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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. I'll put you down as a potential heads gone. I'll wear that as a badge of honour.
  2. Sturgeon picking Yousaf as her successor can't be right. I cannot honestly believe she would inflict that on Scotland. He's been a bit meh in ever ministerial role he has held. He's not suddenly going to get better as FM, it's like the folk at work who you think have been promoted well beyond their competence. Promote them so they do less damage? Is that where we're at... Maybe she's protecting her legacy by getting an absolute no hoper in after her. She'll take a two year round the world sabbatical and then ride to the rescue and return as the glorious leader.
  3. Irrespective of who wins there are sure to be some good heads gone tomorrow! Some to look out for: If Yousaf wins in the first round then Wings will implode. Expect conspiracy theories aplenty about a rigged vote and electoral process. If Forbes wins expect the progressives to go into full on huff mode and some even leaving the party. Coupled with the careerist troughers (Yes, you Pete Wishart) falling into line. The Greens keeping their powder dry until they meet with Forbes. If Regan wins... yeah, that's not happening.
  4. What time is the result announced tomorrow?
  5. I missed this but totally agree with you. I thought he was man of the match. His touches and awareness show that he is a baller and has played well beyond this level. As you say, hopefully that's him at match fitness for the run in.
  6. To move the subject on a little from the Bullen debate - the tactical genius or managerial pariah? (the truth is invariably somewhere in between btw). It's quite interesting to look at the run in. Essentially this table looks at the PPG achieved by opponents you are still to play compared to your opponents already played. Ryan's caveat that past results don't equal future performance is worth bearing in mind. It is from Soccerstats and comes with a health warning as follows - They have the Raith pumping of Cove the wrong way round in that table. IE - Raith actually have 38 points and Cove have 27 points. What's interesting is that Queens Park look to have a significantly worse run in than Dundee. We also have a slightly easier run in according to this. This takes no account of current form as an example Arbroath at home have a PPG of 0.64 (1 win 6 draws in 14 games) but they just beat Queens Park (away admittedly). As North British suggested it is still mathematically possible that we win this league. It requires us to win every game pretty much as per below: Cliche alert - we need to take it a game at a time. That run with Morton (H), Partick (A) and Queens Park (H) looks vital. Ending the season away to Inverness is unhelpful but shades of 2020/21 where we had to go up there an get a result in the last game under Hopkin and we did it. Let's go!
  7. f**k sake Richey, why did you not tell me this in advance?
  8. We didn't just cannon balls at Shankland and hope he'd do something. We had Moffat linking the midfield and attack unlocking defences. The style of play was light years better than what we are served up for large spells through games at the moment. We were direct at times for sure under McCall but it wasn't our only strategy. We also knew how to shitfest when we had to. The team at the start of 2019/20 played some of the most delicious stuff. I also don't believe it was all Sandy Stewart (I know lots of people do) FWIW McCall wasn't the messiah (we know that now) and his teams always struggled through winter. However, he did actually instill a style of play and we had some sensational performances. Also, I happen to think Dipo would score more goals if we worked the ball into the box or crossed it to him rather than cannoning the ball at him. I don't think we are getting the best out of him tbh. Which is a scary thought, if Dipo plays in the 2018/19 team he'd have as many goals as Shankland if not more.
  9. Aye, no seats is a bit extreme on my part. Maybe 2 or 3 seats. There will be those who vote Green for Green issues but its not going to be huge. If you look at the 2021 Scottish elections: The number of votes for the SNP drops by circa 200k from the constituency to the regional list. There are only 2 likely places that vote goes: Alba - 45k votes (let's assume they are all from the SNP, that leaves 155k regional votes from the SNP constituency vote) Green - 220k votes (of which let's assume the residual 155k comes from the SNP). If you stripped these out the Greens would have 65k votes on the list which is 2 or 3 seats (depending where those votes are). Ultimately, the Greens benefit significantly from their association with the SNP. They need to remember that and making demands/ultimatums publicly in the manner they are is not sensible. Especially given the SNP can govern without them. They have very little leverage.
  10. I am sceptical about how wedded the Greens are to independence tbh. I think there is a degree of opportunism on their part. They'd have no seats if they didn't support it as all those list votes from SNP constituency voters would disappear. It's time they were brought to heel. A confidence and supply deal at most and they'll like it.
  11. I'm sure Mathie said we were due a new highlights package at some point. Dunno what's happened to it? I've stopped watching them as its dreadful. I occasionally see them when the BBC are covering us and have to do a montage of Dipo's goals the ones at Somerset are like something off a Commodore 64.
  12. I hear you but then why not be consistent with it? Above (as a goal scorer) he is referred to as O'Connor.
  13. It's good to see journalist standards at the Beeb are back to their usual level... Who is Daire O'Conchubhair?
  14. Storm in a teacup this. If I understand it correctly? Fans moan at shit free kick. Player tells fans to shut up. A score draw. Case closed.
  15. That makes a pleasant change. You may have been able to infer that I can't stand the man.
  16. Clownshoes, I'd like to say I missed you but just f**k off! He can't resist the limelight.
  17. 100% this. As I've said many times I'm firmly on the fence. I'm certainly not a believer in his approach and I haven't called for his head. My concerns are around squad building as D'Jaffo highlighted we need upgrades at full back. We need to replace Dipo (let's face it we're not getting another 30 goal striker!). Also concerned by the insipid tactics and failure to control games, we seem to revert to punting it long under anything resembling pressure. We have also failed to turn up in so many big games this season and the missed opportunities are frustrating. The league will not open up like it has this year. There is no doubt that the start of the season has raised expectations and that we've vastly improved on last season by league position. Performances have also been better on the whole and Bullen has earnt the right to be here next year. You never know we could win our remaining six games. Wouldn't that be something? I know, I know... its the hope that kills you etc. etc.
  18. Well, I've had worse Fridays. That was very pleasing. 3 points for us and nil points for Queens Park & Thistle. If Carlsberg did Fridays...
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