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Ye Olde Hamiltonian

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Posts posted by Ye Olde Hamiltonian

  1. 3 minutes ago, Derry Alli said:

    Less of that chat or I'll get the boys back together and we'll fucking wreck your beloved Vaults again, cunto.

    Accies fans don't drink in The Vaults and haven't for years.😂😂

    You lot like to give it out,but as soon as someone replies,the offended bus is wheeled out.

    Still,give you lot some credit as the exchanges on here are mild now compared to the halcyon days of 2005-2008.The fact you lot thought that McDonald was better than James McCarthy a particular highlight.



  2. A team out bevvying till Wednesday suffers a bad defeat to the shock of no one whatsoever through here.I thought it would be a 2-3 nil defeat,so the only surprise I hear is it wasn't double figures.

    I'll let the many Dundee fuds on here enjoy the moment as they definitely deserve it living in the arsehole City of the country.I worked up there in the 90's and no wonder so many of the locals liked a bevvy.Grim and dim The twinsets of Dundee.

    The worst Accies team in 30 years will still crawl over the line and will await the next administration...lost count of how many times you lot cheated the system.



  3. Forget about the game for a moment;seeing the Accies players spend all night in The Bay Horse  still in their strips having a bevvy and a sing song while helping out behind the bar made the day for me.

    I left them at 12:30 am and they were all singing walking down past ML3 Pub en route to The new Hamilton Palace still in their strips...full kit wankers lol.

    Game should have been Saturday.com





  4. 3 hours ago, RRFC2711 said:

    You are a bit close to the ugly sisters to be fair….

    Spoke  to a guy down earlier today and it was sitting at  1850 and expected to top 2000 by 7pm.

    Very little advertising of the game, crazy Ticket Office hours apart from this week and zero advertising in the town-especially the kids go free deal.

    All this and our worst team in 20 years and it is better than many expected and to be honest,they should be selling them tomorrow and Sunday morning.



  5. Accies Ticket Office open till 5pm tonight and 7pm tomorrow night.

    I think the 7pm is realisation that the restricted Ticket Office opening hours has stopped  folk being physically able to go down and get tickets due to still on the way home from workplaces etc.

    Still miniscule advertising and half the town unaware of when the game is,the price of tickets(kids under 12 are free)and the push to sell tickets.

    Compare and contrast to promoting Fireworks Nights etc.



  6. I wouldn't have minded a wee tour of some of the fine Falkirk imbibing locations, but none of the Accies  buses from the Pubs are planning to do so.

    Most are leaving it as late as possible 2:45 or after 3pm to leave but I think this is more due to The Landlords seeing a great opportunity to get much needed  extra trade on a Sunday and who can blame them.

    There has only been one late night for tickets at our end and I still know plenty folk trying to get down but struggling due to the restrictive hours.Add in the near non-existent Publicity,our worst team in 20 years and the on going buffoonery from The Club and we have did well so far.

    They really should be late nights for tickets and publicising the great Under 12 free tickets offer.They never even advertised  correctly that tickets were on sale after Saturday's game, so plenty folk were unaware they could have bought tickets then.

  7. 18 hours ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

    Well up for this after today's win. 

    Should be a cracking day. 

    It will be a cracking day out for sure...as for the football, well from our perspective, this could be embarrassing.

    We have regressed badly the last three games culminating in yesterday's game where Ayr should have scored 5 or 6.

    I don't recall a team anywhere in recent memory going  into a Final in such wretched form.

  8. Rankin got what he deserved playing a weakened team against a wounded animal after Monday.

    Worst home performance of the season and a true reflection of the score would easily have been a 4-6 goal win for Ayr.

    I don't get the Accies thinking here. Today was far more important than next week and a full strength team should have played instead of haddies like Winter and Mimmnaugh to give them game time.

    Easiest win for Ayr all season and a dreadful way to go into next week.




  9. Not resurgent Hamilton judging by our last two performances.

    However,I  would expect an improvement simply due to guys wanting a place for The Final.Ditto for those coming off the bench.

