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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. If you are running as a change candidate its inevitable you will end up criticising what came before. That's only natural. Added to that, being bound by collective responsibility makes it hard to know what ministers really think anyway. There is a lot to criticise Forbes for, but criticising her for pointing out where the SG has not done enough or not prioritised the right areas, isn't really legitimate. Its also inevitable that opposition parties would use it. That always happens in leadership elections. Its to be expected. I think its more stark because Humza is running as continuity/business as usual. So he is loathe to criticise the previous administration as that is where he draws his support. Which makes Forbes points stand out more.
  2. Am I being whooshed here? Surely you aren't referring to the inquiry into the Salmond debacle where the SG failed the nine complainers and you're saying people joined the SNP to support the FM? If so, they were wrong 'uns and I'm pleased they have left the party. For any rational sentient being it should have had the opposite effect. To-date no-one has taken accountability for that failing and the chief architect of the debacle got a nice golden parachute from the SG upon her retirement.
  3. Also heard a clip of Sturgeon on the radio saying everything was fine and there was no impropriety on the part of the party machine in the leadership election. She then said it was on those making suggestions of impropriety to demonstrate what the issues were (which I thought was fair enough). I didn't think she sounded very sincere though it was a bit condescending and sneery (that seemed to be her raison d'etre post covid briefings).
  4. I heard something on radio 4, that I thought surely couldn't be true. Apparently Humza quipped to a group of Ukrainian women "Where are all the men?". One of the women then politely explained that they were fighting in the war. Iannucci would be proud of that one!
  5. 72,186 is the magic number? Did anyone get it right?
  6. I thought @WATTOO had been unusually quiet. On the tactics, it's Bullen, I don't believe the players are just limited and revert to hoppyball when under pressure. I think a proper old heid in an assistant manager would be a good idea. That said, Bullen had the chance to bring someone in and opted to stick with what he had. Too much of Hopkin's kick and rush backroom remain for me. I think Bullen will get next season come what may so this is all rather academic tbh.
  7. It's almost like blocking any MPs from becoming MSPs without resigning first was a bad idea. Who'd have thought that? Party HQ wanted Gus in Edinburgh Central and Cherry nowhere near it. Short term gain for long term pain that one. I expect Gus would have beaten Cherry for the nomination anyway.
  8. I assume you mean Forbes. My hope is that whoever wins, we see the decentralisation of power within the party. There has been an iron grip on the levers of power. From Murrell, the NEC and Sturgeon. Its a chance to allow ordinary members to be a part of the process. I hope we get a newer/fresher cabinet with the odd old heid. The new leader also has to tell the Greens to GTF or get back in their box (I'm looking at Humza here!). They only poll so well on the list because of the SNP and its time they were reminded of that.
  9. I wonder if we will shell it long all game? *Insert Obi Wan 'Don't try it' meme here. We are capable of winning this and we really ought to be (if our aspiration is the play offs or better). It would be nice to get the cup game out of our system. We are so up and down at the moment it's hard to judge. Head says a draw. Heart says we'll win.
  10. Thanks folks, on balance, I'll give it a miss.
  11. Can you lads and lassies let me know if its worth a watch.
  12. I'm going to watch the Last of Us, that's bound to cheer me up!
  13. Suffering f**k. Who are these people? Real life happy clappers. I can only assume they don't attend our matches.
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