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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. I’ve enjoyed close run games with Aberdeen and I have enjoyed when we have knocked 9 past you so either way I’ll be dandy A routine 4-0 if you are offering would do just nicely
  2. Just look at the levels of pessimism on this thread from them. Wanting to forfeit, not turn up etc Is it any wonder their players have fucking chucked it?
  3. Actually please do, I posted our financials in the Celtic thread the other day as they are fucking spectacular. Feel free to drop by for a chat
  4. Something for you to aspire to perhaps, it’s a low bar I know but everyone needs to start somewhere
  5. And with that the transition to full on Bennett is complete. Ciao Don Bennett
  6. @Dons_1988 already trying way too hard and the game hasn’t even started yet
  7. Genuinely thought the same thing when I read it, a page straight out of Bennett’s book At home and a cup final next weekend so hopefully we don’t take our eye off the league, put out a strong team whilst and put the boot in and pile on just a little more misery for the Dons
  8. Pretty sure he doesn’t need anymore attention after yesterday, fans throwing him under a bus a little here
  9. Read the part where I said it’s a situation where opinion is tinted by bias, that also includes me.
  10. Could say the same that your are blinded by blue tinted loyalty to your goalie. He was being a bit of a dick here, even if not making a genuine attempt just flicking the leg out he could have forced the player to make a mistake, run the ball wide and or out. Nor really was it the time for banter considering the rammy beforehand and the Partick player seemed to be laughing at McGregor as to say wtf. It’s a situation where opinion is tinted by bias and that McGregors default setting is utter c**t
  11. I welcome any opportunity to beat Hearts so looking forward to it. Last few games at Tynecastle have all been competitive so imagine this one be the same
  12. No doubt Your conspiracy theories may have just bit you on the arse here.
  13. They were displaying banners against the board and the re-appointment of Lawell just before Xmas so no they don’t just get angry when we are winning considering protests against the board were pretty consistent during the 9iar run too.
  14. The I’m starting to think your eyes are painted on or you only see what you want to. Many Celtic fans especially the GB who unfurled that banner have been overtly critical of the board on too many occasions to count. Christ it wasn’t that long ago you were enjoying the banter and making fun of fans protesting against the board
  15. Not quite sure you have an angle here considering many of the board aren’t universally popular with the fanbase
  16. But it’s my intent being questioned not that of other posters
  17. Where else on this forum would I post them if not on our own thread? Seems the most appropriate place
  18. It must feel like the blitz every time you come on this forum these days
  19. Why would you be surprised? That sounds like a typical Aberdeen away result anyway
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