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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. I know and we still won the game rather comfortably whilst being a bit pish as Tav played his part in giving us 2 back . Imagine if you had a secondary threat you could rely on in these games and you might have gotten a point but you don’t, you have Tav and it isn’t enough But you seem happy to that you only have 1 attacking option in these games and that because of that you have dropped another title and trophy to us and you will drop another unless you fix that particular problem
  2. Yeah I think the thing that surprised most of us was just how poor our passing was, I think our pass % was in the 70’s and the volume of mis-placed passes under no pressure was both frustrating and bemusing at times. We were there to be had yesterday imo but thankfully what we were was clinical with our chances which is something we have failed to be at times. We found a way to win it which is a good place to be and psychologically damaging to Rangers.
  3. Because again it is obvious to anyone but you. Your attacking players are contributing the square root of f**k all to these games so for Celtic it’s a case of stop Tav stop Rangers but you seem to be happy your strikers and wingers misfire in these games and quite at peace with your right back doing the job of them all and failing the do the basics of being a defender We are talking about this season in its entirety ffs, a clearly defined period and not one just pulled out of thin air so not really arbitrary is it? And since Beale joined Since Beale joined you have fallen further behind and picked up another losers medal. Probably best not to start any sentence with since Beale joined tbh
  4. Yeah I assumed they picked him up to fill the gap kind of left by Aribo but he has nothing about him whatsoever. Raskin did look pretty tidy tbf, a more mobile Lundstram with better passing.
  5. He’s an absolute shitebag who went missing and cowered out of every tackle. The who won or lost it debate is an irrelevance as fundamentally the 3 points and the league title come to us. He’s just another Diallo except they paid for this one
  6. I’ve literally referred to all 4 games we have played this season and you think I’m talking about only 2 of them? I mean I really couldn’t have made it clearer without writing in neon. Tav has scored 60% of your goals in this fixture this season and provided 1 of the assists for the other 2. So that’s 80% of your goals gone if Tav isn’t on the park but you don’t think you are reliant on your right back to be your main attacking threat? As for Kyogo he hasn’t been involved in quite as many as 80% of our goals against you (thankfully your main goal threat goes to sleep to allow our wingers to fill their boots too) however he is our main striker so isn’t that his job? To be relied on to score the goals or is that some sort of novel concept in Govan? I mean I’m not really looking to GT or AJ to do that am I? I want that threat coming from Kyogo, Jota, Maeda, Abada, O’Riley, Hatate which is where it does come from……consistently which is the question originally asked as to why do your attacking players consistently not show up in this fixture? Fucking hell man, i don’t even know what number we are on but can I now start with the 52, 53, 54 or whatever it is has clearly broken you patter now?
  7. How long have you had to go back to get 20 goals? 3 or 4 seasons to try make a point about the present? And you have the temerity to talk about nonsense takes? Give your head a shake a wobble man. We are talking about the here and now, this season, the present where you are 12 points behind and on the verge of us dominating yet another season. This season you have scored 5 against us, 3 of them scored by Tav. You have conceded 11. About 7 or 8 of those have either been balls coming in from our left wing such as the 2 in the 4-0 game. Tav losing Jota such as in the 4-0 game and yesterday (Jota ran off Tav for the pass back while he done his usual defensive of posture of throwing hands in the air), balls in between the centre half and him where again he doesn’t track the runner like yesterday, I’m sure that happened in the cup final too or just fucking up a pass back like in the 2-2 game. Just checked and 20 goals takes you back to Dec 19
  8. You do like to change what I have actually written don’t you or you just don’t read very well. I didn’t say he consistently performs, i said he is a consistent threat in an attacking sense. Defensively he’s a bomb scare hence why for every goal or assist he provides in this fixture he gives us at least 1 back which is why the over reliance on him by you in this fixture is somewhat amusing
  9. I think you are being a bit harsh there. Whilst there is an element of fortune that it rebounds off Jota, if you watch Kyogo he is already anticipating he may get a sniff of something and moves into space however you can attribute a lot of things in a football match to luck and as Beale says Ange is just a lucky guy But sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good
  10. The majority of their chances come from set pieces so highly unrealistic to expect we won’t concede at least a couple of those during 90 mins so he will always pose a threat from those however thing about Tav is he gives back considering 2 of the goals we score come from chances created by players running off him.
  11. I’m implying he is your only threat as per my edit above. If you think having only 1 tangible threat in these games which is your right back isn’t a concern then good luck mate. And the question is since you need that spelt out is why are your attacking players with the exception of Tav constantly missing in these fixtures? And furthermore why are you happy with that?
  12. Where in that did I say Tav scoring twice is a concern? It’s the fact that he is the only player you have that can bring that threat which should be the concern. It’s the reliance on your right back to do the job your strikers can’t against us which should be the concern. You clearly aren’t which I suppose for me should be a good thing. All we have to do is stop Tav. All you have to do is stop Kyogo, Jota, Abada or Hatate who score multiple times against you
  13. I haven’t switched at all since never at any point said “Tav scoring twice is a concern” so if you are going to quote me at least go read what I actually wrote. And let me address your 2nd point and the actual overall point by asking you a simple question. Who in your team just now consistently and will reliably turn up in this fixture to pose a consistent threat to us? I can name one and you can probably guess who
  14. Only thing agitating me mate is trying not to succumb to the plethora of chocolate eggs invading my living room whilst I wait up to watch the UFC.
  15. Take Tav out of your team and you are are completely toothless. If you think being that 1 dimensional isn’t a negative then fair enough but whilst your reliance to bring a challenge is reliant on your right back then I wouldn’t be surprised if those league and trophy records you guys cherish quickly become irrelevant.
  16. You miss the point completely. I didn’t say it’s a negative he scored I said it’s a negative he is your ONLY real threat against us whilst we have at least 4 or 5 players that punish you on a regular basis Your main striker was fucking shite today ours had a disallowed goal today too and then dusted himself off to punish you again whilst yours did what else exactly? Do you see the difference there? Our right back was busy being the best player on the park and pocketing his player whilst yours whilst scoring 2 was the one who completely lost his man for our 1st goal. Personally I prefer my defenders to be able to defend and my attackers to score the goals and maybe that’s why my team has won 16 trophies to your 2 whilst Tav has been your “main” threat.
  17. No he is repeatedly mentioning the disallowed goal and wasting his energy trying to convince us it was a wrong call, it was soft but it wasn’t wrong as a push on the back inside the box is a foul.
  18. So it’s not a negative that your only consistent threat against us is your right back? Hopefully Beale continues to think like you.
  19. Your fans are right on this one like a tramp eating chips mate. You already have @AJF howling at the moon and he’s apparently one of the sensible ones
  20. It is questionable. He is your right back and what you are relying on to be your goal threat if you can’t see that you are blinded by fanboism Secondly it isn’t wrongly disallowed. He has his hands on his back and the ref sees a push. Is it soft yes but is it a clear and obvious error? No hence why it isn’t overturned by VAR. How many times has Morelos been the difference maker in this fixture compared to any one of Celtics front 3? So no not an odd take at all. Look forward to more tear stained shite over the next few days
  21. When their biggest goal threat with the most attempts on goal is their right back they really have to ask questions. Odd decision to allow Barisic to hit that free kick at the end though. The don’t have a difference maker in their team like Kyogo, that’s his 5th goal this season against Rangers which is more than Morelos has scored against us in his entire career. Jota has also now has 4 against them since joining and Abada also with 4 or 5. Kent is completely anonymous and for all the hype over Tillman he’s been pish everytime he played against us.
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