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Ye Olde Hamiltonian

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Posts posted by Ye Olde Hamiltonian

  1. There is only one club in a serious mess and it is us.Morton,Ayr and QOS don't appear to be as hapless as us and at least have people running their clubs who have the best interests of their clubs at heart-even if they are making a ham-fisted effort at doing so.

    Our club has had seven years(since Alex Neil left) with dreadful results and football only briefly interrupted by the odd rabbit out of the hat which has now disappeared.

    The morale  was actually better when we had those lengthy homeless years.We had a cause to fight for and a sense we would succeed.Now, our fanbase have had the stuffing knocked out of them as they watch a Brechin scenario unfolding before our eyes.

    I know folk who missed a handful of games the last 30-50 years who have stopped attending and we have lost up to 70% of regular attenders.In addition,a once thriving young team in Section A-who created a decent atmosphere- have watched the club ban some of them, take their drums,banners and flags away while allowing away fans to do what they want and have the aforementioned paraphernalia.

    Then, you look at a team of wee boys who physically are not up to it and who are now totally devoid of confidence with not enough experience to help them out.

    The results this week are indicative of a side lacking the fight and guts to stop this continuing freefall.


    I have watched my team for 45 years but now we are in a bigger fight than results.McGowan wants the ground as flats and is doing everything he can to break the Accies support and he is winning.

    There was an adhoc,spur of the moment protest on Saturday when we got back from Auchinleck.Police dogs,seven vans and a plethora of officers to stop fans demanding answers.The players and Manager were dropped off away from the club.

    There are many fans who have  given up but now is the time I feel they should  do the opposite.This struggling team of young boys needs the fans more than ever and the Ownership issue should be separate until the team recovers.













  2. As many Accies fans predicted, this was no shock-especially with the disrespect shown towards Talbot by the Team Mr Process picked.

    The fact they had to get Police vans,dogs and plenty Officers  at the ground  because a large group were waiting for answers sums up the disconnect at this club where the fans are the least priority and where Junkies,Bingo Nights etc etc are of more importance.

    A team of wee boys with no fight,desire,guts or wherewithal to get out of this mess and a Board of Directors who will offer any Manager -never mind this David Brent character- no funds or scope to get out of this mess.




  3. On 25/11/2021 at 10:51, LongTimeLurker said:

    Accies have tended to lose a lot of support locally to Motherwell over the years (going back to being in the old second division post-WWII when Motherwell were doing well in the top tier) in addition to the effect of being so close to the Old Firm. The club has over-achieved in a big way in recent times thanks to having Ronnie MacDonald on board. Take him out of the equation as is now happening and League One is probably the natural habitat. Ability to remain full-time in the years ahead and stay ahead of nouveau riche clubs like Queen's Park, Kelty Hearts and Cove Rangers is definitely not a given.

    Accies were always a solid mid-table Championship club for most of the last 45 years I have been watching us,so way out of kilter with this.

    Think we have only spent 3-5 years in The Seaside Leagues since League reconstruction with not far off treble that in the top division.

    What we have done though is lose 60-70% of our support sadly.The only club to win promotion to the top tier and lose half a fanbase when other clubs did the opposite.





  4. On 25/11/2021 at 10:22, Big Davy Boy said:

    Really? Clydebank took more than that to Elgin away last round and to Glenrothes in the South Challenge Cup last weekend.

    This will be the best Accies support of the season.A few Pubs who  don't normally run buses are doing so for this game and a lot of folk who have stopped attending are going.

    Simple reason is Accies fans turn out in decent numbers when it is a ground we haven't visited.This is partly because we have a solid core of fans who have watched us at 40+ grounds due to our descent  down the Leagues and then rise back up...now we are on the slippery slope again.

    A lot of our fans expect us to lose here: a dreadful Cup record,wee boys v experienced campaigners,home advantage etc etc but the fact this is so and the current turmoil at the club means losing will only send the critics into full tonto mode.

    Thus, for once we may give a Scottish Cup tie the full attention it deserves as playing a severely weakened side will potentially bring another Annan style thrashing.







  5. I said at the start of the season Raith were a good shout to be top of the gang and they are in there fighting as expected.

    A side who play good football where every man knows his job with a Manager who sets them up well.

    Only downside is the constant Paedo pish from the Young Team and perhaps they also need a geography lesson as Hamilton most definitely not "weegieland".

