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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. If Forbes is a tory, there must be a whole load of commies in the SNP.
  2. NS had run her race. She now polarises opinion in the same way as Salmond did when he stepped down. She recognised that and has stood down. Fair enough. However, in order to progress the cause the tent needs to get bigger. Can any of these candidates actually do that? On the one side you've got the progressives who want to move too far socially too fast (for the broader electorate) on the other you've got the moon howlers who want a UDI and to stomp their feet until we get independence. It is a disparate coalition as it, how do you grow it? I don't envy the next leader. To date no-one has really made clear how they change things. Humza just keeps crying continuity (which would normally be the death knell for a leadership campaign), Forbes wants sensible economic policy and focusing on delivery (but is thin on the detail and the how) and Ash Regan is courting the Alba Das and fruitcake wing (she's just a spoiler). Anyone sensible is thinking, clowns to the left of me jokers to my right! f**k you Angus Robertson!
  3. When you realise Humza may be the best option...
  4. It better not be 'Cunto McCuntface' Lambie or 'DKB' McLean or I may implode.
  5. Kobayashi Maru I doubt Regan will get to 10% tbh.
  6. Frankly, the government has been meandering for years now. There aren't that many achievements to speak of. It's why I'm so pissed off, I genuinely thought we would get some competent governance out of this. Instead it's a fucking clown show with irrelevant non-entities. I think it would be disingenuous of any candidate to proclaim that it's been milk and honey under the current administration. I actually find it astounding that Humza is running as continuity. It's always a harder sell. My ballot would be getting spoilt, I'd suggest SNP members do the same. It would send a clear message that you aren't content with the field.
  7. Not expecting a big crowd, unless they are holding it outside?
  8. With our horrendous highlights trying to identify players is hard enough let alone their limbs. It gives the SFA an easy out as they say the footage is hard to discern. Also you need the cunto of a ref to admit he erred. I fully expect he didn't. The club should definitley give the SFA it tight. More generally, I'm sick fed up of abject refereeing and refs being above criticism. It's a nonsense, they are treated like a protected species. Also McLean getting Ayr matches. Statistically (our results) show he is the worst referee we have ever encountered. I wonder why that is? Incompetent fuckers. They aren't smart enough to be corrupt tbf. Fucking eejits.
  9. Can we end the campaign now? This is so uninspiring.
  10. Some result lads and lassies. Fair fucks to those who travelled.
  11. That because none of us will be travelling you utter helmet.
  12. Speaking of nipping I remember Peter Murphy getting Rory McAllister sent off. With McAllister moaning to the ref, he's nipping me. Before losing the head and getting sent off. Delicious.
  13. This is inevitable... Trying to work out who will be the least bad option is tricky. Frankly, I doubt any can really advance the cause. Which is a depressing thought.
  14. Apologies if you are not. However, your giving him the benefit of the doubt and parroting the line from his campaign. When the basic facts wrt. dates show that his version of events doesnt actually stack up. Your hypothesis could be correct with regards to preserving the relationship with the Muslim community and the Pakistani consulate. If that's the reason though he should just say it. He's left it so long that everyone will draw their own conclusions now. However, my gut feel is he's trying to ride two horses. Namely, I don't allow my faith to affect my legislating and I had an unmovable meeting so missed the final stage of the equality marriage vote. I'm certain the second statement is false irrespective of the motivation.
  15. I wouldn't engage with him on this matter. His mind is made up. #TeamHumza
  16. I wasn't at the game but going down to 10 men from 30 mins is always going to be a struggle. It's not yesterday's result that has dropped us out the top 4. Technically it is, but by all accounts (from what I've read) there were some positives unlike Queens Park away, Partick at home and to a lesser extent Raith away. They are the games that have hobbled us. All that being said we need something from Tuesday. Preferably a win! Lose on Tuesday and I think any outside chance of the title goes. Top 4 will be a real scrap by the looks of it. Just to demonstrate, 4 games ago we were 6 points ahead of Partick we're now 3 points behind them. We have 1 point from 4 and they have 10 points. We need our run of that sort of points haul to stay in this. Any update on Murdoch?
  17. We spent the vast majority of the available budget in the Summer window. With excess funds (Cup run) being retained for next season. The club have been quite clear about that.
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