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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. I usually enjoy his work. Refering to Boris as the convict when he was PM was some of his better work.
  2. The problem is that the US is so partisan that half of America will believe this is a political hit job (by a Democrat AG) and the other half believe its justice working as it should, without fear or favour. Hopefully, the independents (who let's face it, decide US elections) realise that he is dangerous and won't buy into his propaganda. Whatever the outcome.
  3. John Crace's verdict on FMQs: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/mar/30/humza-yousaf-reprises-nicola-sturgeon-old-hits-underwhelming-first-fmqs
  4. At least he never said he couldn't recollect. That's an improvement on NS.
  5. Honest Lads and lassies. We're no longer technically insolvent. We revalued Somerset Park which I thought had been long overdue. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/ayrshire/ayr-united-accounts-show-positive-29586210 It's encouraging though as it shows we are moving in the right direction off the field.
  6. I wonder if they were protesting the GRR in the same manner, if they would be so successful? It's tinpot that the Parlaiment can't get a grip of this. The Presiding Officer really needs to step up here.
  7. Is the opposite also true? Enjoy your red dot whatabouter-in-chief.
  8. I can't believe I read that drivel and I'm still awake.
  9. The reverend knows his audience. He appeals to a niche of the independence movement. He feeds their conspiracy theories and their need to rail against authority (in this case the SNP). Whilst he bedazzles them with what they want to hear with his "journalism" all the while counting the clicks and the donations rolling in. He does very well out of it financially. He's like the Infowars bawbag but on a much smaller scale. Similar to Jones, I'm not convinced he actually believes what he says which kinda makes him even more deplorable.
  10. Did we not try that with Craig Beattie during the Roberts era. You are triggering the PTSD again.
  11. We've got injuries af centre half so it's not inconceivable tbf. I'm not agin it.
  12. Sturgeon is an Ayr fan. I'm fully expecting to see her on the terraces at Somerset Park.
  13. Maybe I'm being precious but the BBC live update reads "LIVE Scottish cabinet posts being handed out" like a position in the cabinet is some sort of raffle prize! Humza announces cabinet appointment seems more appropriate to me.
  14. I love Jonathan Frakes, so have reluctantly green dotted you.
  15. I beg to differ good sir, I remember our new hub doing a star turn in the middle of the park. It was the man of the match in a couple of games. Thank you.
  16. Corbyn will win Islington North as an independent at a canter. He holds a 26.2k majority (48.7% of the vote). No Labour candidate beats him in that seat. Frankly, a wasted effort for all concerned and I'd have thought Keith would have better things to be doing.
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