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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. I can't stand that guy. I switch the TV or radio to another channel everytime he comes on. That's actually what I'm looking forward to the most when we get through this is never seeing his sour puss again.
  2. Yeah, no doubt about that. Just highlighting to the DKB that it'll no be easy. Partick would have been a better example to cite tbf. Because they were in League One I forgot they were in the Prem not so long ago!
  3. Oops, I meant to quote the DKB. I forgot about Lolkirk a very good point, well made. A gif for your analogy...
  4. The Championship is like the Hotel California for relegated Prem teams. You ain't going nowhere. Rangers, Dundee United and Hibs all failed to bounce straight back up. The Calley are still here. Enjoy your stay.
  5. Aye, I can imagine he's pissed off. I bet he wishes he hadn't jumped in at Killie. Look at the jobs available since - Aberdeen & Dundee United. Also, look at what Davidson has done at St Johnstone. He must be a real glum glum right now.
  6. Did Boyd have a meltdown post match? What about Wright? I switched off after the final whistle. Regretting it now. Andy Walker was pretty good tonight at one point he said on the evidence of this Killie will be finishing below Ayr next season.
  7. Well done Dundee! I salute you all, relegating the great unwashed is appreciated.
  8. Almost makes up for the miserable season. 4 Ayrshire derbies.
  9. Clubfoot having a mare there. Managed to take out his fellow defender and allowing Ashcroft a free header. You love to see it!
  10. It's what I play as black against e4. I find it works pretty well, black has a solid pawn structure and no long term weaknesses. It can feel a little passive as you end up a move or two behind on development but it is solid. Against better players it can be a useful drawing weapon. There are also lines where you can sac a pawn for some nice counter play.
  11. Looks a bit like a Nicky Devlin on steroids in that clip. Sounds like a good addition if it comes off!
  12. Division A Round 11 Result Dearyme beats AH13STU by resignation. Interesting game this one, it was another Grunfeld but I opted to give up the a pawn for more active play via Rb1. That's a move that Boris Gelfand likes and plays often. I think the decisive part here was retreating your Queen rather than advancing your queenside pawns. I was able to keep hitting your queen and improve my position. Bf6 was the critical error as the position crumbled at that point. Good game.
  13. Yeah, I actually felt I was worse. Ng5 was a phenomenal move on your part. I thought I was a pawn up and comfy and ended up a pawn down. I was lucky to hold the position. The mistake on your part was maybe going into an ending too early. Also going for my h pawn was the decivise one. You would have been better opposing my king with your king. Because if I ever move the Rook off the h file you get the h pawn anyway. I really didn't feel I deserved to win that one. Good game.
  14. I've just had a very quick look. Tbf after you lost the d5 pawn that position feels significantly worse for black to hold. A lot of the subsequent moves are either forcing moves or tactically opportunistic (like the e5 pawn being pinned to the Queen) which means almost any move for White will be excellent or better. The bishops on a2 and b2 are deadlier than they look as well. Very nice game for White. Some lovely tactics in amongst there as well. That poor black Queen was getting harried every second from about move 11 or 12.
  15. It is a good choice. Grunfeld is very dynamic and White doesn't get their own way initially. As white, I almost always open d4 c4 Nc3 irrespective of what black does. Need to start playing g4 or the like.
  16. I'm playing both of those fine gentlemen with white as we speak. 2 Grunfelds. Both just played b6 as well on move 12 and 17 (so not exactly the same positions). I don't actually have a Lewis Chessmen board. I've got a pretty good Game of Thrones themed one with a wooden table board that's got "When you play the game of thrones you either win or you die" etched on the edge of the board. Unfortunately, it lives in a big box as my kids are too young not to touch it! I think you're ready for the top league tbh.
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