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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. It was bad enough enduring it once...
  2. I'm sorry but I cannot agree. This is revisionism. The 2018/19 team was built on the 2017/18 team. Likewise the 2019/20 team was built on the remains of the 2018/19 team (the 2019/20 team started the league on fire playing some of the best football I've seen us play). The issue was that we lost our management team and made some dreadful appointments. Under McCall and Stewart 2018/19 wouldn't have been a flash in the pan. We may not have been able to exceed it and that was what ultimately led to McCall leaving. However, we weren't the rudderless wreck you paint now. You do a disservice to the club then in favour of now. There is no balance with you, its all one way traffic. We've undoubtedly improved off the field and are more professional off of it as well with Smith, Mathie and Glendinning. The hub and the new north stand are phenomenal achievements. That said, If I hear once more about the 'plan' I may well implode. Every club has a plan its not novel or new (even for us - there has always been a plan), it would be a dereliction of duty not to have one. I'd argue on the field we have gone backwards, we have no discernable style of play and we have a phenomenal player propping up the team with some average players on multi year deals (the risk of signing players up or they leave for nothing) Your I'm a better fan than you shtick is tiring as well. You aren't a better fan than anyone else on this thread just because you are optimistic. Anyone who remains optimistic for this season having watched us these last 5 months has a screw loose in my view.
  3. The rule is ridiculous. Was it not supposed to be a temporary measure in the first place?
  4. You didn't watch the scene post credits of season 3, did you? Watch it now, watch it and understand it!
  5. I fucking loved this season. Inject the TNG nostalgia into my veins. Getting the old band back together again! Great to see John de Lancie as well! Some turnaround from the turgid season 2.
  6. We need to just take it a game at a time. I'm sure Bullen will say they are two cup finals. Somewhat perversely, I'd have preferred to be playing Raith away. At Somerset you need to go back to start of December for a home win against a team not called Cove or Hamilton. Can you guess who that team was?
  7. I hate to be pedantic, but a few years ago (2018/19) we finished fourth in this very division.
  8. Mine too. I have bigger ambitions and hope the club can achieve more but that was a great day and season. I know it's not a national cup or the top league but it was still something.
  9. I thoroughly enjoyed 2017/18, did that not count as winning something? The sight of the helicopter circling Somerset with the trophy will stay with me forever. You couldn't have scripted a more Ayr United way to win a title either.
  10. I tip him for being drowned in the sea during a freak trebuchet accident.
  11. That's the big worry for me. Will we actually move the average players on? The reason I ask that, is that some of the extensions and mutli years deals given out leave me perplexed. There are too many making up the numbers and not actually contributing enough in matches. One example - If I have to watch Paddy Reading at left back next season, I will implode with rage. I'm actually in two minds about renewing my season ticket which is fucking wild given where we have been. I'll be holding tight until I see what the outs and ins are.
  12. Insipid. As I've come to expect at Somerset, this year. Albinson should have been man of the match. He kept us in that, he's certainly playing very well and has improved a lot since being backup to McAdams. I'm a bit frustrated at that tbh. It kind of epitomises the second half of this season. Other points to note: How Ashford played that whole match I'll never know. He had one good cross. We really need a new left back. Every team attacks us on that flank because of the inherent weakness. Why is Daire so good when he comes off the bench? Weirdly McAlear played well whereas Dempsey and Murdoch were a bit meh by their standards. Dipo was a wee bit selfish two or three times. One time he should have rolled it to Maguire instead he took a shot with a very narrow angle. I get why he did it as he's carried us all season. I'm a bit flat tbh. Just end the season now and get all the something historic chat in the fucking bin. A season of what might have been!
  13. If anyone is interested in some bounce games before season 8, I will be available from this evening. Dearyme on chess.com.
  14. I think the blame lies with the SNP. Not the Alba das or the Unionists. This is a self-inflicted mess perpetuated by the former FM and her inner circle.
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