    Ayr have had their Accies 2006 Quarter Final moment(Stephen Craig's handball at Dundee) and although you guys are at the top end  of the League, I would be surprised if Ayr are not on a downer.

    Whether that will be good enough to win,who knows?



  10. 17 hours ago, San Starko Rover said:

    Pretty poor sales for Accies so far, I know it’s only the Diddy Cup but you’d still expect more than your usual home gate to go for a chance to see your local team lift a wee trophy and a day out.  How many season ticket holders have Accies got? Seems like zero interest from anyone in Hamilton outside their main fan base. Difficult to organise more tickets for Raith fans if they’ve not been sold in sections but it’s the SPFL who’ll be losing the cash. 

    Poor sales so far because of the restrictive opening hours of The Ticket Office and the near non-existent Publicity for the game-never mind the availability of tickets.

    There has been no late night selling of tickets,no weekend sales and the Ticket Office shuts at 4pm...now up to 5pm lol.

    Plenty folk I know who are going have been unable to even get down to get tickets due to the restricted hours.

    No such problems for the forthcoming River City Night at the Stadium...I kid you not as this has had more Publicity and easier access to purchase tickets.




  11. 1 hour ago, Ludo*1 said:

    We are being linked with George Stanger by Scott Burns (along with Partick). I take it he was pretty gash for you for him to be released?

    I liked Stanger.He never got a fair crack of the whip and when he did play,it was invariably out of position as a makeshift full back.

    I regularly watched Reserves/Under 20 games and he strolled through games but other haddies were deemed more worthy of a game in the first team.

  12. Most folk I know planning on going to support Accies haven't been able to even get to buy a ticket due to the restrictive hours of the Ticket Office,lack of information/Publicity by the club and the hoops they have to jump through.

    I always thought Rovers would sell quick simply due to their great record in this Cup and the fact Raith fans would have picked up tickets for both The Rangers game and The Final.

    The fact The Accies hierarchy, eg McGowan have produced more Publicity and easier access in buying Tickets for a River City night at the ground sums up what we are up against.



  13. Thing I have noticed with us is that plenty of our players-never mind the loan players who have clubs to go back to - don't appear to have the 'nous' to get a result at all costs.

    Cossetted wee boys brought up in Academies who have received a reality check playing against part-time pros with more desire,experience and guys who would kick their granny to secure a point.

    Yes,on our day they can play ok, but the other side of the game is severely lacking and if push comes to shove, they will struggle with the pressure of needing a result away at Arbroath last day of the season or in the Play Offs.

    Only the on loan Dylan McGowan and Scott Martin show these characteristics which sums up the lack of experience in the squad.

    Accies never learned from last season when we were flirting with the Play Offs at the bottom and adding an inexperienced Manager and the Board not backing him(having to play a left back as our back up striker) merely exacerbates this issue.

    Still, despite all that I think we will scrape through only to repeat the same mistakes next season when this years under 16-18 will be utilised without the experienced pros to help in their development.







  14. 23 hours ago, EaglesandSpiders said:

    Anyone complaining about the size of the home crowd is more than welcome to buy their black & white hoops shirt and get behind the team that invented the game of football as we know it in Scotland. That's what I did 8 years ago when I moved here and when QP were still an amateur club and I haven't regretted it for even a second. I understand if you don't, but at least have the decency to respect the loyal fans who haven't been to a single proper "home" game in the last two years and have been forced to follow their team literally all over the country. 

    Reading that brings back memories of nearly seven years watching my team while homeless and the nonsense that went with it; a home game at Cliftonhill being postponed because of a faulty kettle a particular "highlight".

    The on going shambles of Lesser Hampden makes the then Accies Board look competent which takes some doing 

  15. 27 minutes ago, d_t_b said:

    McGowan is probably out which on its own is a massive, massive blow. Gives me no confidence in our defence 

    Rankin apparently said he was brought off on Saturday as a precaution.

    With no game for two weeks after tonight, it wouldn't surprise me if he plays through the pain barrier.If not, then I would play Easton and keep to a back five.

    Surely young Dylan Stephenson has to start?We sign the lad from Newcastle,he scores in his first game and has not started many games since.

