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Ye Olde Hamiltonian

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Posts posted by Ye Olde Hamiltonian

  1. As soon as I saw that team I knew what was coming and Canning has been slated for less for that.

    A game where you need an outlet from the constant pressure so what does Rice do...only plays the one striker we have who can't hold the ball up and this Steve Davies stuff perhaps could have some truth in it as why would you have a guy doing the media build up for the game  and then have him nowhere near the pitch?

    I would rather do what Livvy did at I Ibrox a few weeks ago and  have a go as you are going to get beat anyway and the Rangers central defence don't like it up them as Dykes has proved,so at least give them something they have to work for.

    That game was lost as soon as Livvy beat Celtic and it is the manner of the defeat which is a disgrace allowing a glorified training session which wouldn't have happened under Alex Neil who would have made them fight for the three points rather than that pathetic surrender.








  2. After a couple of decent results for Accies,was tempted to go to Ibrox until I saw the prices for next weekend,so Hesgoals.com it will be for most- unless they buy the reduced price tickets which are also a rip off.

    One of my neighbours-Celtic Season Book holder of many years- was telling me Saturday cost him £32.This madness must stop and it doesn't help when idiots on Social Media lambast small away supports from whatever team without looking at WHY many fans refuse to pay those prices and don't travel.

    A boycott by Old Firm away fans sadly for them won't work as there are too many idiots who would jump in and pay the prices.

    Perhaps if this campaign fails it may be time in the future to think of more extreme measures but that is a conversation for way in the future.



  3. 2 hours ago, pozbaird said:

    Just driven past the ground, that’s the Accies keeper leaving to go home now. 😝

    He has still not taken the bye kick,so a few hours yet methinks.

    A good point for us considering we played 45 minutes with ten men in that energy sapping heat which entailed a backs to the wall performance second half.

    I don't get how St.Mirren fans expected anything different as we were up against it and  have played more attacking in recent games such as Hearts away.

    Finally Sam Stubbs fair put that wind up merchant Jim Goodwin in his place at the end of the game after Goodwin made comments about his Dad.Quite what it had to do with him who was Alloa Manager at the time,God knows.






  4. 9 hours ago, Flybhoy said:

    The new one looks a bit better, not as much zip to it as the previous one.

    Definitely better than Livingston and the monstrosity at Kilmarnock. 

    To be fair,I prefer grass but it is as it is.A few years ago the Club wanted to buy The Bent Playing fields(not far from the ground) for £2Million from The Council and make it into a Training Ground but the Council refused to sell.

  5. On 08/09/2019 at 12:03, accies1874 said:

    A very nice piece written by Lewis Smith's mum. It's not so much about Accies, but does give an insight into the life of an aspiring footballer from a parent's perspective and the added pressure/emotional investment that comes from playing for the team you support:


    I don't think there's ever been a player that Accies fans have been so desperate to succeed. He must feel some amount of pressure for such a young guy, although that's not shown yet.

    My brother was in the reserves under Iain Munro who tipped him for the top and like me was/is Accies daft.A terrible knee injury against Maccabi Tel Aviv in a closed doors match ended his pro career at 18 and he was in the same Lanarkshire youth sides as Barry Ferguson,Lee McCulloch,David Lilley,Paul Hartley,Jamie McAllister,John Paul McBride and others.

    The pride my Dad felt watching him in the reserves(he was still sixth year at Holy Cross)would have been 100 times that in the first team.He made a comeback of sorts playing occasionally for Cadzow Accies and The Bruce(now Mrs Milsy's) with myself and it was a case of what could have been sadly.



  6. Tynecastle  was £29 for us Accies fans on Saturday,so Hesgoals.com or other sites it was for most of us who would have went.

    I coined the phrase " Twenty's Plenty"  last season and am glad some folk including a fellow Accie are talking of a campaign for this.This issue of away prices across the top two divisions now is something that needs to happen as where will it end up?

    Coincidentally,pal of mine went to West Ham v Norwich instead which was £27...cheaper than Tynecastle was.