    Worrying times for Accies fans and the many regulars staying away need to realise that all that is achieving is giving McGowan an easy time.A decent home support hounding him is what is needed and less keyboard warrior.

    A struggling very young team also needs the support more than ever as they are in a relegation dogfight against sides full of experienced,hardened professionals.A position they never expected to be in and they will have to learn to fight and scrap their way to safety.


    Finally, the return of the glorious 70's/80's  football moustache on full display.I think it was Ryan Tumilty?


  6. 3 hours ago, Hayshead2 said:

    You must be fuckin nuts watching that shite most weeks.

    Joke team.

    A joke team who have spent more years in the top League the last two decades than your gang will ever achieve   and that was with two dreadful Managers in Canning/Rice for most of that period.

    We are a club at a low ebb due to corrupt Owners who have chased many fans away including many  who fought to save our club when we were homeless,a club having to play wee boys who are physically not ready for this League and today showed that in abundance and a fan base who once again are fighting to make sure we will have a club in the future as this chancer McGowan will want to close us down the way he threatened to do when at Raith.

    I have a lot of time for Arbroath  and actually hope you go up ,but some of your fans have become Billy Big Bollocks all of a sudden due to the success of the last few years.






  7. I said when Redfearn missed that easy chance  to make it 2-0 that it could come back to haunt us and with a Ref who must have thought we were playing Rangers, so it proved.

    Gutted at the time, but I said last week we would get four points from these three games and it has panned out exactly that.The fact we should have Nine points from these games shows how disappointed we are and how far we have recovered from the Partick debacle.

    Crazy decision for  me taking off Lewis Smith and Morton started coming into the game after that and more so when Popescu went off as Million Pound Mathieson is a bomb scare which Morton certainly noticed.

    Despite their lowly position,Morton were able to bring on two strikers while our squad is threadbare with kids who are not ready making up the bench which gives us little option to change it.Our injured players would have made a difference from the bench this  week-that's for sure.


    Good to see the Accies support make it known we want that chancer McGowan out of our Club.A groundshare with Caledonian Braves at Strathclyde Park  will be the order of the way down the line if we don't get rid of him.

    Morton-now fan owned of course - gladly don't have these worries and can concentrate on playing/Management issues only unlike us who are watching our Club being ripped apart by rotten Ownership.





  8. On 26/08/2021 at 14:12, Drew Brees said:

    About to get worse. A work mate who’s aunt is married to Andy Walker was at an Aberdeen/rangers game and at half time the away support started singing ‘Andy walkers wife’s a whore’, or words to that effect towards the gantry. Then on the bus home be gets a text from Walker saying it’s bad enough the rangers support singing about his wife but it’s even worse when he looked down and saw her nephew joining in. 


    Reading that reminded me of the old Frank McGarvey song which every support tortured him with whether he was playing for Celtic,St.Mirren,Clyde or even QOS.

    I can still recall in the days when Clyde were our lodgers at the old Douglas Park,Frank McGarvey chasing the Stand Club bus up the lane resplendent in his Clyde blazer/slacks combo  going tonto at a group of wee guys on The Bible Bus singing that infamous song at him.



  9. Well done Morton.A long overdue League win here, but not too despondent as for spells in the game Accies played good attacking football but with no cutting edge.

    A  lesson learned today against  sides who will sit in and need to vary it at times if we are hoping to score as we tried to pass the ball into the net.Score first in these games and the side sitting in have to chase a goal.

    Moyo told to move out of his Club accommodation indicates that another striker may be incoming.For me,we need two as Templeton(first 90 minutes in a long,long time) will end up injured and surprised he wasn't today the amount of times he was fouled.

    Accies fans need to realise this is the first time the midfield/strike force have played 90 minutes together.Time to judge is 10-15 games in.

    Morton showed their experience today:hitting on the break,defending resolutely and making fouls to break up the play.

    A lesson learned for Brian Rice  which he better heed or the clamour for his head will be  unstoppable.







  10. On 01/08/2021 at 09:29, Accies1 said:

    Accies fans have previous of leaving games in Fife early. Few years ago wee were 3-0 down to Cowdenbeath and a fair few left before we made an incredible comeback which included a goal from the half way line from Jesus.

    Happened years ago at a Cup Tie versus East Fife also.The game went to extra time and penalties and half our support missed it as they left before the 90th minute and missed another great comeback.

