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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. You managed to leave me with an isolated e pawn early doors. Much to my frustration. Your bishop pair is still a pain in the arse though. I actually think up to winning the exchange I was losing. Will be interested to see what the silicone monster thinks. Still many moves to go in this one.
  2. I'm gonna try and hold it together until half time otherwise I'd likely lose my voice. I'm out of practice at yelling at the referee for 90 mins.
  3. It's not exactly knee jerk. He managed 11 games last season. 3/4 games into the league season he'll have had 18 games in charge (including the League Cup) His record currently stands at played 12 W2 D6 L4. He needs to bring in 4 quality players pronto. Otherwise its looking odds on that he'll be sacked by end of September.
  4. FFS! Thats a fricking debacle. It's the fault of you buggers that voted for the blue one over the grey one. I voted grey so I'm in the clear. At least when we play them we will be in black and white. What a fucking riddy, playing them in their training gear.
  5. Thanks for posting that. Useful to see it in black and white.
  6. My hardest opponents were yourself and Dee. No doubt. Closely followed by Ziggy (not much in our games - I think you've just hit a bad run of form this season) and ChessBassGuitar. Honourable mention to Gordon_EF who always plays some interesting stuff and is generally a pain (I mean that in a good way!)
  7. Shhhh... I'm trying to sneak in an extra win and pip Dee to the title and hope no-one notices.
  8. Is this the least prepared we have been for a season at this point (in terms of squad size) in recent years (ie. since McCall came in)? I was discussing this earlier and tended to think it was but it was anecdotal rather than fact based.
  9. I'll be gutted if true. We are really missing creativity and Moffat has that in spades. Think he could do a good job of feeding Adeloye.
  10. Aye, you and me both. I reserve the right to vent my spleen if I witness a turgid display like that on Tuesday night.
  11. Fucking camera is shite as well! Missed that penalty there. Did we score it?
  12. I couldn't give a flying f**k about this penalty shoot out. Its been rancid!
  13. Where you getting this from? Need to show your workings here.
  14. Disappointing lack of Italian flags amongst the home crowd imo.
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