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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Lawless has been a great signing. He's improved year on year since arriving and will be missed more than the likes of Higginbotham who was never as willing as Lawless is to chase back and defend when required. I'm looking forward to the return of Erskine though and seeing him make those wonderful runs from midfield and bursting into the opposition box again. In fact I feel a little emotional just thinking about it.
  2. Amoo yes but I don't share your enthusiasm for Edwards. He is quick and works hard but I see nothing that would lead me to believe he would be anything other than a bit part player at this level.In the second half on Saturday Archie pushed him forward to harass their back line stopping them from being able to do anything other than punt hopeful balls up the pitch, a role he performed admirably and took his goal well. But it in the first half he was really poor. I admit I haven't seen every appearance he's made but I've been left unimpressed by those I have. Gary Fraser is another player who seems generally popular with the fans but I think his lack of pace will always hold him back. He is Ross Forbes slow. He's not very good in the air, rarely tackles as can't keep up with his target, makes the occasional good cross-field pass and scored a good goal once. He has plenty of ability but I fear he is just too slow to ever put it to it's full use. I'd be delighted to be proved wrong though.
  3. How about a banner at the former South terracing proclaiming "The Kris Doolan scaffoldy- bing thing". Quite a tribute I reckon.
  4. A move to the team marooned at the bottom of the league with games fast running out would hardly represent career advancement for the guy. Can't see it happening.
  5. I don't think they were saying your posts are unentertaining but you might want to stick a little punctuation in them as they are sometimes a little difficult for old farts like me to understand. Appart from that they are just fine. Keep on posting George.
  6. Doncaster Rovers. Scored for them at the weekend. You're not suggesting we should be looking to bring him back are you?
  7. Paton is better than Welsh? Are you mad? Welsh has had a few rotten games of late but he's still a decent player whose performances are likely to improve. Paton on the other hand is barely a footballer at all. He is no more than an obstruction, a semi-mobile bollard, a big useless lump of wid with little or no discernable footballing talent, a tattooed traffic cone and a bit a knob too. Apart from that he's an arsehole.
  8. It's not a disgrace it's just the thoughts of a daft wee boy whose life revolves around football, bad haicuts and tattoos. Leave him alone. As for you're avatar, although I have sympathy with you're sentiment I think the imaginary is ill- judged. Comparing those who think we should all wear poppies with the architects of the holocaust is a bit OTT don't you think?
  9. It took a lot of posts before you let slip what's on your mind but as I suspected you're just a stereotypical, paranoid, they're all really Rangers fans and masons, circle the wagons, Celtic supporting nutter.
  10. Aye ok then. Stop getting yourself worked up about people slagging off your team anyway. They'll gub some team with a fraction of their budget at the weekend and you can go back to feeling all superior again.
  11. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Desperately hoping some one comes back with "Cos we aw hate Kafflicks an Irish basturts". If you don't know the actual answer to your question then you are a man of limited imagination.
  12. You've taken part in European competitions almost every year since the mid fifties and have won the same amount of trophies as Aberdeen. Nottingham Forrest have ventured into European competition 8 times and have won the European cup twice. Diddy team.
  13. The prices for the cup game at Firhill is £12 adults, £8 concessions and under 16s free. It would be nice to see a healthy away support there. How many would you expect?
  14. We won't be fighting this campaign with the current squad. The current squad will be improved upon. Are you always this bloody miserable?
  15. I assure you the above joke would have been a belter had this been 1991.
  16. We're short on defensive cover so I think we should consder giving Fisher a plaice.
  17. Like me, he'll probably wait till next season's squad is finalised before deciding whether or not he believes there is arguement for success.
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