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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. Not sure it was your intent but you're making me hungry.
  2. I, for one, welcome our new Humza overlord.
  3. Great to see Humza at Ayr United Football Academy today.
  4. I'm a lapsed member. I have no issue debating the points with you and expect a robust challenge. As Sophia suggested that's much better than group think. I've only ever voted Labour & SNP. I once voted for an independent in a Council election but tbf to the guy he did get fly tipping cleared when the council told me to do one (it was a private road!). I felt somewhat indebted to him and having spent most of my voting life moaning that politicians never deliver for their constituents, he did. I've also on occasion spoilt my ballot in frustration at the quality of the candidates.
  5. You'll have to show your workings on the bold bit. Moreover, you are incredibly disingenuous, you have a pop at me personally saying I agree with all anti-independence supporters in this thread (given that includes people like Kincy - I find that quite egregious). Then come out with the smart-arse line. I'd suggest that is attributable to you more than me. FWIW In order to win independence we need to convince people of the argument. Also, those on the opposite side of the argument, can be right. It's not weakness to admit it or even agree with them occasionally.
  6. Hardly celebrated it. I mentioned he was in open rebellion described the publication as the Heil and I supported jetisoning the Greens. You've obviously never read my posts after an Ayr win if you thought that was me celebrating? Moving to the middle makes more sense than moving left. That's hardly a revelation. Those who desire a Scottish Jeremy Corbyn will find the result is the same. The majority of the electorate aren't there! Also the coalition I refer to is the broad electoral one of the SNP, not the agreement between the SNP and the Greens which is for all intents and purposes unnecessary. Apart from that your post was spot on.
  7. ^100% In the constituency it simply has to be SNP. In the list you can vote for whatever your poison, be it Green, Alba or SNP again. That's what any sensible independence voter should be doing. Anything else risks allowing the Unionist parties in.
  8. Is BuckyOHare stuck on repeat? I think we all understand your view.
  9. The worry here is that the party has always been Independence first and foremost and policy secondary. With most recognising that when Scotland becomes independent the party will split. For some reason there are those who claim to be independence supporters keen to split the electoral coalition and party that has been so successful. Unfortunately, its both the progressive wing of the party and those on the centre right. The progressives who want to push social policy more and more to the left. Those on the centre right who've had enough of the Greens and think we need to focus on growing the economy. Can both these co-exist? Salmond and Sturgeon did a good job of keeping a lid on things. Salmond through allowing free votes and Sturgeon with cast iron control of the party machine. Over to you Humza, its the time for consensus building and allowing policy discussion through the membership and at Conference. Something that had been stiffled under Murrell.
  10. Yeah, I struggle to understand the mindset that poor performances don't matter because we are playing dross opposition. If anything it makes it fucking worse as we could have done so much more this season!
  11. I wouldn't be surprised if we beat Morton, we have become something of a bogey for them. I'd also fancy us to beat one of Queens Park and Raith at Somerset. I'm not expecting anything from Partick and ICT away tbh.
  12. FWIW This season is an improvement on last season. That's unarguable. I expect we'll win at least 2 of our remaining 5 which will be enough for top 4. I expect our points total may mirror 2018/19 tbh. Whilst those further down the table have games in hand, they have to play one another. I can understand the frustration with performances like last night. We never really troubled Arbroath and it's been the case for a long time now where we struggle to get two good performances back to back. Probably since the first quarter of the season/October time. Its been very up and down and when the season comes to an end we may rue it as a big opportunity missed. That's my fear.
  13. If you believe some on here that's what Sandy Stewart did for Uncle Ian.
  14. Apparently Humza is considering pausing the DRS. Could this be an outbreak of common sense?
  15. I enjoy Ross Greer's salty tears! I wish he didn't get a cushy position on the West of Scotland list. The list actually really annoys me because all these no-hopers who could never win a constituency race end up being rewarded. Most of them Unionists tbf but the same applies to the Greens. Edit - Before I get letters for being against proportional representation. I'm not, I just don't like the necessary disconnect between the voting and a specific candidate.
  16. Fergus Ewing is in open rebellion. Writing in the Heil no less! I wholeheartedly agree with him wrt. the coalition with the Greens. It's a nonsense, it's held up as somehow sacrosanct but for all intents and purposes its useless (much like the Greens).
  17. Tontrooper clearly bevvied last night. I hope his hangover this morning is suitably debilitating.
  18. I broadly agree with this but we didn't really create any clear cut chances it was more like half chances. We were shafted by some shocking defending. We weren't even close to the Arbroath attackers. If anything Arbroath could have had a couple more rather than us scoring. Edit - Other than the Dempsey chance which was more like a half chance. I can't really remember us really testing Gaston.
  19. As I said on the Ayr thread, we were lucky to get nil. Well played Arbroath.
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