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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. Shankland edges it versus Dipo for me. They both have pluses and minor minuses. I'd say Shankland is the better finisher and the more complete forward. Shankland does a bit of everything really well. Dipo is better out wide and holding the ball up. They are both capable of creating something out of nothing. They would be a formidable pairing (on paper). That goal that Shankland scored at Firhill when Cammy Bell was off his line will stay with me forever. One of the best goals I've ever seen live. Phenomenal.
  2. Humza deserves a chance to clean the mess. Noises so far are decidedly mixed. I really want to see more of the scope of this governance review. Get it right and he buys himself more time. Get it wrong and it'll be open season at Conference. He needs to tell Hosie, Blackford, Marwick etc. to keep their mouths shut. It's unhelpful. There won't be a re-run of the leadership election. It is now becoming clear why some people opted to be a shitebag and duck the contest. It was because they knew the scale of the mess. Humza looks like the one establishment stooge that didn't know!
  3. As depressing as it is, we have no option but to stay the course. Any other vote in the constituency could allow the Unionist parties in. Use your list vote how you please though - SNP, Greens or Alba Das. It's fucking depressing.
  4. "This is the worst Championship ever." Some people say this ad nauseam its more habit than factual.
  5. What about his location? Does that not come into it? Or is that just east coast players?
  6. I take most of the SRE with a pinch of salt. The majority of them don't even attend games. At least, I hope they don't as they must be watching different games. Most of their takes are utterly bizarre. I don't use Facespace so only really see it when you lot post it here.
  7. f**k me, the old guard do the party no favours. Hosie was out saying nobody cares about the party finances and it doesn't cut through with voters. Blackford rolled out to give it the everything is fine routine and dodging the solvency question. Now Marwick who seems to be against transparency and accountability - the NEC are above reproach. None of this is a good look. Its making things worse not better.
  8. This is the problem, whilst the diehards double down in their support. Anyone who is wavering or a soft yes is really at risk as this scandal prolongs. I'm heartened by the fact support in the SNP is reducing but not support for Independence at the moment.
  9. Pleasantly surprised by yesterday's result. It makes Friday a huge game now, its a shame Queens Park won as the league title is still a possibility for them.
  10. Worst thing was it beamed across the UK. I was literally gringeing, Tommy certainly wasn't the best the yes side had whilst Gorgeous George probably was about the best the no side had tbf.
  11. Does anyone remember this one, just before the referendum. Tommy for Yes and George for No...
  12. Harvie and the Greens are just spiteful trolls. Nothing more.
  13. You're starting early! Are we in store for another of your monologues this evening?
  14. Aye, the attack ads are going down well. Masquerading as Tory-lite isn't the vote winner that Keith thinks it is. Its hard to know what the man actually believes in or what his vision is.
  15. It has been 3 months since the Section 35. You're right though, the Scottish Government had no time to engage with the UK Government.
  16. Yet, the court case is likely to be defeated. The smart move was to very publicly throw it back in Westminsters court. The previous FM said I'll see you in court and made no attempt to engage and Humza had his hands tied but let's not pretend this case is a shoe-in. It's not even a 50/50 shot.
  17. Makes for a good story though. Plucky wee Ayr United punching above their weight.
  18. Did you just misgender someone?
  19. That's the content that I'm here for. A great episode.
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