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Ye Olde Hamiltonian

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Posts posted by Ye Olde Hamiltonian

  1. Both teams poor up front,Accies  once Nathan Thomas hobbled off in his first start since December which sums up our luck with injuries.

    Watching that,hard to see how Bruce Anderson has been given relatively few chances for Aberdeen as the rest of their forwards look no better.

    Would have wanted a draw in Dingwall but a point at Pittodrie is a good result.



  2. 18 hours ago, Torfason said:

    Best game at Douglas Park was Peter Weir coming home and Saints winning 4-2 with goals from Paul Chalmers (2), Peter Weir and Billy Davies 🙌🏻

    I can remember that game well.A good St.Mirren team.

    I can still vividly remember watching my wee brother playing for Accies reserves in a bounce game on the old red Ash pitch(there were a few) at the Hamilton end of Strathclyde Park.

    Reason I remember this game is the aforementioned Paul Chalmers playing against I think it was The Lanarkshire Under 18 Schools side and Chalmers was the worst guy on the pitch with all the young lads looking miles better.

    Still,to be fair he was okish when he played for us. as for tonight's game,no surprise with the outcome.Others have already summed it up well in this thread. 





  3. 2 hours ago, pozbaird said:

    During the Gus - Reid shitfest era, someone gave me three places at Hamilton’s corporate hospitality for a game against us. Three of us racked up suited and booted and prepared to show our hosts restrained respect (as we should). Sat in the main stand, and thirty seconds into the game, as a St Mirren defender has the ball, about four seats away from us, an auld Accies supporting cnut loudly bawls ‘break his fcuking legs! break his legs! Intae’ these cnuts Accies!’.... Murder. Absolute murder. 90 minutes of biting our lip hell. Turned out to be a 0-0 festival of shit, but I was desperate for us to sneak a 90th minute winner to get it right up that auld cnut.

    Couldn't have been old Fergie as you would have got the accompanying tongue and hand action.

    I can remember an Accies v St.Mirren game at the old Douglas Park and after a Saints goal, the whole  away support were singing "Fergie,Fergie, what's the score etc".

    Fergie-resplendent in that black pinstripe suit he always wore- replied with the usual legendary gestures.Apparently it was two each judging by his ability to do the Harvey Smith's with both hands.

    As for this game,the first goal will be vital.Whoever scores it,I don't fancy the other side to score two.

    A 3-3 draw it is then lol.








  4. 3 hours ago, Gianfranco said:

    I used to love the Twitter updates of the under 20s games whilst I went to Ayr college to resit English on Tuesday nights around the time we won the youth cup. It made every single game sound like one of the best games in the world. I’d always have over 2.5 goals on and check it regularly. We don’t even get proper highlights anymore.

    I know this was discussed on here about a year ago but the “positive” messages being rammed down our throats constantly can get so far to f**k. Just get back to things that made it popular with fans in the first place.

    Interesting reading this about your Social Media Department.

    Over the river when the brown stuff hits the fan(Stranraer and Annan especially),our one man and his camera shut up shop completely with very little output.

    After Stranraer away there wasn't even a Post Match interview by Rice as they knew the comments would have been poisonous.

    It is a bugbear of ours that we rarely get told anything like injuries etc although a part of me perceives this as the club going into hibernation when it is  not going swimmingly.

    You guys seem to be the complete opposite which will anger some fans when your team has bad results.




  5. Be an interesting match up here 3 v 3:Watt,Cole,Long v Easton,Aaron Martin,Hamilton.

    We are still guff in midfield and despite a one off performance versus Rangers,Trafford and Hughes are not the answer as the preceding games have shown.

    The home side will be out to put right the previous two games,so for once we will have to match their application and desire.

    I'll wait till I see our team before making a prediction as Rice has a habit of mucking up the team after a good result.



  6. On 06/02/2021 at 04:54, Ye Olde Hamiltonian said:

    Game will be on Hesgoals.

    A stuffy 0-3 or 0-4 is the most likely outcome, but this is Accies we are on about and we are the one club in this League who would lose to the side next to us at the bottom and then go on to draw or beat an Old Firm team in the very next game.

    It happened under Canning so nothing is impossible although 99.99% unlikely.





    Should back my hunches more as I had the same feeling about this game as I did for the 2-0 at Ibrox.

    Great display but with two tough away games,ideally we could freshen it up but this would severely weaken the team.

    We still need another striker as there are no decent options on the bench and ideally another midfielder if Scott Martin is again out for a spell.

    Accies being Accies,we will  likely lose at Livvy and win at Fir Park.





  7. 10 hours ago, cdisaaccie said:

    Only reason I'm watching this one is cos it's on Sky at lunchtime.

    Not paid for a PPV game all season, preferring to go out a walk listening to Open All Mics on Sportsound & due to current personal circumstances def won't be buying PPV any time soon.

