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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. Thanks for that, the bit about social spending and redistribution isn't a quote from Forbes but the FT's interpretation as I read it? There's very little direct quotes from Forbes in that section on economic policy. Other sections seem to have more direct quotes. I dont think she is going for trickle down economics. If thats her policy she wont last as long as Truss. That has been debunked as economic illiteracy. Why is Forbes even speaking to the FT? Also, phrases like wealth creation, deregulation and competiveness have been tainted by successive tory wrong 'uns and are best avoided.
  2. Edit, I've just nuked chrome. So should be safe now.
  3. Tuesday will be quite instructive. Suprisingly we have the best away record in the league. (26 points from 14 games). Dundee are quite mean defensively and they ragdolled us up there earlier in the season. We barely put a glove on them that day, they were just quicker and stronger. It will be a real measure of where we are and what is still possible this season.
  4. Can you share the article from the FT? I'm not a subscriber. Not that I'm distrusting but it's easy to pull something out with the context. Particularly when it's a partisan on twitter.
  5. Did Toni not try to own Glenn Campbell for grammar the other day and ended in self-own a as he made a spelling error in his tweet. That's literally all I know him for.
  6. I couldn't give a stuff when the First Minister actually works. I'm interested in deliverables which are ultimately improving the life and opportunities of the people of Scotland and delivering independence. Whether that takes 50 hours a week or 20 hours a week is irrelevant. I find it a bit bizarre that people get worked up by that. I have worked a couple of Sundays in my entire career to date (c.20 years).
  7. Correct. In 13 league games he had 1 win, 6 draws & 6 losses. Truly dreadful.
  8. I see our conquerors from Monday were themselves conquered by QoS via a Donaldson own goal. A bit of schadenfreude, if nothing else.
  9. Granny doesn't let facts like that get in the way. Anyone who disputes the lines from party HQ are his enemies and against the cause.
  10. Let's hope this is the time when we finally turn the corner. Tuesday night is MASSIVE!!!
  11. Unfortunately, the someone on twitter seems to be closer to the mark than the party at the moment. It's really not that difficult to maintain a membership list. It takes time and administration. It seems like its been badly neglected. Any card failures or direct debit failures are known almost instantly. I know this as I've done it before and you then try to collect payment again. It shouldn't be difficult to update the membership list thereafter. In fact, you should be able to integrate it. Those eligible to vote should be defined somewhere. Then there is no scope for argument. My understanding is that it isn't clearly defined. However, someone whose membership lapsed 3 years ago shouldn't be voting. If its a tight result there may well be a challenge to the result. The party is imploding but change had to come. Its one of these one step backwards to take two steps forward moments. Assuming the new leader grasps the opportunity of a reset. This is a chance to sort the party and government out. Get the party engaging with the membership and improve transparency and decision making. Get the SG delivering competent government for the people with improved outcomes. It sounds simple but it's a bit ask, admittedly. Only 2 of the candidates have any chance of achieving that. I'm not counting Ash.
  12. Common sense would never have allowed the conflict in the first place. Murrell should have stepped down when Sturgeon became FM.
  13. The trouble is that votes have been cast. Its a hard thing to stop now. As I see it there are three options: Carry on regardless. Suggestions of impropriety remain especially around those eligible to vote (which does look a bit ropey). Whoever loses complains that it was rigged. Scrap the whole thing and re-run it. Suggestions will be that they did so because Humza wasn't going to win. You could appoint an independent auditor to oversee the process. Checking that the membership list from HQ to MiVoice only contained active members or memberships that lapsed within 3 months. This might seem like conceding to Ash. I don't envy the National Secretary, this has been a debacle. Damned no matter what you do.
  14. Independence won't be won if any time criticism is levelled at the SG we say but it's much worse in Englandshire.
  15. It's too difficult to explain and I can't quite remember...
  16. You're better than that. Everything in my post is factual not unsubstantiated. A members organisation that treats its members with contempt isn't much of a members organisation.
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