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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. ^^^^ The utter state these DKBs get themselves into. Its delicious.
  2. Dearyme loses to Elrohan Oooft, that was a sore lesson there. I ended up with a horrendous position. I tried to exchange pieces to get into a hold-able ending at about move 30 I opted to swap off Knight & Bishop for 2 Knights. However, I was left with my horrendous black square bishop stuck behind my pawn chain. I then had to try and hold the position, even trying to get my Queen forward to try and escape with a perpetual but Elrohan covered all the squares. The issue was I was searching for the one best move every time to stay in the game. Eventually you pick the wrong one and the position gets slightly worse. Then it happens again and again and the game was gone. Pretty frustrating to be honest. I'm blaming it on pushing e3 rather than d3 early doors!
  3. Can't believe I hadn't noticed this until now. So sorry to hear this. Had played madwullie a couple of times at chess. From my little interaction, he seemed like a really great guy. Utterly devastating for his young family too. You are in my thoughts. I have donated to the just giving page. Let's keep it going!
  4. Suits me just fine. Still got 2 games going on and the cup to play.
  5. 1st 2nd 3rd The one with the budgie cracks me up as does the punch on the baby.
  6. Greenies for the best gif that epitomises this thread for the last week or so. Let's see what you've got...
  7. I think some folk need to cool down on both sides. We're all on the same fucking side so stop attacking one another! Sensible discourse should be encouraged. But the personal snipes, I'm a better fan than you and go and support someone else can all get in the bin. I've got no time for it and it's embarrassing.
  8. Aye, it will for sure. I actually mouseslipped on e3 I meant to play d3! Not loving my dark square bishop and my experimenting with 1.Nf3 was maybe a mistake.
  9. Edit- @gkneil @DeeTillEhDeh I'm back guys so will be able to play a bit quicker in our league games.
  10. This thread has been painful reading again. It's actually refreshing to read Skyline's posts, just let that sink in.
  11. You're approaching this all wrong, what makes you think this is Hopkin's primary recruitment strategy? Trials aren't inherently bad. Even if a couple look like go-ers, I imagine the manager will take them on trial for a few weeks to see how the integrate with the squad and how they are in training and only then offer a deal. Also QoS are doing it as well. So at least we have company. I hope we have first picks mind and not QoS's sloppy seconds!
  12. Guys, just because we've got trials doesn't mean we'll sign any. Dinnae worry about something that hasn't happened yet. There's enough to worry about as it is.
  13. I think your issue isn't necessarily with the budget, it's how it's being spent? I would imagine our budget for next year will be bigger again especially with 2 home games against the great unwashed. I'd wager we're running with a bigger budget than McCall had tbh.
  14. Whilst this is true, there is only so far you can go on the field if off the field is a shambles. The hub could be a game changer for us, with a significant new revenue stream for the club. On the field, contracts are short at this level usually 1 year or 2 years max. That hub will be standing for the next 50+ years.
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