    Game will be on Hesgoals.

    A stuffy 0-3 or 0-4 is the most likely outcome, but this is Accies we are on about and we are the one club in this League who would lose to the side next to us at the bottom and then go on to draw or beat an Old Firm team in the very next game.

    It happened under Canning so nothing is impossible although 99.99% unlikely.





  8. Just a wee note to let The Accies Family know John (Jock) Neilson aka Wee Jack from The Accies Vaults has passed away at the age of 98.

    Wee Jack lived near me in The Hamilton West area and was a regular attender until a few years ago.He loved a chinwag  about The Accies as well as his "half and hawf".

    Rip,wee legend of a guy from a near neighbour and the rest of us I am sure.



  9. 11 hours ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

    Our defence is scary bad without Easton and A.Martin, even Shaun Want would be a massive difference to that car crash of a back line.

    I would’ve been v happy with a draw before I seen the team I would bite your hand off for it now. 3-0 home team.

    Problem for me is midfield and has been for two seasons.Trafford's "performance"shows that like Ronan Hughes he is worse than a man down when playing and we have zero creativity in there.

    We need players in ASAP as today we had to recall a kid from the Juniors who hasn't even impressed there;such was the shortage of bodies.

    Full first choice defence missing:Fulton,Want,Aaron Martin and Easton which when added to Scott Martin,Will Collar,Lewis Smith in midfield and forwards in Nathan Tjomas,Ogympoe and David (not Lee Accies TV)Templeton would leave us struggling against Killie reserves.

    No bottom six side could cope with the amount of absentees we have and questions must be asked about the training if we are getting so many injured.



  10. 17 hours ago, Busta Nut said:

    I agree about  Spice being better than the Bombay Cottage.

    Bombay cottage also has issues with tips and treatment of staff we heard.


    Mushtag's > Spice.

    Reading this reminds me of "an incident" I witnessed taking the dog out last January walking past The Bombay Cottage.

    We had to decant to the road as all the staff were punching the lights out of each other on the pavement outside.

    Funniest part was two of them fighting on a car bonnet with my Dog wanting to get involved.

    Wonder if they still have the staff sleeping upstairs in bunk beds?Stopped going there once I found out from one of The Chefs that the staff don't get any of the tips.They can Foxtrot Oscar with that carry on .

    I have heard good things about that new Restaurant which is straight  across from The Woodside Bar which used to be The Amran.The Curry Lounge is supposed to be good also.

    As for the game.Motherwell are on one of those runs we go on every year, but we usually dig out a result out of nowhere which gets us back on track.The body language of their players makes me question this happening unless a new Manager can get them doing so.

    Good to see Gourlay grow in confidence after his howlers at Annan and Stanger get more game time.

    Despite this result,we are still badly short of attacking options with Nathan Thomas,Lewis Smith,Marios Ogympoe and David Templeton all missing.The fact Tunde Olowabi and Justin Johnson are not getting a decent chance shows Rice obviously doesn't rate them.

    Long way to go and our squad is still light in midfield/up front despite a few decent results.







  11. Not sure if we have still have the undersoil heating, but a lot of black ice around which leads me to think the Main Stand area could be somewhat treacherous.

    It wouldn't surprise me if it it was off as it would suit both teams: Accies with our lengthy list of absentees and The Well with The Manager scenario.

    If the  game is on,I wouldn't be surprised if our neighbours get the new Manager bounce added to the fact both teams seem to have a better away record in this fixture.

    We have  very little up front with Moyo still living off his two goals last season at Fir Park and Ibrox.I don't think he has scored this season,so it is all lined up for you know what.

    A no score draw wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.






  12. On 19/12/2020 at 20:45, Owsley said:

    And get it right up you Ian Vigurs, lashing out at Scott Martin after he scored, injuring him and now he's probably a doubt for midweek.

    I watched him last season against our reserves and he was the Billy Big Bollocks going around the pitch threatening wee boys.

    Just a shame none of our first team or fringe  players were playing to take him out.I reckon a Gogic or Steve Davies would have put his gas at a peep.




  13. 8 hours ago, accies1874 said:

    I swear every winger we've ever had looks world class in one of their first three games before being shite for the rest of their time. Hopefully Thomas bucks the trend.

    Good friend of mine(exiled Accie with a Box and soon to be a Director at Carlisle) told me that if we get him fully fit,he will be a great signing and is capable of the odd spectacular goal.

    The main point is to get him fit.

    Coincidentally,an ex Accie and Carlisle  player I played in school teams with who has watched him down there says the exact same...so here's hoping.



