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Everything posted by Burma

  1. You should keep track of your accounts better. Well and truly rumbled you creepy little freak. Now off you trot and let the adults talk.
  2. Forgot which account you were logged into. How many accounts does this weirdo have?
  3. Yes he has. Now answer the question you weird obsessed little orc. Or perhaps its because the answer doesnt fit in with your agenda or your compulsive pathological lies. Bennet the orc who never posts about his club.
  4. Was McConville blogging about the old club in 2009 when this happened? Was he blogging about the dead club in 2010 when this story ran? More lies from the thoroughly discredited ork bennet.
  5. A bit like Aunt Sally who in his own despicable way attempted to incite physical violence upon the panel who ,ironically, gave the old club a wee slap on the wrists for commiting offences which were barely short of match fixing.This thoroughly reprehensible excuse for a human being attempted to rake up the tragedy of two young girls commiting suicide as justification for spitting the dummy over a tv intro which parodied the opening credits of 'Mad Men' An act by Fattie McCoist which horrified many in the healthcare profession. Yet for some reason this failed manager and discredited scumbag gets a free pass.
  6. Am I not correct in thinking that Chuckie Cheese cant sell his shares until December?
  7. Seriously. Is this what passes for an apology from you. You are caught telling blatant lies about a fellow poster, challenged on it, whereupon you repeat the lie and again are caught out and this is the best you can do. Pathetic
  8. Dont post here much as the pantomime is becoming increasingly irrelevant. However best of luck to both sevconians Tedi and Bendarroch in their upcoming procedures. Hope you both make a strong recovery lads.
  9. Just finished laughing at tedi's total and complete meltdown. His finest moment so far. In fact, aye, ill have another read. What a nightmare!
  10. Nah looks like Chuckie Cheeses non statement has amounted to nobody wenting anywhere. But i would love to see them leave. Keep at it. Pressure everyone and start petitions. Cant you physically move the whole club lock stock and barrell to a new country.
  11. So you still havent explained to us all why your a bigot who continually uses bigoted language to describe others.
  12. Like Ally did with the suicides of two yuung homeless girls, scum that he is. Can you explain why you think continued use of bigoted language and name calling is acceptable. Pretty scummy thing for you to do
  13. This from a bigot who routinely uses pejorative and bigoted terms to describe people.
  14. Winning friends and influencing people as they make their way through the leagues. Chuckie Cheese was RAGING on stv news. RAGING i say.
  15. Your a bigot because you routinely use bigoted language to describe others.
  16. You posted on a debate forum to explain that you cant be bothered debating.
  17. As in "how can i change this debate which has exposed me,Ally88, as an unintelligent bigot.
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