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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. For the record, if its McLean, I am blaming you and you will be the new jinx.
  2. You can't beat the Championship for entertainment. Fucking hell!
  3. Surely the verdict today ends Trump as a serious candidate for 2024?
  4. I genuinely hope you send Bully emails. I'm also hoping you sent him the Don't try it meme over and over again.
  5. Easily do-able. The train station is about a 15 min walk in a straight line from Ochilview.
  6. Yes and yes. I might even go to Fridays game with my ladder in tow. I've got a spare ladder for @Curmudgeon! Edit - No sure if everyone saw the Dundee fans from Friday night at Ochilview?
  7. Thanks for clarifying that I didn't actually say that a KC's opinion was the law. Maybe edit your post?
  8. Talk about twisting my words. That is either a very disingenuous interpretation of my post or you are the confused one.
  9. Thats not her position legally. I can understand that's how she frames it though for maximum sympathy/exposure. That goes back to the self publicising I referred to before. Her legal argument is that she has been discriminated against because of her beliefs. IE - That biological sex is immutable. These beliefs are protected under the EA. You can read her legal position in the tweet she put out. The letter from her solicitor even includes the KC opinion. I'd advise reading it before bed as it's a bit dry. Edit - The KC opinion is here, it weighs in at 52 pages. https://t.co/ZwKVNLA47Q I'm no apologist for JC but the law is the law and the Stand's action is unlawful.
  10. It is cut and dry. It's no coincidence that the KC opinion Cherry has sought is from O'Neill. Who represented Graham in the case against the SEC. This won't make it to court though as the Stand will settle it rather than lose and have to pay costs as well. This is unlawful discrimination on the Stand's part. There is no mitigation irrespective of what their staff think. The principle is the same as if this was a Trans comic whose event had been cancelled. Or a bartender refusing to serve a gay person because of their sexual orientation. It is still discrimination in the eyes of the law. All of these are protected chatacteristics under the EA. This really isn't as difficult (from a legal stand point) as those who despise JC are making it out.
  11. I would be firing the rape trials without juries into the sea. I wouldn't even be doing a pilot. This is another example of terrible policy imo. Jury trials aren't the reason that rape convictions are so low. This is not the silver bullet that some think it is.
  12. That's one conclusion. The Stand could have brought in agency workers, it would have cost them more. Did they consider that option? Legally they don't have a case as the precedent has been set in Graham v SEC and this is broadly similar. IE - That canceling an event because you dislike the beliefs of a speaker is unlawful. The Stand may have had a strawman defence if they hadn't put out the statements they had. By arguing that they couldn't safely host the event and using health and safety as the grounds. However, they've already said its not the availability of staff per se but their availability to staff this particular event when they disagree with the speakers protected belief. That changes it significantly. The whole thing is an unedifying spectacle. Those on the left cheering this as some sort of greater good and those on the right crying about free speech are as bad as one another imo. As I alluded to earlier, JC is a self publicist and should be criticised for it. However, she has a right to her beliefs which are protected under the EA.
  13. This happened quicker than I expected, the publicity must be dying down.
  14. I had to look that up. Then I noticed that he never got booked last season either! That's incredibly rare for a centre back. He's so classy.
  15. Good game mate. For anyone reading I was extremely jammy to win that. The endgame meant I was playing for a draw where AimHere was playing for a win. I felt I had edged the opening (grunfeld exchange) which was largely theory for a good 10 moves or so but I made a horrific blunder myself as we entered the endgame by losing a whole rook. A classic mistake - not analysising all checks and captures! It was very back and forth as epitomised by the evaluation graph.
  16. Glad to have you back Richey, for a wee while there I was convinced you had been replaced by an alien impostor. As there wasn't nearly enough love for Bangala. Normal service has been resumed and I'm content that you're not an alien. Carry on.
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