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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. I thought you already had, I was getting ready to rummage into my bag of .gifs I’ll put them away at least until half time then
  2. What’s not to enjoy? Unless your a Hearts fan but most of them seem to be at home
  3. Did Jamie’s head actually explode? I’ll light a candle at mass tonight
  4. The decisions are either wrong or they aren’t. The final result should have no bearing unless your desire to see consistency of decisions isn’t actually a desire at all and we can now just disregard any diddy complaints of ref decisions as sour grapes?
  5. So you can come on the thread mock, laugh, poke fun at what’s being said etc but don’t want it coming back at you and I have to engage with you on a serious level or else? I’ll give you the polite response to that …. If you genuinely want me to engage then offer something that is a few levels above tedious trolling which is primarily what your contribution to any Celtic thread is, deal? Let me answer your serious point, yeah I don’t disagree there probably has been manufactured grievances in the past but there has been as a i said a number of incidents since the allocations have been cut that have appeared on the surface to be a cause for concern, I just think it’s a bit dangerous to disregard that completely I like everyone else want it to end and we get back to normal but it seems to have started a trend which only hurts the fan at the end of the day. You are quite passionate about the financial imbalances so surely this desire to now cut away allocations only hurts this a little more especially if the home side can’t sell out?
  6. Churlish to disregard the safety aspect when there has been a notable number of incidents since the allocations were reduced, I’m not convinced that if it was you or I that took one to the napper inside the stadium we would just brush it off as part of the experience nor can I agree that policing 700 Rangers or Celtic fans at an away derby is just as simple as it is policing 700 Aberdeen/Motherwell/Hearts fans etc. They aren’t bringing the same behaviours, they just aren’t. It’s a sad indictment of our fans but it is also the reality, we are bringing more trouble. The fuckwits in our support see just 700 fans as an easier target and as such probably act more cunty and put more pressure on police. As for Rangers, well they can end this if they chose to however there seems to be no willingness to move even slightly on their position which is a shame as it puts us at an impasse where we all suffer.
  7. I didn’t say you weren’t consistent or that you haven’t said Rangers were wrong. I’ve just told you the reason why they may refuse and you are challenging me as if I have some sort of influence over it, I don’t in the same way you have no influence over Rangers reinstating the old allocations
  8. Yer trying hard, it deserves some acknowledgment I suppose
  9. A percentage is a standard It’s a topical subject. There seems to be this desire to reduce allocations as a sort of get it up ye when all it does is more harm than good. We were boasting about our league being the best supported per capita in Europe but with rising ticket prices and reduced allocations that’s going to be undone. But imagine wanting to see full stadiums and healthy away supports, who’d be that guy eh?
  10. Then I guess you wait and see what the powers that be say don’t you?
  11. Do you honestly think the same police presence is required to police 700 Aberdeen fans at Celtic Park? We don’t have to cordon off parts of the stadium to allow them safe entry and exit either. And that’s without stating the obvious that a Celtic Aberdeen fixture isn’t going to generate the same hate that causes the fuds in the support to start launching shit at each other. Our fans let themselves down in this fixture repeatedly, something that doesn’t tend to happen with other supports That’s a silly comparison mate
  12. Not manufactured mate, there have been fans and staff bottled inside the grounds. That seems a legitimate safety concern don’t you? And yes we won’t get 8000 but there doesn’t seem to be a reason why you can’t offer a similar allocation that you do in Europe which is something like 2500-3000? The full pantomime is tedious as f**k, we all want to be at games but the silly position Rangers have taken here fucks us all so until they soften this is our reality.
  13. Not sure that’s accurate considering the club have been pretty vocal about seeing the old allocations return but I do agree they aren’t going offer Aberdeen 8000 away tickets either. I imagine it would be something around a set % given against the number of season ticket holders the visiting side has with some sort of ceiling set based on the capacity of the ground
  14. And you already know the reasons as to why Celtic won’t take or offer an allocation due to fears over fan safety at both grounds or is keeping fans safe not considered reasonable because this is exactly the point Celtic will leverage and if Police Scotland have a say, which they likely do, they will also be very likely to concur with Celtic as it puts pressure on them too. You can moan about it all you like or complain about views being incompatible but f**k all is going to happen until Rangers themselves start being reasonable.
  15. And I’m sure we are shitting ourselves at the prospect of you flexing your muscles.
  16. Doesn’t matter if he does or doesn’t he’s never going to air it in the press is he? However if locking you out forces a conversation to be had about standardisation then that’s a positive thing. This 700 allocation at Ibrox doesn’t seem to benefit you in the slightest
  17. He’s been outstanding so far this season. We still struggle to hold him past this summer I reckon so best enjoy him whilst he’s here however with him signing a new deal we will be quids in. Great piece of business again
  18. I think Maeda is a doubt for Saturday, he didn’t go on international duty because of injury so most likely will see Palma anyway.
  19. I know, a bit boring isn’t it? I did miss a couple though as I just couldn’t be arsed Don’t let me put you off your normal canned response routine if and when we win though
  20. Diazepam_1988 having the usual effect I see A supposed GB member posted it on KDS and then it gained some attention on Twitter. Can’t confirm or deny if they have been just what’s being suggested.
  21. I haven’t a clue, I have nothing to do with them or sit near their section.
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