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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. The club are looking for volunteer weeders: https://ayrunitedfc.co.uk/volunteers-required It's time for you amateur Titchmarshs to shine!
  2. ^^^^^^ Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the wee donkey. I ain't playing that. That looks absolutely nuts. What are the King and Queen doing on the 3rd and 13th ranks. Are they expendible? You'd think the big guns would be at the back not in the vanguard.
  3. Madwullie Cup Result Dearyme defeats Beef2711 by resignation. 960 is a strange beast. I got castled quicker and got into a more standard position faster. I was then able to apply a bit of pressure with a lead on development which proved enough to edge it in the end.
  4. @WATTOO continues his one man crusade against the intolerable abuse McGinty is suffering on p&b. Me... I hope we make some forward signings soon so we can stop going in circles over fucking McGinty!
  5. Aye, I dunno where he is digging that up from. The reaction to McGinty is signifiantly worse than it was for Muirhead. There is no equivalence between the reactions. As good an example of revisionism as you'll see on here.
  6. Higgins should have been sent to the guillotine after his performance against Auchinleck.
  7. Tbf, Dundee United don't play to his strengths. They play a brand of prgamatic anti-football. There's no doubt he hasn't performed but more of it is being in a team with shoddy tactics. Its not like he's been missing multiple chances each week. He's lucky if he gets a chance a game playing for Dundee United.
  8. You better start sandbagging because I'm pretty sure 2nd gets promoted too.
  9. Division A result Dearyme beats gkneil by resignation. A mistake by gkneil allowed me to win a knight for a pawn after 12 moves. It was fairly one way traffic from there but gkneil went for a decent try to mate me with Queen and Bishop. I moved my Bishop to parry the attack and missed a win in the process according to the analysis. Good game, it was shaping up for a good slog until the knight fell.
  10. 10 wins, 3 draws and 2 losses may sound impressively consistent but I am significantly stronger than half of the field. So favourite to score heavily in 60% of my games. The top 40% is trickier. To demonstrate my point - I'm currently 3.5/7 (2 wins, 3 draws & 2 defeats) against the others in the top 5. Whilst I am 8/8 (8 wins) against the bottom 6.
  11. Tbf it's not like it was libelous or anything like that. He is pish, even worse than Zanatta tbqh.
  12. I think it must be the default on the android app. I clicked games archive then clicked search at top right and then clicked daily and then search in the green box. Incidentally, I made an arse of the results there as I realised I had played ChessBassGuitar three times, the first being a friendly.
  13. @Frank Grimes I think you have an extra draw in for me. My results are 10W, 2L & 3D 33 points Losses were Elrohan & Beef2711 Draws were Elrohan, Beef2711 & ChessBassGuitar. Edit - I've put my chess.com results as a screenshot and hidden the non P&B league results below.
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