  14. 9 hours ago, Uncle Scan said:

    Your bottom line is getting rarer as time goes on

    I'm finding they hate the local team more than their rival

    To them only 2 teams exist you're one or the other

    Never the fitba other issues determine your team especially since 2014

    Yep,I find on local Social Media pages and in person that there are a helluva lot of Old Firm fans in Hamilton who despise us nearly as much as the other cheek.

    This reminds me of 2008 when Accies fans planted a large HAFC flag on the roof of The Academical Vaults after winning The First Division.The Celtic lot hated it and a few weeks later after an Old Firm game they took it down and set it on fire which caused a few "incidents" afterwards for a few years.

    Only in Scotland would this happen.I've lived in a few countries and never witnessed the vitriolic hatred to their local team which you get here.


  15. Growing up in Hamilton and seeing the packed trains/buses leaving for The Old Firm is enough to make one weep as our club would kill to have these people support us.

    I went to one of the biggest schools in Scotland-Holy Cross and got in a few arguments with Teachers(this was 1979-83)about why I supported the Accies and not *the cause".There is a helluva lot of peer pressure on West of Scotland Catholics to support Celtic and those who don't have to have a thick skin to stand up to the abuse and ridicule.

    Peer pressure and glory hunting added to "90 minute bigotry" for me are the main reasons why The Old Firm capture most of the football support up here.Your Dad being a Rangers man/a Celtic man less so but nonetheless a factor.

    However,there are a helluva  lot of people who local clubs could attract-namely the folk who like football, but don't want to support The Old Firm and all our clubs have an untapped market here.

    That European run by the wonderful Accies youth team of a few years ago witnessed twice the home support at these than SPL games and my club did nothing ...nada to encourage these people back.

    Sadly it will never change and if anything,the more exposure these days for The Old Firm across all media will hoover up plenty who are ditherers.Easier to go with the  crowd   for guaranteed success than taking the hard option, which is why I have a lot of admiration for those fans-particularly in the poisonous West of Scotland- who go against the herd instinct.

    Finally,G51 Red on here lives a Peter McCloy kick out from Ibrox Park and has brought his boys up to be great Accies men.I doff  my cap at him for his stubbornness lol.





  16. 6 hours ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

    On the face of it, the number of Banning Orders received seems to be concomitant with the number of fans each club has. The Big 6 of Sevco, Celtic, Hearts, Hibs, Aberdeen and Dundee United are the top 6 in this table.

    Hamilton stand out however as they have received more orders than Kimarnock, Dundee and Falkirk. Pro-rata they must have the most badly behaved fan base.

    wrestling japan GIF by Cheezburger

    I don't know if that is our young team getting themselves banned deliberately to make sure they can't attend games when we can do so lol.

    Fwiw,most of the young ones  stopped attending during the Canning era so the numbers could have been worse.

  17. 7 hours ago, Owsley said:

    A Canning team lost 6-0 to Hibs, to be fair. At least we're getting absolutely horsed against a better calibre side.

    What I would say in defence of Canning(can't believe I said that  as I wanted him out  after the 5-0 defeat at Firhill in his temporary spell in charge) is that after a few really,really  bad results we would grab a win somewhere out of nowhere against The odds.

    The same could be said of last season's Accies team under Rice but we had fighters in that team like McGowan, Gogic and to a lesser extent hard workers like Oakley.

    This squad doesn't have the Accies DNA in fighting for every point and the blame for that lies in those who brought them in,namely Rice and Maitland.

    I said at the start of the season I thought this squad could lose the first 11 games without taking a point as I had the fear looking at the calibre of recruitment and we could have done so: lucky against Dundee United who missed two sitters,a lucky win at Fir Park and at Livvy it was 1-1 when they hit the bar.

    Sadly,we all now have "the fear" and it is scary how bad this could get unless we  change direction.This squad will now be bereft of all confidence and there are no Imrie,McKinnon or big Marko types to galvinise,kick arse and steady the sinking ship.

    I feel worse now than I did during the really bad years as there were circumstances which led us there but this has been due to monumental fcuk ups and as usual it will be the fans who get the blame when the brown stuff hits the fan.










  18. Even if St.Mirren are down to 8 outfield players and four Keepers,they would still win this no sweat.

    The atmosphere is toxic between our fans , aka "keyboard warriors" and the Charlatans in the dugout and Boardroom and Maitland's nonsensical defence of the failings of Rice have ratched it up even further.


    Fwiw,a run of games with good results won't save Rice in the long run as his recent comments,his Mrs arguing with fans on Twitter and the bad feeling resulting from recent events  means he is a dead man walking.





  19. 2 hours ago, betting competition said:

    Didn't know it was a 7pm kick-off  lol

    Don't think the Accies  defence did either.

    Of course,better second half,but game was finished by then and another list of training matches we have given teams under Canning/Rice.

    Maitland et al will see the second half as proof he can get us results against the bottom six ...He won't.





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