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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. Aye, throwing himself down there with no contact. I really hate that.
  2. McGinty isn't the worst. The fullbacks have been woeful all season.
  3. I'd be annoyed if any of these fuckers look happy when we are 2 nil down.
  4. The Winston look a like with the two pairs of glasses is the entertainment we all want.
  5. I get so frustrated by the team, its bipolar in terms of personality and performances. So so frustrating!
  6. Aye, I hope Arbroath stay up. If only for the steak and black pudding pie.
  7. It's not the only poll that's recent though, I could maybe forgive it, if it were. Hence my point on the cherry picking. Here's a savanta poll carried out this week. Is there really a 'bounce'? One poll doesn't constitute a 'bounce' which is precisely the point. Commenting on an individual poll to support a particular view point is nonsense and should be called out. I've just done it too! Edit - Just noticed Sophia made the same point. Great minds, fools seldom differ...
  8. I love when posters on here cherry pick a solitary poll and use it as vindication. Stuart Campbell levels of delusion in my view. Just one step off creating your own line graph!
  9. I don't think either commentator is guilty of having an original thought.
  10. Do you think that'll be his defence wrt. his taxes?
  11. 74 million is not a silent majority. Joe Biden had 81 million votes. He clearly doesn't what a majority is!
  12. I usually enjoy his work. Refering to Boris as the convict when he was PM was some of his better work.
  13. The problem is that the US is so partisan that half of America will believe this is a political hit job (by a Democrat AG) and the other half believe its justice working as it should, without fear or favour. Hopefully, the independents (who let's face it, decide US elections) realise that he is dangerous and won't buy into his propaganda. Whatever the outcome.
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