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Everything posted by Walter

  1. I'm hearing the other guy is David Amoo. Pacy winger ex of Liverpool, Hull, Carslisle and others.
  2. Me too. It takes a while to get your head around the abundance of red but I like it more with each viewing.
  3. To rent. They're not asking for a freebie. I can only assume there will be is a busload of Lyle Taylors arriving this week.
  4. We'll anounce a couple of new signings soon enough. Season ticket sales will then pick up and we can all stop being miserable, negative sods. Just like every summer.
  5. It doesn't always have to be Jack Vettriano or dugs playing pool ya Fife philistine. We are not pretending to be cultured. Culture is an unavoidable consequence of an upbringing in Glasgow's leafy West End.
  6. Has the friendly with Wigan only just been arranged or am I just not very observant?
  7. True but then again it wasn't to difficult to find better players than Paton. I always thought of him more as a mobile bollard than a football player. If he can find better than SOD and Higgy on our budget I'll be mightily impressed.
  8. I`ve no idea what any of that means but you have my respect for being able to type anything in your clearly tired and very, very emotional state. I wish you a speedy recovery.
  9. I don't if it's been mentioned already in the thread but I've heard from some one who should know that Aaron Taylor Sinclair is heading your way. The same person also says that Wilson is off to Celtic.
  10. Jeezo! You've spent over a year working yourself up to you first post on P&B and you came up with "Zip". Very Clint Eastwood.
  11. Your old pal Jordan McMillan may be looking for somewhere to play soon. He's suspended on full pay at Firhill pending an investigation after missing a few games due to "personal issues".
  12. I'd guess this was probably a half- truth and what Dunfermline where actually up to date with was the repayment schedule for their debt. HMRC will give such an arrangement on the understanding that all future liability is paid in full and on time. When this does not happen the arrangement is cancelled and payment in full is demanded.
  13. He probably wants to keep this thread within easy reach as he suspects Morton may well take the the same right royal rogering on Boxing Day as his mob took on their last visit.
  14. "Broadfoot abandoned his £70,000 Audi Q7........" That gives you an idea the sort of money you can throw around when paying tax is optional . Kirk Broadfoot FFS!!!
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