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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. I didn’t say we were all friends, I’m not going to be friends with someone who hates me based solely on the team I support and not on my character, values and principles however your suggestion is that none of us are friends and we are conditioned to hate everyone who supports the other side. That’s just not the reality and if it was my wife wouldn’t be my wife. And I’m not surprised you couldn’t see the point being made, your view on life is through a very narrow and actually somewhat bigoted lens, I actually feel a little sorry for you.
  2. At away games recently it’s been pretty bad, there seems to have been a swell in the last couple of seasons of edgy wee fannies who want to resurrect a songbook that should have been left behind a long time ago not that it was ever appropriate anyway, however many regular away day fans have stopped going because of this however home games are different. It’s a difficult thing to quantify but there is a noticeable difference in what is sung and the number of participants. Also your average Celtic/Rangers fan on here isn’t your GB/UB flag waving, flare wielding zealot or we would be posting on KDS and FF and not here.
  3. I don’t see every Rangers fans as a group of Orange unionists in fact i can probably count on one hand the number of Rangers supporting friends I have that give the slightest iota of a f**k about the Orange Order and I know a quite few who are pro Indy. Are you one of these people who walk around thinking everyone Muslim Is a jihadist? Because that’s the logic you are applying, absolute mentalist that you are.
  4. He’s not though there are plenty that see the individual. Genuinely mental that people have this sort of warped perception
  5. Which does by your own admission make you a bigot and an unapologetically dense one at that. Also the fact you feel this is appropriately displayed at what was a memorial to good servant of Hibs is even more logic defying
  6. Using words isn’t difficult, understanding what the f**k you are on about is however. A point underpinned by the number of people going
  7. Always enjoy a Hearts game post match interview to see what dumbfuckery excuse Neilson will use. I’m just gutted our winner wasn’t a controversial handball penalty or something else that would cause his head to implode
  8. I’m the last person who would normally jump in to defend a Rangers fan however he has given you a perfectly reasonable answer to a question posed and you have decided you just don’t like it and call him a liar with no real evidence to the contrary other than the fact he supports a certain team. It’s a flawed argument which applied in a different scenario outwith football would see you labelled as a bigot.
  9. Fully expect the usual meaningless game, we don’t care, can’t we just forfeit or play our reserves shite..in fact it’s here already. However come the end of the game no matter if they win or lose the thread will go on about another 30 pages analysing every decision underpinning just how much they really don’t care So I’ll say what I always say for this fixture any win will do preferably in the most controversial way possible
  10. Pretty confident that one won’t stick mate, the powers that be will give not one f**k about the opinion of a bent out of shape buddy
  11. Gracious about what exactly? I actually complimented St Mirren and how they go about their football but no doubt you missed that
  12. You of all people should be well aware the last person running from any argument on here is me but there does get to a point where even I get nothing from it’s a handball, naw it isnae debate. No it just isn’t very conclusive hence why it’s not looked at. A point acknowledged on the other BBC segment focusing on VAR I also struggle with your point that a panel that contains your former manager is independent and lastly should i not be happy we overturned that game to win by 4? Or should I be upset we didn’t score more, I’ll take your steer
  13. If I didn’t watch the clip how did I know there were no St Mirren protests? Blind luck? Either way you asked my opinion, you got it and I got 3 points and a +4 GD. Happy days
  14. You do realise it’s your own fans claiming conspiracy here and showing both delusion and paranoia?
  15. So the ref didn’t see it, no one on the park saw it or claimed for it, VAR checked it and they didn’t see it nor was a handball mentioned during the actual game itself so neither did any of the pundits. The only person who saw it and is claiming it is you and some other moonfruit. So in all probability then yes it’s a legitimate goal in my opinion.
  16. You honestly telling me Johnston handballed it 3 times? Because I’m genuinely unsure what you are referring to
  17. No one claimed for anything, one player waving his arms about in frustration but that’s it
  18. You would think considering how “crucial” that goal to be that just 1 of the 6 or 7 St Mirren players yards away watching with a clear view may have saw this so obvious handball and maybe just maybe tried to attract the refs attention to it……you would think
  19. No, if I had another second of footage I’ll be able to tell you conclusively if the foul continues into the box. Kyogo is on the line and Dunne is still making contact so it’s possible it continues hence why I said I’m happy with the decision of a red only. Laws of the game mate, made an arse of the actual laws of the game The 10-2 aggregate score over the past 2 games has somewhat taken the edge off. You looking for that Johnston “handball” that not a single St Mirren player claimed for ?
  20. Laws of the game you mean? Ultimately I’m pretty satisfied with how and what decisions were made. I am however finding the rage over the Johnston goal and how in this instance VAR is now biased for us whilst being used effectively in almost every other instance yesterday amusing.
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