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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. Aye, is it. It makes this shuddering noise every so often and freezes as well. I thought I was having an episode at one point.
  2. Whoever wins is a caretaker imo. A bit of a Davie Moyes following Sir Alex. I honestly think the new leader could be gone post the WM elections next year. I reckon that's why some people opted not to put their hats in the ring (utter shitebags).
  3. It was widely reported that Mi-Voice received 78,000 names from SNP HQ to issue online ballots papers. This wasn't disputed by SNP HQ. It was then subsequently reported that SNP membership had dropped to 72,186. This suggests there are approximately 5.8k more ballots than members. I guess it could be lapsed members within 3 months? So memberships lapsing from 15 December 2022 to 15 February 2023? It's all a bit unclear. Added to that, there are instances of long time lapsed members receiving ballots. It shouldn't be that difficult to do a vlookup in excel between membership numbers of the ballots issued and the membership database (assuming its up to date). However, I suspect the membership database is a shambles so there is no master list that has been maintained and is accurate. Without undertaking a proper bump and tick of the membership list and checking when each one made their last membership payment to the bank. Which would be pretty labour intensive process for 70,000+ members. If the result is a close one this could be problematic. I expect there may be a carve up in any case for the sake of unity unless Regan wins.
  4. I guess the issue is how many people ineligible to vote have actually voted? Anecdotally, the membership list they are using is clearly shambolic. With a number of lengthy lapsed members being able to vote in the contest. They really ought to weed those votes out. If they could do that and ensure only those eligible to vote actually voted then I see no reason to re-ballot.
  5. My point was specifically around Murrell releasing the figures. I do agree that there are many reasons membership reduced and not just GRR (although it was a factor). There is documentary evidence that SNP HQ was still saying membership was around 100k a month ago. See below email from Chirs Musson from the Sun. The 'it wasn't due to the GRR', is just deflection. Murrell flat out lied and had to go. Apparently NS was on Loose Women today parroting the line that that it was misunderstanding and they were referring to those who left because of GRR. The below email makes no reference to GRR and is in the public domain. Why they are still lying about it beggars belief.
  6. It's quite clear it would be the subject of extensive debate. Any members organisation that lost so many members should really be working out why they lost them. Mike Russell, the SNP President (now interim CEO) didn't even know the figures! I find that remarkable. How can you debate the leadership of an organisation and not know the state of the finances or the grass routes (ie. members)? The number of people doing a Mhairi Hunter and giving it "I don't care" is because they'd rather bury their heads in the sand than accept the abject leadership of the party that they were complicit in. Those who were challenging Murrell and the cabal around Sturgeon on transparency have been proven right. As hard is that is to accept.
  7. I think that's a very naive interpretation.
  8. This has great potential for a sign up to P&B by Mark for him to school us and tell us how it really is!
  9. Given we struggled to match Mullin's wage, I think Devlin will be out of our price bracket, unfortunately. Would love him back.
  10. Aye, McAllister gives his all but he's too limited to be the starting right back. He's solid mind and I prefer him to Houston. How's Tumilty been doing at Hamilton?How was he on Saturday?
  11. An Ayr fan and occasional P&B chess player (not as good as @DeeTillEhDehmind).
  12. Agree with this broadly but we need to be better than 'this worked last week' so we'll try it again. I'd like to see us be a bit more proactive in that regard. Tweaking the system as necessary dependent on who we are playing.
  13. Fair point. I don't have him on ignore as it's quite amusing when the whatabouter-in-chief accuses others of deflection without a hint of irony or self-awareness.
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