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Everything posted by lanky_ffc

  1. On a similar note, we won't ever know if Trump's course is the best world as the greatest golf player ever won't play on it. I'm sure Kim Jon-Il wouldn't have minded about a few wind turbines.
  2. If you've got 45 minutes to spare, this episode of Come Dine With Me is well worth a watch. I can't decide if this guy is a massive troll or just extremely obnoxious. Either way, it's hilarious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aoIGQmRTHo&feature=sh_e_se&list=SL
  3. Found a guy on the address book at work who looks very similar to Brian Badonde. Might give him a call just to say bello.
  4. What's he like for pace? That would be the key thing as he would be playing alongside Dods.
  5. I was in a newsagent's the other day and they had a proper topshelf. None of your soft pish like Nuts and FHM. This had Razzle, Mayfair etc. Hadn't seen that kind of thing in years.
  6. The guy on the left in the first picture looks like he just jizzed in his pants.
  7. These "keep calm" pictures are really getting done to death.
  8. Have you ever been in that situation where you've lost your keys and phone?
  9. Some riff-raff has spoiled the boat race. How vulgar.
  10. As others have stated, he's a decent player at this level. I'd happily keep him next season if it's on slightly reduced terms. Meadowbank would seem like a logical move for him. But could they afford him on his current or better wages? A 3rd administration brought on by overspending on players of Scobbie's calibre would be hilarious.
  11. It's a playboy bunny night at City Falkirk this Thursday. Guaranteed to be a few horror shows to post once the pics are up.
  12. What's a "bottla dug"? I'm guessing it's a bottle of something...
  13. People who, instead of taking their ticket out the holder, just flash their pass and expect one of the station staff to open the barrier for them. You're holding up the queue, you lazy arsehole.
  14. Saw a couple of jaikies in Primark arguing about the price of a shirt.
  15. Signing for Rangers was an excellent decision...
  16. Hasn't Scobbie done two pre-seasons with Pressley already?
  17. People with monthly rail passes who, instead of taking the ticket out and putting it through the machine, flash it at the ticket staff and expect them to open the barriers for them. I seem to get stuck behind someone doing this every other day. Take your ticket out like everyone else you lazy, inconsiderate arsehole.
  18. Beat me to it! It's spreading like wildfire on FB.
  19. People who complain everyday when they're train is late/busy/cancelled. Scotrail are shite. We all know this. It's not unique to you and it's certainly not a revelation.
  20. I see McKee's done a "it's my ball and I'm taking it home" with the Iain Russell thread. Lolz.
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