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Ye Olde Hamiltonian

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Posts posted by Ye Olde Hamiltonian

  1. 2 hours ago, betting competition said:

    Didn't know it was a 7pm kick-off  lol

    Don't think the Accies  defence did either.

    Of course,better second half,but game was finished by then and another list of training matches we have given teams under Canning/Rice.

    Maitland et al will see the second half as proof he can get us results against the bottom six ...He won't.





  2. On 10/10/2020 at 19:52, Ralstonite said:

    That's an incredible statistic, fair play. If I was more cynical, I'd be tempted to speculate that there are dubious activities going on at Accies, for you to have had the success you have had on the crowds you get. Money laundering? That might explain money you 'lost' to 'Nigerian scammers', as well.

    There has been all sorts going on over the years allegedly

    The early years after Watson was like a remake of Goodfellows in The Directors Box.

    Notwithstanding,the club are very good at renting out office space in the Stadium although we will be taking a big hit in 2021 as South Lanarkshire Council are moving out of the offices in The Spice of Life Stand which brings in 300k a year.

    As for the fan jibes,I am of a generation where we had a decent home support.The more successful we have become,the more we have lost fans through a variety of reasons: increased  costs of a day at the football, turgid, dire football, "The Canning effect" which led to a 39% decrease in home attendance, a club which treats it's fans as "us v them", plenty older fans dying off and youngsters not replacing them of fcuking off glory hunting to The Old Firm and the seven years playing away games every week.

    As the club from Scotland's biggest town,surely the question you should ask yourself is why you do so badly compared to the likes of Killie or Motherwell instead of cheap jibes at a club who have been in the top League more often than your own in recent times.








  3. The game after our first Annan humiliation(which I left a Wake to attend),we were at Parkhead.I entered the ground just as the first goal went in and we were three down after  the first 10 minutes. 

    I expected us to lose(twas Canning's trial "run" as a Manager),so decided to stay and take the punishment.I can't recall anyone leaving  early that night, although loads left early when Gretna beat us 6-0 in the Billy Reid era,first game of the season.

    I did get to see Eamonn Brophy run around like a demented banshee after making it 7-1 though which was a "moment" in itself.






  4. 6 hours ago, craigkillie said:

    With all due respect, why would Tommy Wright be interested in managing Hamilton Accies?

    Club who have been in the top flight for 11 out of the last 15 years,good youth policy and a Club who give Managers leeway to mould a team without knee jerk sackings. 

    Budget wouldn't be a lot less either than at Perth and Accies fans give Managers time before we turn against them.

    However,Boardroom interference,the Circus of "more than a football club" with everything that entails at our club and what is perceived as a lack of ambition in the boardroom would put paid to all but the desperate.

    Wasn't always like that though as the Sir Alex Neil era showed.







  5. Perhaps this is the players sending out a message after Rice's disgraceful comments after the Hibs game about Shaun Want.

    In a season of lows(as per usual),this is  your typical Accies-even more so with what looked a strong team on paper against a part-time side who have played no competitive games.

    Rice has increasingly been Canningesque and now he has went full Martin Canning...never go full Martin Canning.


  6. 19 hours ago, Les Cabbage said:

    He was pretty pish tonight but probably will do more in his career than any centre half that’s played for Hamilton in the past 20 years 

    Would be good to bump this up in about 10 years when we can compare him to Scotland youth player Jamie Hamilton who was very good I thought last night.






  7. 1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

    Surely the ability to take long throw ins is a learned technique, I would have thought it’s something that two or three players in the squad could be trained in.

    Not sure have your best player and most effective striker doing it is the best option.

    I played in a Sunday team where if it wasn't myself,a 6 foot 7 guy used to take  the corners and a defender who used to do somersaults at throw in with not one ever a foul throw.😀

    A decent enough point for us but having lost at home to Ross County/St.Mirren and with Hibs and Aberdeen still to play to compete our first round of fixtures(plus our eternal bogey team St.Johnstone), we could have done with sneaking the win.

    Just as well Nicky Clarke isn't up to Shankland's standard finishing wise as fine margins are important at this level.

    As per usual with Rice, a lopsided midfield which was initially far too lightweight but we came into the game as it progressed.

    Can't really judge Tunde today as he was on his own for periods up front and went into the game rusty as Rice in his wisdom hasn't even given him a sniff of what it was about bar less than 10 minutes six or seven weeks ago.









  8. On 05/09/2020 at 22:19, Academically Deficient said:


    What of it?

    But seriously, Accies fans on here seem ok. At the ground though, DEARIE me. I said DEARIE me 😂

    Accies have always had a terrible section of fans who berate anyone and everyone whether online or at the game.