  7. 57 minutes ago, accies1874 said:

    The reserves were awful today. The defence was really awkward all game - I think a few were out of position though - and they created very little. Mimnaugh fell out of the game after a few good through passes early on and Cunningham was never in it.

    I'm beginning to feel sorry for Adedoyin, but he is really struggling. He did have a couple of decent moments without ever looking like scoring. Moyo seems to be another target man.

    Dundee United were the second best reserve team I've seen.

    Never went today as couldn't make it but your report sounds a role reversal from last week where we had some good passages of play with a resolute defence.


    Can't see why Stanger is away to a level below that where he came from and likewise Jack Breen dropping further down again.Don't think either of these moves is ideal for their development.

  8. 8 hours ago, FuzzyBear said:
    8 hours ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:
    Hearts and Hamilton used to be a guarantee of umpteen fouls, plenty of bookings and less than 22 players finishing the game but recently they've been more like actual football matches
    Hearts players are a bit better at football than Hamilton so should win
    That said ..
    Hamilton haven't won at Tynecastle for 42 years since 1st October 1977 (When Jim Jefferies was captain) and that was the first time in 40 years so they are 2 years overdue

    I was at the 1977 game. Do not expect to see a repeat tomorrow.

    Ditto and have been at many games since even bringing the lucky mascot Mrs of mine who has only ever seen Accies lose once...at Tynecastle.

    At £29 they can ram it and this pricing is as bad as The Old Firm away.

  9. We were always losing that game sending off or not.Men v Boys and this was exacerbated with Rice/Ronnie McDonald playing the kid Stanger at right back where as anyone who has watched the reserves know,he plays poor there...so what does he/they do?

    No decent left sides players due to injuries which perhaps should have brought a recall for Leon McCann from Airdrie instead of playing McGowan there.

    Nearly 1000 down on the last Saturday game in deepest winter compared to yesterday,so that  shows these idiots up with their embarrassing pricing policy yesterday which stopped fans of both teams-especially those with kids- going.

    Main problem for  me is the Accies midfield and has been since we lost Greg Docherty,Ali Crawford and Lewis Ferguson as those three would have made a big difference.The fact we are relying on the injured Alston for creativity is worrying.





  10. 1 hour ago, G51 Red said:

    This has all the potential to be the lowest attendied Accies v Well game ...  

    Accies support lower than usual 

    Few Well fans buying tickets 

    Ridiculous PATG prices 

    Under 2000 ?

    Disgraceful pricing-especially for kids.It negates any statements Maitland made about growing the support.

    Accies had the opportunity here to go the other way with decent prices for Adults/kids and marketing it that way, but they have went down the well worn path of fleecing the punters like many of our clubs sadly.

  11. 2 hours ago, accies1874 said:

    I wouldn't imagine so. Breen will probably get a spot on the bench though.
    The back four all played well, but I don't think any of them will solve our defensive issues and the best of the bunch hasn't got a look in under Rice.

    I presume that is Stanger or McCann you are referring to?

    I would rather give the likes of Stanger/Winter a chance than the likes of Son of Stubbs or that Everton kid if push comes to shove at the moment.

  12. Will someone not think of the environment what with all this plastic from The Plastic Paddies and Plastic Ulstermen on the other side.

    As has been said already,the longer this season goes the worse it will get and Referees will increasingly pander to either cheek to avoid accusations of bias  leaving the rest of our teams to suffer the consequences.

    It is only when you move elsewhere that you see this bigotry for what it is and the thing is neither of them can see it.

    Sadly it will never change and I actually think it is worse now the amount of tubes supporting them as the peer pressure leads the weak willed in the West of Scotland to follow the hordes and not stand alone and support their local sides whether that be Accies,Airdrie,Dumbarton,Morton,Motherwell etc etc.

  13. Brian Rice really has done a "Martin Canning" here and fcuked it up regardless of how it ends up.Airdrie with two "home" games to come will fancy themselves overtaking us for second place if,as expected ,Thistle dispose of Clyde.

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