfare crap you see on the official site, but the questions over Diamond's role and involvement in recruitment are pertinent. What involvement did he have on this summer's window, what preparations were done in advance and how were these players identified as those who could help us? We don't have answers to these questions because we never hear from him following his initial appointment. I don't have much time for Stuart Millar - no Clyde fan will I suppose - but at least he was out in the media at Airdrie and quoted regularly about their business and where things were. David W produced a classic example of the issues with communication above. I was fortunate that I had time to attend the Zoom meeting, but I know many others won't have been because of other commitments during a weekday evening. Why are these owners - who are meant to pay for a say in the background operations of the club - being frozen out because they can't attend? Why can't an accurate minute of the meeting be produced by someone? It was only about two hours long if I recall, probably not even as long as that. Community councils made up of volunteers can produce such minutes in a timely manner, so why can't we when there are paid staff and a network of volunteers involved behind the scenes? It feels as if we're heading down with a whimper and just blurting 'but Broadwood' as the sole excuse for why things have fallen off a cliff in the years following promotion. If we do go back into L2, we're into a league increasingly populated by ambitious clubs eager to move upwards, not just stay where they are. We would have to invest just as significantly to just mark time in that division, never mind get out of it and back up here again. Nobody needs to reiterate the implications of not performing in L2. Apologies for the lengthy post, but I've been waiting for an opportunity to get these building frustrations off my chest. I'm not denigrating the hours of effort and hard work that are undoubtedly put in by the board in the running of the club and I do have full confidence they have the club's best intentions at heart, but the running of any healthy football club - or organisation for that matter - requires criticism and the pointing out of areas of improvement when they present themselves.
  5. I remember the phrase “mid level League 2” getting thrown around by the directors in relation to our budget at that meeting a month or so back. It’s just became reality.
  6. "Jonathan ticks all the key boxes for what we are looking for in a centre half to take the club forward“ To where precisely, Danny? The Lowland League?
  7. The pride of Cumbernauld Colts, Brechin and a guy who scores less than me in a nightclub. Think we might be fucked here, lads.
  8. More young Scottish talent ready to be developed for the national team. Oh wait...
  9. OK, happy enough with that. Get a younger head next to him Lang style and we’re talking. I’m hoping the fact because it’s early, we might get a few more?
  10. No Tierney is a massive blow.
  11. I realise that’s a long way from the likely team that we’ll field for the opening league game but that back four has just made me start staring into the middle distance.
  12. Is is too premature for me to start looking at the PFA Scotland availability page? I don't want to come across all panicky but we have one centre-back signed and that person is Scott Rumsby.
  13. Fingers crossed for a good crop at the exit trials. Does Danny have Jim Duffy’s seat reserved?
  14. I thought EC said Brown had signed a deal and was back for pre-season but I’m admittedly not sure.
  15. Can’t wait for the breathless speculation of jobber trialists as we huff and puff our way past Rossvale in a fortnight. Its the excitement of pre-season, baby
  16. Players at this level don’t generally care about “ambition”. If they did, then Kelty, EK and Darvel - to name three - wouldn’t be there. It’s all a cover for more cash in the pocket and I’m not going to blame them for that.
  17. Another thing - do we know what’s happened with Vajs? Is he the back up or are we likely needing someone for that spot now?
  18. I’m assuming we’ll start to see the fruits of the labour from Diamond and the other members of the scouting division soon because so far all of these signings have Lennon’s fingerprints on them. A few more Otoos and Jamiesons wouldn’t go amiss.
  19. Everyone called it, I don’t mind that one at all
  20. We were assured that Lennon and the recruitment staff were working 'daily' on next season's squad last night. But I also have that niggling feeling that we're going to be in the same position as we are currently in a fortnight, which would be fatal. Also, kind of surprised we haven't heard about tying up the remainder of the contracts from last year. Still no word on Rumsby for example and no update on Munro/Syvertsen/Vajs, although I think it's likely they're all probably away.
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