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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. Either Virgil or Robbo for the 4th just to compound the misery
  2. Just 1 and the beat Real Madrid away. All still the realms of possibility Disclaimer - please take the above as a joke, I’m not being entirely serious
  3. Yeah f**k all positive to say about that f**k it just need to beat Real Madrid then
  4. All the Hearts fans piling into Joe Hart last week now watching Gordon do that
  5. How does it make it worse? The point is to try win the league so dropping points yesterday would have meant dropping a 5 point gap to the team in 2nd in just over a month, that team in second just happens to be Rangers so in that context the goal is significant as it keeps us top. Put the diddy narrow mindedness to the side for just a second and apply some context. If this was Arsenal scoring a last minute winner against Forest to keep them ahead of City do you think their fans would celebrate or just give a polite golf clap and doff of the cap?
  6. You said retrospectively surely this has to happen before the game restarts?
  7. Surely you can’t get a retrospective card for that? Would be ludicrous if true.
  8. It’s another one of those games where we should have been out of sight, missed a few sitters and just about paid the price as St Johnstone for the last 20 minutes or so were great. The big positive after conceding such a late equaliser is that it’s normal for heads to go down but we didn’t, we were more direct and aggressive in those 2 minutes than we were for the previous 93 but it’s 3 points more and onto the next. Well played Saints
  9. His passing is fucking brutal. But his 1 touch finishing
  10. Hearts getting bodied for the 2nd game in a row at home Its the simple things in the life that bring the most joy
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