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Posts posted by parsforlife

  1. Yeah, if it was at that concentration it would be much less risk.

    The alcohol one is interesting as I'm guessing that it takes a lot more chronic use to induce permanent psychotic symptoms ?( ie you need to be an alcoholic )

    I know a lot of the drug induced psychosis guys we being picked up in gereral adult psychiatry. The alcoholics who had psychotic like symptoms were mainly seeing the drug and alcohol guys.

    So what's our conclusion? Weed/alcohol

    - used in moderation at low doses you'll be fine

    - used chronically at high doses you will potentially lose your mind


    Someone will likely know more than me but I think the alcohol stuff was close on alcoholic levels but I thought when they talk of psychosis through weed use it was mainly people that spend most their life stoned.

    And yes the general rule for drug use is the more you use the worst it will be for you.

  2. One of the points Proff Murray makes is that if everyone smoked the groovy weed that was available in the sixties with THC concentrations of 3% then there probably wouldn't be an issue.

    However skunk and the genetically modified weed has THC concentrations of > 13% and there does seem to be a link. Some argue that folk who have drug induced psychosis would have developed it anyway, and that the weed just speeded up the process. Others though see a clear link with smoking to much, and having increase paranoid symptoms leading to full blown schizophrenia .

    Given the maket led nature of what people want and the increasing strengths of weed available is it worth the risk?

    As you say though Proff Nutt was "off message" and rather than using it as an opportunity to have a debate about the risks involved in all drug use ( including alcohol) they sacked him before the daily mail could start a campaign.

    I believe that the schizophrenia angle had been slightly overhyped , interestingly with the usage talked about that contributes towards psychosis then alcohol has a significantly bigger chance of causing psychosis.

    Anyway if you legalised weed with THC concentrations of say max 5-6% ( random number, it would be interesting to see what % someone like prof Murray would say psychosis becomes a risk) is your average user going to bother too much about sourcing illegal. high % stuff( with all the risks that entails).

  3. A couple of other points to add to the debate ( not read full thread so if already covered, tough)

    Prof David Nutt, former drugs Czar talks a lot about the relative risks of taking drugs such as ecstasy. Essentially it is much safer than many other day to day activities. Not seen his latest work but fewer deaths due to ecstasy than due to alcohol. So that's pretty clear - legalise on safety grounds.

    However, there is a growing concern in psychiatry about drug induced psychosis. Proff robin Murray at the Institute of psychiatry has done a great deal of research on this, and concludes there is a greater risk of developing serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia if you are a regular smoker of cannabis. ( all weed isn't equal. High concentrations of THC to CBD can increase the risk). As it is mainly young-ish people who will smoke large amounts, and as the common onset of psychotic symptoms can occur in the 18-24 age group, it seem pretty clear- don't leagalise on health grounds.

    so if anything should be legalised , it should be ecstasy , but not sure what the effect on mental health would be in the long term.

    The increased risk if schizophrenia is being disputed i think, regardless with legislation you can control the concentrations of THC to CBD,

    Anyway. It seems to me that prof nutt is one of the best advisors to government I've seen, and he got sacked because he gave the wrong advice.

  4. I'd have thought that electing murderous gangsters into public office is probably the most obvious example.

    In doing so they may have given them some "respectability" but only at the expense of some of their own.

    Well yes, but that was already mentioned. The % of votes that go to absolute scum is shocking, I know that a lot of votes here also go on lowlife politicians but even the worst of them are shining examples of morality in comparison to large amounts of those in NI.

  5. Utter tosh!

    Growing up in the Ballysillan area of Belfast at those times I knew of several people who were most likely involved in paramilitary organisations but, without proof, what on earth would you have me do? Tell the police and then wait for the inevitable beating/kneecapping? The key is that they were most likely involved.

    People like my mother went about her daily business and didn't even have the faintest idea who any paramilitaries were, now would she have wanted to, and she certainly didn't support them.

    It's not just the terrorists tho, I can to an extent understand why you didn't tell the police about them. It's the environment that allowed them to flourish.

    You don't just become a terrorist from being a civilised person.

    If the communities called up those that mark terroitries by painting everything in their colours and writing kah/kat everywhere they can then they are much less likely to want to actually follow through on those slogans.

    If those chucking stones/bottles at the other side are pulled up for it and punished. Then they aren't as likely to move from bottles to bombs.

    If people don't hand over the sides of their houses to become memorials to terrorists, if the likes of the OO(unfortunitly I can't equal this up as seems necessary sometimes by naming the republican equivalent as I simply don't know who they are) marching through your streets whilst celebrating killing the other side are shunned rather than treated as a celebration like normal towns would their gala days(and even these are mocked as seen recently on here). Then signing up for your local division of whatever terrorist group becomes a lot less tempting.

