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Ye Olde Hamiltonian

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Posts posted by Ye Olde Hamiltonian

  1. No surprises in those who have left apart from some of the kids: Jack Breen was highly rated and  Neil  Lennon while Hibs boss was angry we poached him away.Charlie Reilly and young Joseph obviously never kicked on the way the club thought they would.

     Notwithstanding,from games I watched at youth/reserve level young Kyle Munro was very impressive.He can play left back,left midfield,centre forward and has a physical presence for a young lad which would have served him well playing in the Juniors for Clydebank last season where he apparently did  very well.


  2. On 29/04/2020 at 12:42, airdrieman said:

    No surprise at all and well deserved. I fully expect him to sweep the fans' vote too. 

    Was Accies letting him go for nothing an even worse decision than letting someone steal a million quid from their bank account? Undoubtedly. 

    Hopefully there is a sell on clause as plenty of us were perplexed at this decision.

    The position he plays in was probably our strongest squad wise with four players capable in that position with Scott McMann not likely to lose his place.

    Now,if he only be could have played right back.He was outstanding in every game I watched him playing in under 20's/reserves, so knew you guys had won a watch.





  3. 26 minutes ago, accies1874 said:



    If it's to help HCWs as opposed to the spread of the virus (although I'm sure the latter will still have some part to play) then that makes complete sense. I am/was just worried that we're being allowed to go to games this weekend just because they're quite close.

    The football game itself will be fine (there won't be anymore than 100 of us), but being on a bus for ~8hrs and sitting in a small pub for a couple of hours probably isn't the best way to protect yourself from the virus.


    Will be a good Accies support for this game as you will see.Even more so,now it may be the last game for a while.

  4. 3 hours ago, accies1874 said:

    They're probably the worst team in the league along with us. I'm worried that we've 'peaked' too early (just in terms of this week) and won't beat them next week.

    Aye,we've peaked with half a squad out ffs.

    Constant negativity from some of our fan base is as usual ott.

    Even on a day when we win with ten men,a section of our fan base  still have to put a downer on things ffs.

  5. On 26/02/2020 at 15:54, stepek 4 tellys said:
    On 26/02/2020 at 15:11, accies1874 said:
    We've had under 30 wins from our last 142 league matches (this season so far + the three prior to that), haven't won back-to-back league games in what'll end up being over two years, haven't avoided a relegation battle or finished above 10th since our first season in the Premiership, have set a record-low points total for avoiding the relegation play-off, and haven't put together any decent cup run.

    The only reason staying up last year was fun was because we had a new manager and were told how stupid we were for wanting Canning out. The end of the 17/18 season was when I realised that simply surving had become boring. We're an existential crisis of a club.

    I know the Championship will be miserable if we do a Thistle and even more so if we get stuck there and do a Falkirk, but there's no enjoyment left for us in the Premiership if we continue doing what we've always done. Then again, what will our aim be when we do go down? Do what Falkirk did for years (and Ayr might be like now) and constantly challenge for promotion but not get it?

    We don't want to be in the Premiership when we're in it, but that'll be our main objective when we're not. Again, existential crisis.

    So, what is your point exactly? It's the lesser of two evils, watch us struggle in the Premiership or slog away in the Championship hoping to get back up and then struggle to stay there. I know which I'd choose. Nothing is going to change approach wise under this current regime so your other choice is give up supporting the team. I've watched us play in the lower leagues for years and it was soul destroying at times, give me our current status any day of the week.

    I  have watched Accies  for 43 years, most of them in The Championship with lengthy spells in the Seaside Leagues and have no great desire to go back there.

    A change of Manager,decent signings and we could easily do a Livingston.Go down and we are down for years and any half decent players will be off and once the novelty wears off then crowds will go down again.

    We were down to 500 at times pre John Lambie and it will be back to that.Only way to try and grow the club is in the top League-no matter how hard it is.

  6. 3 hours ago, G51 Red said:

    Accies in no fans shocker ....🙄

    Home end was busier than it has been for a while considering the dreadful pricing but when you look at us Alex Neil era in that wonderful half season  compared to now,the drop would have any decent Owners/Directors trying to entice people back and asking where have the fans gone.

    Instead we chase people away and the fans are considered an afterthought as The Petting Zoos,addiction services and all the other shenanigans are well up the pecking order.

    Dreadful pricing for  home  fans with kids without season books  also and has been for years.Away fans are badly affected by this also.