    Most of them years ago(I've been going nearly 44 years,so count as an Accies DA  age wise)were like Auld Fergie apprentices and all -bar a few- seemed to sit in The Centre Stand.

    In fact,the new lot who sit In The Centre Stand act the exact same as their forerunners including some of our young lot who have moved over from Section A to this area.

    The only difference I notice is clothing wise.Years ago,they were all dressed like Jack/Victor to a man whether they were 35 or 85.Nowadays, there is no "Centre Stand" uniform but the ability to disparage anything and everything remains intact.



  9. 17 hours ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:


    Was going to edit my post accordingly. The correct idea would be my post. Rice’s idea/instruction from the higher ups will be to play Munro because ‘yoof = good’


    Very worrying if a boy playing at Clydebank last season walks into our first 11 after the break.

    He played a full season at Clydebank as a 17 year old which would 'toughen' him up and has been outstanding in the reserves/under 21's so nothing to lose playing him when the game was lost.

    on the same vein, young Tunde should have been given a run out instead of Moyo -the worst of all our strikers.

    The game was lost and we would have learned more giving him some minutes under his belt than watching Moyo run around like a headless chicken and miss a chance Tunde may have scored.

    None of our strikers have scored this season and the least the boy deserves is a chance from the bench.The boy  will be losing confidence not getting even a sniff of a chance-especially after scoring a good goal against Motherwell reserves.






  10. 1 hour ago, NewDouglasPark said:

    Can't believe nobody ever calls you out on this negative sh*t. Yes, we all miss Gogic but some of the young players coming through look promising. It's been happening for 6 years now, you have been saying the same at start of those years, maybe time to start believing?? Or at least supporting??


    Bullshit as I am one of those  glass half full kind of guys and am more positive than plenty on here if you regularly read my posts but don't let one result against a team struggling like us cloud what we have witnessed in the other games which have been dreadful.

    That Motherwell team have won one game in 13 and have crap strikers,so the game  was no great shock when that is taken into account even although many of us were and still are worried at what we have witnessed against Ross County and St.Mirren.

    Yes,a great result but we need to build on this and the time to make a judgement call on the effects of this victory is after we have played every side once.

    We simply can't play these young guys like Winters,Hamilton etc  etc every week at this level from the start l as they are not ready for a full season starting every week.That is why further experienced recruitment is needed to help the team and also help the kids when they do play.

    Let's see if they follow this good result up before getting on your high horse but we have still only scored one goal ourselves in four games and none against both Ross County and St.Mirren at home in two games which isn't good enough however you dress it up.









  11. On 18/08/2020 at 16:40, YassinMoutaouakil said:

    Genuinely terrified about this

    So are 99.9% of us lot from across The Clyde.

    Our recruitment has been abysmal and we have a midfield which would struggle at League One level allied to a defence which is good for a goal a game and that is without taking account of Rikki Fulton in goals.

    We do have goals in the team though -not Moyo or Winter- but Templeton,Ogympoe and the new lad Tunde  but none of them are  100% fit.

    No one to create any chances though and badly missing Gogic to protect the defence.

    Some of our fans laughed at losing Gogic-well those of us who could see what a pivotal player he was in protecting the defence have been proven to be correct...sadly so as an out of sorts Scott Martin,Callachan and Trafford are not up to the job.

    Normally I am a glass half full kind of guy but this team looks dung meat and even a flukey result here won't change this;only decent quality signings will do this.

    Missing it anyway due to a Christening,so will turn off all Media until Sportscene awaiting the inevitable.






  12. 9 hours ago, Widge said:


    Both as headless as each other, you need midfield discipline against Celtic, but never getting that with them in the middle.


    Yep badly missed Gogic and Collar(injured) who would have made a difference discipline wise as was shown last season.

    As I have said elsewhere,there  are goals in this Accies team but we will concede plenty also.

    Just a shame they got that fifth at the end but our young players will have learned from playing against the best.We had a go,came up short and no regrets apart from the decision to start with Ronan Hughes.



  13. 19 hours ago, accies1874 said:
    On 01/08/2020 at 01:02, Ye Olde Hamiltonian said:
    Stanger strolled through games at central defence in the reserves/under 20's  but was terrible any time he played right back/right wing back.

    I agree, but he's played at RB in I think every friendly this season and I'd be surprised if we brought in a backup. We just need to hope that Odoffin's good and/or stays fit.

    A wee thought here.Perhaps we could try him out in bounce/reserve games as a defensive midfielder and see  how he does  as he probably won't be first choice at right back/central defence.

    This would give us an option  when Martin/Collar or both are unavailable.Gogic ended up covering three positions and Stanger despite not being as physical can pass the ball better.


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