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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. Shock as football fans on a football forum discuss football.
  2. Aye, the dichotomy around age in this country is bizarre. So many things can be done at 16 or 18 - big decisions but we're saying that under 25 should be considered differently for criminal acts. I can't quite square that circle. I know it's not a binary you're either old enough or not but it's all a bit of a muddle at the moment. I maybe need to do some reading on the subject matter tbh. In principle, it's hard to argue with the data that we really don't do rehabilitation well and prison doesn't actually work. I'm certainly not in favour of that bam Anderson wanting to bring back capital punishment either. Or castration as someone mentioned earlier.
  3. The Crown Office will appeal on the grounds of the sentence being unduly lenient. The perpetrator will ultimately get a custodial sentence. We're dealing with a judge who clearly interprets the guidelines as meaning no custodial sentence for <25. Given the judge even said the following as part of their ruling: It's quite clear that age is the mitigation here which is an altogether wrong headed interpretation of the guidelines. Basically, every KC has said more or less the same as well. It's a bit like when the Scottish ref (was it catastrophically bald Madden?) was given penalties for shirt pulling and then got taken aside and told that they were overinterpreting the guidance. Same thing will happen with this Judge. I have seen some chatter about this being the SG's fault but the guidance is written by an independent body with reports to SG. The government could change the law so for rape a custodial sentence is mandatory but that shouldn't be necessary.
  4. He's looking for a CEO of WOS to spend all that money, there's only one man for the job...
  5. Aye, the consistently inconsistent zone. That's where I am, I expect we'll get at least 54 points emulating 2018/19 and a fourth place finish.
  6. The police should really have called it Operation Magpie. I'm surprised no one mocked up a t-shirt with a mugshot of Murrell like Trump was trying to sell earlier in the week.
  7. At the end of the day, over £600k was raised for the IndyRef2 campaign and to-date no-one in the SNP has taken responsibility for it having been spent or even let the fundraisers know what it was spent on (some of whom weren't SNP members). I find that rather bizarre and it's indefensible but it's classic Murrell. I'd be surprised if it's criminal, unless there is fraud or the likes were he has personally benefited from it.
  8. The Guardian is more opinion than news now. I stopped reading it 2/3 years ago.
  9. Has the Magpie been released, or is he still being interrogated?
  10. Oooh, look an eagle... ETA - Mone should be in jail tbf.
  11. He hates Murrell, so that stands in his favour.
  12. Wrt. early warning. I expect there has been some like today so Sturgeon wasn't at home. I'd be surprised if NS & PM were told 2/3 weeks ago as Murray alleges. I do have one issue on the legal side and that is the Lord Advocate's role should be split but I've thought that since the Salmond debacle. I think its coming. One person cannot be head of the prosecution service and the government's chief legal advisor.
  13. This is all a bit bizarre. Maybe Murrell has hidden all the incriminating evidence in a lock box buried in the garden?
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