    The support of these kind of things I mentioned helps recruitment massively for your various murdering groups, that is pretty obvious.

    And that's not mentioning the direct support that happens.

  6. quick question, is dunfermline 100% safe now or do you still have alot of debt to clear?also if you did somehow get relegated would that have a massive impact on the club stadium wise?

    Well not 100 % safe, no club ever is. We will be in debt to some of the patrons who are stumping up the cash for ground, + the football debt to pay off + cva payments, on top of this Brian Jackson has warned about the problems businesses face in the 1st year post- admin mainly as you can't get credit agreements with anyone and cash up front makes business hard to do.

    We will still suffer for this for several years despite what some say, it certainly isn't a case of all our problems disappearing.

    That said pars united are aware of all this and we are not in any immediate danger.

  7. In terms of the ashes then fair enough(so far), but this test is a farce IMO, sport shouldn't be decided on weather. Deciding when to declare etc wouldn't disappear with 5 guaranteed days, but they know how long they are playing for. Weather, and weather forecasts can change quickly, particularly over 5 days.

  8. Mainly tradition, I suppose, but in the modern age scheduling as well (TV, hospitality etc.)- Timeless Tests were tried a few times in the 1920s and 30s but they eventually scrapped them.

    sports like golf, tennis etc are able to get round the modern day issues, I can understand not having timeless tests but having your chances of winning taken away by weather despite at times having a large lead isn't right IMO. I recognise this is an argument those that follow the sport more closely than myself may have had several times but I simply don't understand it. It can be like a football team being 4-0 up after 60 mins and the games abandoned, you don't declare that a draw you replay the match. Similarly in golf if play is stopped and you can't complete 4 rounds by the end of the Sunday you don't state that everyone finishes on the same score, you carry on to the Monday.

  9. I know this has probably been asked plenty of times before and I'm expecting to be an obvious answer but why don't they just make test matches 5 full days play? Seems a rubbish way for a sport to decided by the weather.

    Anyone on this? I'm don't care that it's been in England favour this test but surely something that should have been looked into by now? If it has then what problems does it cause? Genially interested in why this anomaly exists in cricket, I can't think of another sport that doesn't make up for lost time in the way cricket does.

  10. I know this has probably been asked plenty of times before and I'm expecting to be an obvious answer but why don't they just make test matches 5 full days play? Seems a rubbish way for a sport to decided by the weather.

  11. I think Tomic has the potential to be better than both Janowicz and Dimitrov. However his attitude really stinks. Even as a 16 year old he thought it was beneath him to practise with Lleyton Hewitt as he hadn't won a tournament in yonks. His attitude really holds him back, by the end of their careers Dimitriv and Janowicz will have achieved more, Tomic's potential is really starting to slip away.

    At his dad likes fighting

    Sorry but it is a rule whenever tomic is mentioned you have to talk about his dads antics.

  12. If east fife do sell out their end the fair enough, but they couldn't get that for the play-offs that's why I'd be surprised.

    I agree we are likely to see a fall in crowds later in the year because I've no doubt that too many will be deluded into thinking it will be easy, but even if I'm wrong those turning up that aren't used to going every week/fortnight will get bored/return to what they normally do on a saturday.

    On the negativity issue, I agree that at times our fans have been negative including in the play-offs, but I think most are making a genuine effort to be more positive/forgiving to the players. I think that the attitude would have been more negative had this effort not been made, but old habits die hard and those that used to berate anything and everything for 90 minutes aren't going to stay silent.

  13. See we've been given under 800 tickets for east fife, I know they don't have a big capacity but I was expecting more than that. I'm working anyway but I'd be shocked if they sell 1000 tickets(allowing for segregation). Also wonder why they've waited til 10 days before the match to announce it and only give a week to buy tickets. Waiting on CVA announcement? Even so could have the tickets ready to sell.

  14. In contrast to how I felt yesterday I'm now feeling extremely positive for the future.

    And why this is good for rovers if we won't play them for at least a season? You can't be so short term, this may not change anything for you this year, but over say the next 20 years we will be in the same division very often, derbies are good for football.

  15. 3 players in on loan from Dundee United (including Ferguson) and Washburn from Torquay officially added to squad.


    Looks like good additions, would think that's us done til January and you would think this means no contract for buchan.

    I see washburns contract is 6 months, does this mean we can start signing up the players that are on monthly deals on longer contracts?

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