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Le Tout P'ti FC

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Posts posted by Le Tout P'ti FC

  1. "Consideration of the options available" - did this include moving to the astro at Lochaber HS for the season?

    If the league were willing to work with the club in a compassionate and pragmatic way, I don't see why this couldn't have been an option for a season.

    The number of postponements would certainly have dropped.

    I don't really know the full circumstances here, but from the outside this does seem rather draconian.

    If this marks the end of Claggan Park as a Highland League ground, I'm just glad I managed to get myself to a game up there before the end came.

  2. Wow. I'm pretty flabbergasted by this.

    See tweet for the steps taken to admit spectators to matches at an amateur football ground. Details including:

    * Intalling temporary changing rooms on an adjacent plot of farmland.
    * Building a new pathway to the ground from those temporary changing rooms.
    * Putting two thirds of the perimeter of the pitch "out of bounds" to spectators.
    * Asking spectators to avoid face-to-face contact, and avoid touching their own faces.
    * Face coverings strongly encouraged in all outdoor settings.

    In context, the average crowd here at games I've been to must be about 20.

    I just can't comprehend the level of detail, expense and effort made here. A complete surfeit of caution.

  3. Feel strangely proud of this. Sod all to do with my work. I've just mentioned how much I like their whisky occasionally, and trailed sand from the beach into their cafe now and again.

    Definitely recommend this one though, a lovely whisky.

  4. My definition of a good distillery tour is a large volume of whisky and getting to the good/rare stuff.
    A couple of halves and a walk about the place is a wee bit boring to me. The places that offer different ranges of tours where you can get a proper lineup of their range plus some bonus stuff. Auchentoshan's masterclass tour or whatever it's called is the best I've been on. Dear but well worth it.
    I'm with you!

    Lagavulin Warehouse tasting and Bunnahabhain Warehouse 9 tasting leave you worrying about driving a car four weeks later. That's my kind of whisky experience.

    Caol Ila also did amagnificent tasting in a wee room with church pews, where they were very generous with the samples.

    Recommend doing the Lagavulin tour with a very rich American couple on honeymoon, who crack open the 1966 cask for their tour buddies! That was 2011 so we were tasting the 45yo stuff.

    Basically if you get led into a darkened vault where you find yourself instinctively zipping your jacket up to combat the cold, you know they're about to break out the good stuff.

    Whereas the tastings held up in the visitors centre or some tweeded "library" are usually keek. But I'll give an exception here to Bruichladdich, who treat their guest in the visitors centre very well indeed.
  5. Anyone done the Oban Distillery tour? Booked in for what will be, despite my love of whisky, my first distillery tour ever.
    Yes I have. It didn't have the ambience of say a Lagavulin or Bunnahabhain tour, and they weren't as forthcoming with the samples as I would have liked, but it was a good enough way to pass an hour or two.

    The good thing about Oban distillery is their shop. They have bottles from not just Oban but their sister distilleries (Lagavulin, Talisker, Cragganmote, Glenkinchie, Dalwhinnie). You might pick up something decent.

    Shop across the road (Oban Whisky & Fine Wines) is worth a look also.
  6. Yes, Grey Gull and family just out of shot - don't think my wife would appreciate the dating site!

    Strangely mid-Argyll seems to have been badly hit by a lack of deliveries with the bar out of stock of a few drinks and the Co-op in Lochgilphead running low on beer and soft drinks, Tarbert Co-op even more so with lots of empty shelves. I don't know if this is a country-wide issue.
    Nationwide. My local Coop (Peeblesshire) was down to the bare bones yesterday (delivery didn't arrive to the shop), M&S this morning was a little bit better but still bare in places.

    Supply chains are knackered because of the "pingdemic" in England. Tesco sent hundreds of tonnes of food to waste last week because they just couldn't get their fresh products out to the shops.

    Funnily enough I need loo roll and can't find it for love nor money. Ah memories of March 2020.

    The beer cupboard here is well stocked so I'll soldier on!
  7. And I'm home! 16.5 hours on the move today, and I wouldn't change a bit of it.

    Only two slight hiccups today, Glen Scotia distillery was closed by time I got to it after game so I couldn't get a dram to bring home, and I missed the 5pm Gigha ferry by a whisker (I had the wizard idea of getting a quick ferry over and back to break up my drive home).

    Reflecting on the game, I was quite impressed by Kilsyth, they were pretty ruthless. A lovely bit of skill on the left wing created the goal just on stroke of HT, which broke Campbeltown, and their defending in the second half wasn't the best. Kilsyth looked really fit and well organised.

    Suspect the Pupils will have better days ahead though, not every opponent will be as ruthless.

    The set up at Kintyre Park is perfectly fine for Tier 8, and plenty of potential to improve on it as they grow. The big banking along one side gives a great vantage point.

    The crowd has been announced as "over 200 and sold nearly 100 season tickets today" which is really impressive.

    Look forward to going back one day! Suspect my next trip will fit round a trip to Islay, but I wouldn't rule out doing the 400 mile day trip again.

    Recommended! A really fun trip, felt like a mini-holiday (as my sun burn attests).

    Also a wee word for the town itself. It gets a really bad rep, people say it's run down etc. I'd give it another go if you feel that way, my last visit there was in 2019 and plenty has changed for the better since, there was a definite bustle to the shopping street, lots of independent shops, plenty places to grab a bite to eat or a coffee - great to see a town centre on the up, let's celebrate that instead of putting them down. Some fantastic historic buildings in that town as well, it was great to wander round for a bit after the game.

  8. Stuff the [emoji925]. Take a [emoji576] instead. Landing pad right next door to the park. Attached to the hospital, but I'm sure they'd let you bring a chinook in for a small fee.

    One nil to Kilsyth nearing HT. Campbeltown were playing a scarily high offside line for a while and Kilsyth burst through countless times. Should have been about 3-0 after 10 minutes.

    But Campbeltown have settled down a bit now, game is much more even.

    Had my pre match grub at the Black Sheep. As I left, I came upon a new restaurant called No.42 Main Street. Looks a proper foodie place, whole lobster etc. Fully expect Coogan and Brydon to pitch up with a film crew.

    No sign of Spiers.

  9. The magnificent West Port Beach, about 10 minutes out of Campbeltown (just past the turn off for "Tangy"). Fog has suddenly set in pretty close to here, visibility down to about the length of a football pitch. Ulp!

    Even I would find it hilarious, after a near 200 mile drive and a 5am alarm call, if this match was postponed due to shan visibility. (I'm sure it will burn off, it's roasting.)

    Not to "fret" over the weather, the journey here has been magical. A road I know pretty well from my trips to Islay, but it never disappoints, and today I had it mostly to myself. Bliss. IMG_20210717_103138.jpegIMG_20210717_103520.jpeg

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