    I couldn't make it on Saturday,so had to resort to Hesgoals and the "quality" feed.☺

    I went out the back door at 4-0 and by the time I came back in it was 4-2 and  time to turn it back on.

    Good attacking play by Rovers who should have scored 6 or 7, but a great comeback by us.

    These clowns in the Boardroom have to get some players in as that starting 11 will relegate us as we can't rely on Templeton every week as he won't be fit to play every week.

    A decent Manager would help, but even if we had lost 7-0 his job was safe and that is to do with other issues which can't be posted on here.













  11. HooseRice full of praise for the plucky/plookey youth after slipping to a narrow 1-0 defeat with no shots on target.

    Poor Moyo missing another header when it looked easier to score and two more players taken off injured.

    On the plus side,Templeton,McMann and Scott Martin doing well  as Stewards at the big Boxing Event at NDP. The Gaffer thinks this will help them to regain full fitness.




  12. Better learning in these games that last season's squad players are not up to even this level than six weeks down the line.

    Yes,half a team out injured...again, but Accies could have played till Saturday and not scored.

    We knew  guys like Moyo,Hughes,Callum Smith,Stirling etc were not good enough for the top League and now we know they won't cut it at this  level even as squad players.

    Need at least four players incoming: right back,creative midfielder and two strikers as relying on young untested boys and the dross aforementioned won't cut it as we will have a plethora of players injured as per usual.

    Problem here of course is that Rice gave some of these haddies two year deals last season so we are lumbered with them as I can't see a queue of clubs lining up to take them off our hands.









  13. 7 hours ago, ATLIS said:

    Dougie Imrie signs on as a first team coach and Head of Academy for us. Martindale saying he was a 'casualty' of your relegation and let go due to it

    Most fans are raging he was let go while  Rice and Boozy were "rewarded" with new contracts.

    Fair to say Dougie and Daz would have been a popular choice to take over as the Management duo if Rice had buggered off to Falkirk.

    The good news continues to roll in  at Accies.😡😠😈



  14. They fairly know how to get the fans onside these roasters what with Maitland's Statement and Imrie's sacking.

    In my 45,soon to be 46 seasons as a fan,there has only been one time when the fans had a good relationship with the BOD and funnily enough that was during the homeless era under Ally Duguid/David Campbell but they were soon ousted by the crooks due to Watson buying the shares of Robert Gibb from his widow.

    Robert Gibb died in a car crash on the way to a Board Meeting to finally get Watson and Stepek ousted.



  15. 8 hours ago, G51 Red said:

    Yes .. always used to get a KFC when I came out of the original Hamilton baths ....

    Ye olde Hamilton baths were indeed "character forming". Dodging the brown torpedoes once you got past the Blue Diamond,seeing loads of cockroaches when you had to get changed in ' the Big Room'  and the likelihood of getting your feet cut coming out the showers after washing with carbolic soap were indeed  some of the joys.

    Then you had the fact those sitting on either side of the Gallery upstairs would look down at those in the changing cubicles;a perverts paradise with plenty long jackets in the gallery on display.

    My Mum worked as a Conductress on the then Number 62 double decker to Millgate Road,Fairhill (my street and last stop),so it was a free journey for me and the kids in the street with some cracking Kentucky Fried chips for the journey home.

    Great days although the Accies even then had chancers and unambitious Owners/Directors so nothing has changed in that regard.







  16. 4 hours ago, Arch Stanton said:

    The Polis just hunted the fans on the hill. Were there more than 6 of them?

    I watched the second half from the hill and they were hunting anyone who appeared, but surprisingly never said a word to me.

    Mind you,that might have been because my dog(Cocker Spaniel) was chasing they two cops on the Quad bikes baring his teeth at them and trying to jump on the aforementioned Quad bikes.

    The nice Coppers even apologised.😂

    As for the game,nothing was surer than a narrow Well win as no way are we capable of a whitewash against anyone in whatever League.

    The County result delays the inevitable,although I feel if we drag it out to the Play Off, we may prevail  as we should have 5-6 players back by then.

    In the main news though,The Kurry Lounge has been good any takeaways I have had during lockdown.







  17. Evidence points to us finally going down, but one thing I have learned in 45 seasons as an Accie is that we  can pull off results completely out of the blue  under any circumstances.

    If we were to fluke a Play Off I would be a lot more confident as Lewis Smith,Nathan Thomas(both came off the bench tonight),Scott Martin and Marios Ogympoe would all potentially be available.