    A tough, bitty game in prospect and even more so if we play Shiels at left back and he is up against Bobby Linn.Seems daft he never plays from the start every week for Arbroath as he is a player who can turn a game at this level.

  16. Very impressed by Queens Park,the best away performance I have watched in years at our ground.

    They knew where our weaknesses are and capitalised on it and once big McGowan went off, the defensive frailities of the first half of the season came back big time.

    Don't know what Rankin was doing moving left back Shiels up front again while the young lad Stephenson from Newcastle languished on the bench.

    Some fans think this was a message to the clowns in The Boardroom refusing to get him the striker he was asking for.As usual with that mob,they try to do "just enough" and if we end up going down or in the Play Offs,it will be testament to their continued folly.

  17. 2 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

    All credit to you in making that journey on a tues night and I applaud yer tenacity but after Saturday I was hoping that at least a draw, hard that you had to witness another loss against the bottom team, now we have our only striker suspended from what I believe, by the report, was borne out of sheer frustration given that we seemed to have the run of play.

    The 752 attendance figure was a surprise as I would have thought that after their win they would have came out in numbers.

    That crowd was another act of fiction by the clowns in our Boardroom.

    Tuesday night was the busiest the home end has been for a midweek  League game for ages and easily looked treble what they have been declaring when fans were boycotting because of the bans on fans.

  18. 1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

    How embarassing it must be that you can't beat us then

    I was sitting just in front of the auld  fella tonight.Great patter as always and as I kept reminding him, he is our lucky charm as we have went on a great run since he reappeared...Ayr excepted.

    I thought Caley had five great chances first half,us four although I am still puzzled how the guy who hauled Tiehi back  was not sent off...Ref Never even gave a foul.

    Ditto for the handball which a few Caley fans admitted outside was a Penalty and sending off.

    We would have lost this game six weeks ago, but the fighting spirit and togetherness from the Players/Management and Fans was there for all to see.

    I omit the Boardroom as they are again hindering the squad by not bringing in another striker. Tiehi has been running on empty last 25 minutes the last 4 weeks, but there is no-one there to lighten the load apart from playing left back Shiels up front.

    Dereliction of duty again from that mob in the Boardroom.



  19. 4 minutes ago, 36-0 Maroon said:

    Was thinking the same mate, Queens Park & Morton are absolutely flying at the moment and the leagues form teams so I wouldn’t be surprised to see Cove & Hamilton both lose this weekend so we really need to do our part, Partick & Inverness are in free fall it seems so it could end up being an amazing weekend for us  and completely change the mood 🇱🇻🔥⚽

    Accies are the form team more than Queens Park if you look at results since mid January.

    Fwiw,we look to have a few injuries after tonight and if Dylan McGowan,Tumilty and Scott Martin are injured we will struggle as we already have De Bolle and Tom Sparrow out injured.

    Conversely,we keep our run up and we could be well clear in three weeks.

    Too soon for Arbroath fans to write their team off as many seem to be doing.



  20. There have been plenty draws between the sides at the whateverwecallitthisweek stadium or am I imagining it?

    The away team will be smarting from Saturday,so a test if they are playing for wee Doddsy.Showing my age here, but often in his playing days,he would invariably be found in the local Hamilton nightlife after playing at either the old Douglas Park or Fir Park.

    I'll take a shitfest,crappy 1-0 win to see us move off the bottom.With players coming back from injury on the horizon, this would boosts for the run in for sure.

  21. 4 hours ago, Manwithnoball said:

    Have to say our fans were  excellent last night the signing and the goading of Accies fans was brilliant. Please bring this atmosphere to Palmerston as that is like a library just now 👏👏👏

    Sadly 2/3rds of our core support are not at games due to the clowns in the Boardroom although the young team in Section A had a decent turn out last night.


    Good support as always through here from you guys.Our rancid Owners never even publicised the game which is not the case for Fireworks Nights and all the other palaver.

    I would have had admission at £5 across the board last night with kids £1_or free as it would have easily tripled the crowd despite our ongoing feud with The Owners of the club.



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