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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. Pitch looks glorious. Maybe the groundsman knows his stuff afterall. Give me that pitch over astro any day lads.
  2. I like it. I'll be getting one for me and the boy. I'm worried I won't squeeze into the Large. Last year's away top was a squeeze and I've no stopped eating!
  3. A bit harsh on yourself there mate. Understand your frustrations though, it was nip and tuck until then.
  4. Surely that guy has spontaneously combusted by now? The level of seethe he generates is unhealthy.
  5. Bh3 is correct. I was fixated on getting the h pawn moving. I was following the old "passed pawns should always be pushed" maxim that I didn't even check for better moves. Hence my frustration. h4 is still good but Bh3 is nice as it wins an exchange and can alleviate the pressure on f2 if Black wishes to hold the f7 pawn. It frees up White's f rook which is my worst piece. As its constantly under threat from a discovered attack and needs to hold my kingside together.
  6. Division A Result Dearyme defeats Ziggy by resignation. I quite enjoyed this game although it was a bit wild (tactical) for my tastes. There were numerous pins and threats throughout it and in the early stages I spent far too long calculating. I'm not sure the outcome would have been the same OTB with time pressure tbh. In truth it was pretty tight apart from the last three moves where my passed h-pawn got to run up the board and was going to prove decisive. A smidge annoyed with myself, in the below I played h5. Can anyone spot the better move? I hadn't even considered it.
  7. Cheers, assuming we can attend I'll be at the League Cup home games so should be able to collect before those games. Depending on the home top I'd probably redeem them against a top for me and the boy.
  8. @Sortmeout f**k off to the killie thread or the crowd w**k thread Dindeleux.
  9. @Finlay21 Am I right in thinking I get 2 x £10 shop vouchers? I had a season ticket last season and this season. I didn't renew it as such because I made an arse of it but bought a new one on the first or second day they were on sale. Do I need to collect the vouchers by a certain date?
  10. I'm not sure I can pip you tbh. It was in my hands until you beat me. However, once I lost I was relying on a slip up which never came. I have 3 games left. From 17 games I have 12 wins, 3 draws 2 losses = 39 points. I can only reach 48 points (even if I win all). Whilst you haven't lost a game. You are 15 wins and 5 draws (I think?) = 50 points. I believe the title is yours my friend. Well deserved too.
  11. Aye, the boss said something along these lines a week or so ago. The below is from the Guardian (I couldn't remember the exact wording). It's maybe not a stretch to infer from a "return to almost complete normality in our day-to-day lives" would also be the same for football especially if easing social distancing indoors.
  12. Division A Result Dearyme defeats Bri1962 by resignation. I was saying to @keptie after the game that there wasn't too much in this. It was a Scandinavian. With White castling kingside and Black castling queenside. Which made for a more imbalanced position. I managed to pick up Whites f1 rook for a Bishop slightly fortuitously as Whites Queen was on e1 meaning the Rook couldn't move when attacked. I then got a big pin on a the White Knight on d2 with a Rook on d1 which meant White's pieces were pretty much fixed in defense. Allowing me to pick my moment to swap into a winning endgame. Without picking up the exchange, I think it would have been an interesting battle. Thanks for the game. Still got 3 on the go!
  13. I only came here to cancel out Marshmallo's red dots. Thank you.
  14. Given the fact your chairman is in the business of dealing with smells and waste. I guess that includes Kilmarnock FC?
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