  7. Shambles of a performance by Accies against ten men and Motherwell should have sneaked that in injury time.

    I felt if Ogympoe scored first half,we would have went on to win but second half he was breathing out his backside and Templeton for me looked unfit.

    The less said of Johnny Hunt's cross for an open goal the better.Alston again continues to disappoint and Lewis Smith should be playing before him every week.

    FInally,Accies not publicising the prices led to folk turning back at the home turnstile and rushing round for the extra cash.Disgraceful pricing and they simply haven't learned from the first game.

  8. On 15/02/2020 at 19:04, accies1874 said:

    After seeing Hearts and St Mirren recently, I think they're a bit worse than I've given them credit for, however they're both better than us.

    Since they got promoted, Accies have never finished above a side that we've trailed by six points at any point in the season, so it's very much a case of needing to catch St Mirren - an opportunity that we've fucked up on many occasions this season.

    That must be why they horsed us the last few weeks?

    The constant negativity of some of our fans is as usual OTT.A hard fought point on Saturday after being on the end of another bad decision by officialdom and Accies fans on Social Media having a go at the team ffs.



  9. On 30/01/2020 at 14:59, Busta Nut said:

    Motherwell's is mostly Lanarkshire I'd guess

    There are a lot of Motherwell fans in Hamilton.Some who moved here,others who were brought up supporting a top League team when Accies languished in the Seaside Leagues and plenty who became Well fans when John Boyle flooded Hamilton schools with free tickets during our homeless years.

    Strathaven has a good number of Accies fans with a few in East Kilbride I know of, but not as many as there should be due to the club never trying to reach out to folk from there which has always been a missed opportunity.

  10. 1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Update to this...

    Next 5 games - fixtures against top half sides in italics. 

    Kilmarnock - 23pts - Ross County (H), Hearts (A), Rangers (H), Hibernian (H), Celtic (A)

    St Johnstone - 23ptsCeltic (H), Hearts (H), Aberdeen (A), Motherwell (H), Ross County (A) 

    Ross County - 22ptsRangers (A), Kilmarnock (A), Livingston (H), Hibernian (A), St Johnstone (H) 

    St Mirren - 20ptsHibernian (A), Hamilton (H), Livingston (A), Motherwell (H), Hearts (H)

    Hamilton - 18pts Celtic (H), St Mirren (A), Aberdeen (A), Hearts (A), Motherwell (H) 

    Hearts - 17pts - St Johnstone (A), Kilmarnock (H), Celtic (A), Hamilton (H), St Mirren (A)

    Accies v Aberdeen is at NDP


  11. Most Accies fans on Forums  feel the club were daft to let young McCann go as he has been playing great for you guys and any time I watched him in the reserves/under 20's he was a stand out.

    Hopefully,there is a sell on clause as this will probably bite us in the arse down the line.Scott McMann has been playing ok at left back, but I read you have been playing him further forward,so that could have been an option for us next season.

    I expected him to be around the first team next season following in the footsteps of Lewis Smith,Jamie Hamilton, George Stanger and Andy Winter from our great under 18 side who won the SPL under 18 league undefeated(humping the Old Firm in the process) so very surprised at this.

    Rumours that Brian Rice thought he was too small to make it at SPL  level(don't believe this myself).If true,then it will come back to haunt us.

  12. 3 hours ago, G51 Red said:

    Think this time it might be more to do with the product on the park ....ie we are shite ...

    I've never known the Accies  support to be so so depressed going into a game versus our neighbours across The Clyde in my 43 years watching us.The St.Johnstone result has sealed many months of turgid displays made worse by Brian Rice going 'full Martin Canning' in recent interviews.

    Wee note for Brian Rice...never go full Canning.

    Many won't travel as they expect a humping  by three or four, but even although we have had terrible performances,we rarely lose by more than a goal.

    We have been in this position before against our neighbours and the result has went completely against what many predicted.Some of these games have produced great memories:coming back from 2-0 down to win 3-2_after three goals in the last 20 minutes; ending a 20 game Motherwell unbeaten run beating them 1-0 and even a few years ago an injury time Ali Crawford penalty to snatch a draw from a certain defeat.

    Unlike our neighbours who are run for the fans(although £24 for Adults is OTT),our Owners care more about their jobs for the boys and local junkies and the like and the disconnect between fans and club is illustrated by the big decline in support from the Alex Neil era which must now be over 50% judging by attendance in the home end.

    I'll be there,not expecting much but a fighting performance whether or not Rice makes the usual arse of team selection.The players deserve our backing-not the Manager of Owners.



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