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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. I actually think COVID presents the club with a great opportunity. Loads of people's routines have been erased these last 14/15 months. Meaning they don't have any other commitments and actually being out at the football will feel quite new/novel. We need to try and capture some of these people initially and retain them. Unfortunately, building the attendance will take time we are doing a lot of the right things. Improving the match day experience (Somerset Hub. New toilets etc.), increasing links in the community (through the Academy) and improving visibility that we have a football team in the town (advertising on the electronic board on Whitlets road). There is always more we can be doing particularly in the advertising/visibility side in and around the town. We were on an upward trajectory with McCall though. Routinely we were 2,000+ home fans, that team deserved more but that's how it is. It'll take time.
  2. It worked. Rather bizarrely, my king remained on g1 but my rook moved from h1 to f1.
  3. Given we lost Moore and it looks like Todd & McCowan. Surely we are bringing in 9. Also with Killie being relegated we could be signing an extra 1 or 2 more.
  4. Does that apply if my King is on g1 and Rook on h1 to start? With f1 empty. Could I castle and get my king on g1 and rook on f1? I best read the explanation tbh.
  5. Division A Round 11 Result Dearyme and beef2711 draw by agreement. It was a Grunfeld but I opted for the more conventional in this game. I think perhaps the f4 push was premature? Although the analysis said it was best. I never really got my central pawns moving and was left with an isolated passed d pawn. I had to be really careful towards the end to stop your 3 pawns v 1 pawn on the queenside. A bit of a frustrating game here, didn't really feel like I was ever winning which is frustrating as white. I felt a bit blunted tbh. Good game @Henderson to deliver .....
  6. ^ Anyone who gets injured by an egg should have been imprisoned for their own safety imo.
  7. It's always like this, this time of year. Those who preach patience and those wetting their knickers. Back to transfers, is Conway actually a possibility?
  8. I am genuinely stunned. That's a sore yin, could you no just have appointed another former Calley manager? For Uncle Roy to say this then appoint MacKay. Fucking hell...
  9. ^This, mines looks like a muddy field now and the damn birds are feasting on the seed!
  10. Glad we get to give Moffat a proper send off. The man is a legend and my favourite. Love the guy, looking forward to shouting my usual 'Get Moffat on' this year.
  11. Hey, that's my line! I actually get my first vacinne next Monday. With them accelerating second doses the vast majority of supporters should be fully vacinnated by August. We really should be back to some semblance of normality for the start of the league campaign.
  12. It's over saturation though. Surely he can delegate some of the media appearances to his deputy or the CMO or their deputy? Its maybe just timing but anytime I watch one of the briefings or the ads come up it's him. Is he not the co-host on Off the Ball now? I've stopped listening to that as well. The sooner he's back in his box the better.
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