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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. Because it was relevant to a conversation that really shouldn’t interest you. And no I’m not in my 50’s, I’m not even close to it and again i’m unsure as to why my age would be relevant or interesting to you.
  2. Where is the reach? The only reason we would be given a higher allocation is because they have to as per the competition rules however how often do we play each other in quarter finals and earlier rounds? Their fans wanted the allocation cut, Rangers responded and cut the allocation to a level proven unsafe for fans so here we are in a position where we may only see Celtic and Rangers fans in the same stadium in cup semis and finals.
  3. He will get a big move somewhere, there were talks of Bayern earlier in the season and Barcelona. Not sure either of those would offer as high a fee as Arsenal or Man U but we will get a decent kickback regardless
  4. It’s not simple as you refuse to acknowledge the reasons for the 700 fan allocation in the first place and the resulting decision taken by Celtic and Police Scotland were in the interest of fan safety, something you and Rangers clearly don’t care about which is your prerogative but don’t dress it up as something it’s not so I’ll maintain my position that you can f**k your allocation It is but he said every team gets the same allocation, that’s not true as its competition dependant. If they can accommodate the 5% rule for UEFA then it’s possible for them to do it domestically, they choose not to and we all know the reasons why.
  5. No actually they don’t. Dortmund as an example had an allocation of around 2.7k for Ibrox in your Europa League match so don’t write anymore pish please. Rangers fucked the fixture for fans then, now and for the future. Enjoy it as it’s what you wanted and no matter how often you say it was a Celtic decision doesn’t make that true, you reduced the allocations to a point it became unsafe for fans and devalued the full fixture as a fan experience. So look at the full story and not just the part that suits your narrative Not that it should matter to you anyway, you watch from your armchair
  6. You claim the history of a dead club and pretend you’re the most successful team in the world so let’s not get started on entitlement. Secondly no fans is because your club cannot guarantee the safety of our fans, our staff and even our ex players now pundits. A situation your club created as you couldn’t take being repeatedly skelped at Ibrox and watching our fans celebrate so it has absolutely nothing to do with being entitled and everything to do with Rangers throwing their toys out of the pram and creating a situation that isn’t safe.
  7. It’s a scenario your club created mate so you need to accept the consequences of that even if it means no fans.
  8. Why would they be more receptive? Your clubs decision to reduce allocations to 700 is what caused the lockouts in the first place but that is somehow being spun as an olive branch? Very good
  9. Hopefully Celtic tell you to shove your 700 tickets up your arse
  10. I can’t confirm that’s actually the case however it is what is being suggested so only time will tell
  11. Your suggestion is also hypothetical, we too are a selling a club and we too want our transfer profit as high as possible yet the same 30% clause existed when we sold him to Leverkusen But I’m not saying you are wrong and I’m right which is why i said “reported to be”, I’m not his agent mate so I clearly don’t know for sure but the interim financials when posted will make that clear if he sells but it isn’t uncommon for clubs to sell at a lower fee to recoup a high % sell on fee and the fee Leverkusen paid for Frimpong considering length of contract, age etc was probably under market value. But the bottom line is no matter if it’s on the total fee or profit it’s all millions back in the bank and further evidence our transfer model is working pretty well
  12. What’s hypothetical? That 30% of 40 mil is 12 mil or that we have a 30% sell on clause? And I do actually wear green tinted glasses, sunglasses mind you but green tinted nonetheless
  13. That would be right if it was 30% of the profit but if information is correct we have inserted the same clause Man City put on us which was 30% of the overall fee. And if that’s the case we are quids in
  14. It’s simple maths mate. We have a reported 30% sell on clause for Frimpong. That’s not 30% of the profit but 30% of the total fee. So €40 million - 70% = €12 million. Now add to that the profit we already made on him minus the 30% fee City took, Frimpong has been some piece of business.
  15. If anything the rise of the Saudi league is probably benefiting us more. You are now seeing players who haven’t even reached their prime opting for there rather than the EPL which for a club like us means higher transfer fees received as I’m not so sure than an EPL club would have went that high for Jota
  16. 30% of this one too apparently so 10-12 mil if that’s the figure he goes for.
  17. Sad to see him go but we can’t say no to that sort of money, it’s a fair return
  18. Feel free to counter with a video of a majority section of our support singing and not a few dozen scummy arseholes in a pub and I will happily concede the point, should be easy enough for you to find since you find the point so laughable And let’s be clear there is no defence to singing this song, these c***s need emptied
  19. I don’t think anyone claimed it to be one person Benny. Unsure why we have reached a point where people need to make elements up.
  20. Never heard that song sung inside a full stadium home or away tbh. In fact I’ve never heard it sung anywhere except in a few YouTube clips by a group of absolute scumbags in a pub.
  21. Nothing will ever reach the big hoose must stay open levels. It’s now the reason your fans talk about titles in numbers as they feel entitled to claim that history.
  22. The irony of any Rangers fan talking about a sense of entitlement is absolutely laughable mate.
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