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Everything posted by lanky_ffc

  1. Kujabi has struggled with Suso early on. That yellow card won't help matters.
  2. Anyone know what's happened to the Beatport app? Are they doing an update or is it just Apple being c***s?
  3. I'm more excited about the Scottish Cup Final than the Champions League.
  4. Has it started already? My own gripe is that the next weekend I can get down to London to see my girlfriend is the Jubilee weekend. She lives near Windsor which is bound to be unbearable.
  5. I've only tried a handful of whiskies but found most of them pretty enjoyable. Looking to get more into it, is this whisky bible worth a read?
  6. Yup. I'd like to think Levein would take a hard line approach to anyone refusing to play because it would upset "the people".
  7. More threats of boycotts. Link The one that strikes me is getting players to withdraw from the national team. Absolutely laughable. How many Rangers players are irreplaceable? If McGregor refuses to play Levein will just pick Gordon. Which he probably will do anyway. And Whittaker isn't a first choice fullback. Of the current Rangers squad I can't think of anyone other than Naismith who's currently injured and isn't a dead cert either. You also have the scenario that they're in SFL3 - or even the SPL - with a squad of youth players. Would any of them be good enough to get a game?
  8. I'd never heard of her until I started working up here. Now I see her every other day.
  9. Just catching up with Alex Thomson blogs and found Green's "CV" very interesting. Maybe I'm being a bit naive, but I can't see how a legitimate businessman could have so many directorships -and of such short length - in that period of time. Also quite interesting to see Thomson citing some of the individuals who may form part of this mystery 20 which may or may not exist.
  10. The most ridiculous post I've ever read on here. An SPL without Rangers would be akin to Wall Street after the collapse of Lehman Bros? Aye, ok...
  11. In a few years time the song will be: As I was walking down the Copland road, I met a bunch of Yanks, They said, "Was it a dream? Or did there used to be a team, Who were a bunch of cheating wanks?"
  12. I believe "lol... wut?" is correct response to those kind of posts. Is there something genuinely wrong with that guy?
  13. Going back to Saturday's protest (seems likes a long time ago, doesn't it?), I'd like to address the so-called injustices against Rangers. I heard plenty of people on radio phone-ins, and also the tabloids, suggesting that the SPL/SFA have acted poorly in all of this and were putting Rangers' future in doubt. The first point I would have to agree with. There have been plenty of opportunities for the authorities to step in. The EBT's and alleged double contracts date back to the late 90's and early 00's. Rangers have also racked up debts so large that they had Lloyds bank running the show at one stage (has the media conveniently forgotten this sorry episode?). And even as recently as this season their owner has been pocketing money which should have been going to her majesty as tax and PAYE. All along, the governing bodies have been happy to take a backseat. It is for the reasons above that the second point - the SFA/SPL are prejudicing their survival - just doesn't wash with me. They've had plenty of time to get themselves in order. The fact the authorities have finally got out their slumber and imposed some sanctions should be irrelevant. The actions of their current and previous board have out their survival in doubt but as usual they'll find someone else to the point the finger. The arrogance is staggering.
  14. Ticketus are due £26.7m and HMRC ~ £15. It seems that every credible bid has tried to get Ticketus on side. To me, this suggests that those making the bids don't expect HMRC to accept a CVA and need Ticketus to accept it to reach 75%. It all comes down to the "preferential creditor" listed in the accounts - I'm assuming this is Whyte - and how much they're due (it's currently listed as "TBC"). The worry is that they may find a way to inflate the figure so that they don't need HMRC or Ticketus to push through a CVA. This would likely be illegal, but I wouldn't put it past Whyte/Rangers.
  15. I was just having a look at the accounts page of the Haudit & Daudit report somebody posted on here. The total due to unsecured creditors is £55,415,632 excluding monies due to employees (TBC). Of the unsecured creditors, HMRC are due £14,372,042 (25.9% of the total unsecured) and Ticketus £26,700,000 (48.2%). Both of them stand to lose a lot of money and it seems like it's in their interest to reject a CVA. Although this would mean a longer wait to get potentially more through liquidation, I've heard it suggested on here that HMRC are quite happy to hang about to ensure the best possible deal. Are Ticketus in a similar boat? The accounts don't specify how much is due to "Floating charge creditor - RFC Group" or the preferential creditors. Perhaps someone can shine some light on who these might be and how much much they're due. This would be key as it determines if the rest of the creditors can push through a CVA without HMRC, Ticketus or both. My assumption would be no. This was just a rough look at the numbers so feel free to correct me.
  16. It was indeed. I had P.E. 8 times a week and a class called "creative cooking" 3 times.
  17. I like the new home top. Simple but effective. The away kit is ok but would look better if the sponsor was in navy.
  18. Aye, cause nobody ever gets auto-corrected by their iPhone...
  19. Pretentious c**t thread for this pish. FWIW, I'm not really a whiskey drinker and that's the first time I've visited a distillery. Thought it was best to start with a well known one.
  20. There's a cringy picture doing the rounds on Facebook which has today's SPL attendances on a picture of the protest with some comment along the lines of "10k supporters that won't be at your ground next season".
  21. I thought Brookmyre put some good points across and well pretty impartial. As was Kevin Kyle. Quite sad that the light-hearted programme is the only one on Radio Scotland that can put some rational arguments forward in this whole saga. It's been said many times on here before but the media in this country are embarrassingly bad.
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