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Everything posted by Swampy

  1. I thought we wouldn't be able to afford embassy buildings, plus we're going to get vetoed from the EU by Spain anyway, so we shouldn't really get ahead of ourselves. We can maybe have a diesel train to England (allowing for delays at the heavily-fortified border) to carry essentials such as mail and scallops.
  2. International law didn't come into reunification itself at all. It was all handled by the grundgesetz.
  3. Low-information voters will side with No. That's why it's absolutely key to get the facts out to those who need them.
  4. Excellent article and it makes you wonder precisely what BT are fighting for.
  5. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with the substance here but in the case of Germany/West Germany, it's not so much that Germany inherited the FRG's memberships. It's rather that Germany is West Germany under the German constitution (aka Grundgesetz, aka Basic Law.) There was an article in the Grundgesetz that allowed for the creation of a unified state: this wasn't used. Instead West Germany absorbed the former East German states and renamed itself. This wasn't a merger: it was an absorption. There was nothing for 'Germany' to inherit because Germany is a rebranded West Germany. And I did this at Glasgow Uni so you know it's right. edit: sorry, I see now that this was covered. So basically it's totally irrelevant as to what will become of Scotland, which we know anyway, i.e. Scotland will join the EU from the inside.
  6. Good thing their bunfieldery is completely irrelevant.
  7. You said on the other thread that the Spanish were going to veto us. If you weren't sure of that why did you say it?
  8. My wife and I returned to the US from a holiday in the UK on Friday, and we met her sister and her sister's boyfriend for dinner. We were talking about the UK in general, and my wife raised the point that the number of armed guards and shop-an-immigrant sentiment and the sheer hostility at the airport was really shocking to her. This isn't something we'd ever discussed, i.e. this was with no prompting from me whatsoever. To put this in perspective, she's from Texas. Just let that sink in.
  9. If anyone wants to talk about depression they can PM me, incidentally. That goes for anyone.
  10. I know we've had our differences on account of your appalling choice of political party, but: 1) agree totally with Rowan - get sleep sorted first. Your body needs it, and it also sounds like you would benefit from being awake and (preferably) outside during daylight hours. See a doctor if you can't get it under control. 2) I have had the same feeling of being a bother to everyone, but like you say, on an intellectual level you know it's not true. All you can really do is hold on to that, and if you're getting that vibe specifically from someone, you cold just ask them. It'll be awk as f**k but you'll feel better when they tell you you're being an idiot. Good luck!
  11. Nah, proper ones. Those friendlies are a false economy.
  12. The only way United should be looking at 3m is if there's a fuckload of addons.
  13. I'm also not one for New Year. Try just to avoid it, I guess.
  14. Loneliness is a slow-acting but fatal poison. You need to get some mates. I know I'm just restating what you said but you need to do it and do it soon. Find a group or society or team for something that interests you and, with no excuses, join it. If it's shit, quit and join another one. Repeat until mates happen. Start today.
  15. Mate, on mobile so I can't write a full response right now but you're still really young. No fucking way is your youth over at 22. Even if it was (and it's not) I turned 30 this year and the last 2 years have been the best of my life, even allowing for a relapse of depression.
  16. I don't think the hype will ruin him, he seems to be very level-headed.
  17. When the top 10 comes out the seethe will be hot enough on which to sear an ahi tuna steak. #protein
  18. I'm getting announced. No question of that. No question of that.
  19. If I wasn't so fucking masculine I'd have shed a tear at that.
  20. The higher you build your barriers The swoler I become Siempre contigo, mhak & The Collector.
  21. I remember a few weeks ago you were saying Scotland shout set up a friendly with them to boost our rankings. You disappeared from that thread pretty quickly.
  22. We'd put around eight past that mob without breaking a sweat.
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