  18. Reading this thread  reminded me of Gordon Dalziel and his " United States of Arab" comment recently lol.

    Phoned in a few times to put them right on Accies matters and the times I have caught it recently, there has been a few non Old Firm fans on to my surprise.

    Saying that,there must be an audience out there for a non Old Firm fans Phone In show.It would be far more interesting hearing the views of the rest of us Provincials than the same Old Firm dirge repeated ad nauseum.





  19. On 28/03/2021 at 21:18, The Saintee said:

    Let's hear about some heart warming stories. 

    Did Kris Boyd save your granny from being mugged? 

    Did Hans Gilhaus lend you bus fare?


    Met Brian Easton at the Tesco petrol station beside McD park a few days before the Scottish Cup final. Lovely guy who definitely liked a chat. Think he was very excited about the final! 

    Then I met Steven MacLean in St Andrews after the Scottish Cup final. Another genuine guy who was happy having a blether about Saints.

    Brian Easton is a gem of a guy.Had a few pints with him when he played for you guys in The Southside with his pals and  my brother.

    Always has time for a chat as does Jose Quitongo and Big Mark McLaughlin.

  20. On 28/03/2021 at 09:47, Tynierose said:

    Met the late Tommy Burns at a charity event once and he really was a  lovely genuine man, a sad loss.

    Craig Levein was surprisingly very nice.  

    On the other hand Neil Lennon was an absolute cock when I had the misfortune of meeting him at a game, complained about everything that day, even the grass was to hard, the perimeter wall was too close to the pitch, and shockingly a few kids had the temerity to have asked for his autograph which was also a fault.

    Wee Hearts fanny Kris O Neil who scored one goal giving it the big do you know who I am in Eros/Elite in early 2000s, naw lad, nobody knows who you are, jog on.

    The biggest bell end of the lot though was the dreadful Anthony Stokes, I saw first hand him start a fight in a pub only to shite it and run behind his group of mates who bailed him out, seemingly that's his modus operandi.  Grade A c**t.

    This reminds me of years ago when The Mrs and I were in Molly Malones,next to Sauchiehall Street  and Neil Lennon,John Hartson,Johan Mjallby and about a dozen hangers on were being loud and obnoxious.

    Neil Lennon barged past the Mrs to get served first only for her indoors to tell him to wait in line.

    A wee war of words broke out between us and the group with the Mrs declaring "I don't care if you are Neil Lennon or John Lennon,you don't jump the queue to be served first".

    The hangers on didn't take this too kindly although Neil himself defused the situation to be fair...and he waited his turn lol.


    One of my good pals was best man at Derek Ferguson's wedding,my brother played in boys club teams with Barry,Lee McCulloch,Paul Hartley etc and any football  players I have met have been good guys with a few exceptions.

    The exceptions were Raith Rovers players John McStay and Peter Heatherston who were taking the piss out of Jose Quitongo in Hamilton Palace because he couldn't speak English properly and a few of us took umbrage on Jose' behalf before bouncers defused the situation.

    Conversely, his cousin Paul McStay who was three years above me at school was a fantastic,modest guy.Probably too modest in a way.

    Some Accies fans don't like Paul Hartley, but I have always found him ok.After scoring the winner for Celtic at New Douglas Park in the Billy Reid era(I can only remember the score 1-2), he was driving past Peacock Cross and rolled the window down shouting " get it up yae Mitchy".I  gave  him a jokey Harvey Smith salute and we both laughed.














  21. 2 minutes ago, smc4761 said:

    Another feckin draw. Well after 7 years in top division its good night from us and hello seaside leagues

    Only two points in it and still fighting even although we  had half a team out injured as per usual.

    Only a certain section of our fans could put a downer on a late goal.Results panned out as I expected with Motherwell already "on the beach".

    A few weeks off to recover injury wise although I said in January,the decision NOT to sign two strikers could be a big risk due to our on going injury issues.







  22. Livvy deserved their win, but a moment of inexperience by Munro cost us an undeserved point.He should have brought Devlin down and taken the booking and we would then have got out of jail with a point.

    If we go  down  a large part will be due to the ongoing injury list and the fact this leaves us with few options on the bench who can make a difference.

    With the likes of Templeton,Thomas,Lewis Smith,Ogympe and even Winter unavailable we had Moyo and no one else to come on to freshen things up going forward.

    We have lost countless points due to making Subs which instantly weaken the team.





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