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Ye Olde Hamiltonian

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Posts posted by Ye Olde Hamiltonian

  1. 3 hours ago, FuzzyBear said:

    We don't have a decent support.  A normal game would see about 300 but as it is a play off final we might get up to about 400.

    I'm detecting a lot of interest in these ties as folk who have rarely attended I know are going and HAFSWO are running as many buses as can be filled.

    We had a decent support at Alloa,so quite a few more after yesterday.






  2. 3 hours ago, cb_diamond said:

    No to be honest. I also suspect that lots of Well fans wouldn't class the Accies as much of a rivalry either. Despite the distance league wise between the clubs Motherwell - Airdrie has always and will always be the big Lanarkshire derby.

    To be fair,that was always because the Accies stank out the bottom divisions post war up to the last 15+ years while both Airdrie and Motherwell were getting to Europe and mostly in the top flight.

  3. 2 hours ago, Waspie said:

    The manner of that comeback is bound to give Accies a big lift and there was some very good movement in attack. It might be the confidence boost you need to get through the final. At the same time, we went in with a depleted team and went on to lose the 3 fit defenders we had started with. We had centre forwards and attacking midfielders in defence. Airdrie are better than our best team and today certainly wasn't our best team. If they play as they can - which isn't a given as they can be very up and down - I think they'll win. 

    Saying that if we play as we did in January for that spell of games,I would be very confident against any League One team as were playing well then but changing the formation ruined us for months.One of our subs was a left back coming on as a striker as we only have two fit strikers.

    If we shut the door at the back,I am confident but refusing to play our first choice Keeper Fulton because he is joining Portsmouth  for over £100k is crazy  as it would cost more if we go down.

    Same scenario as letting Andy Ryan join Larne in January as his goals would have kept us up.

  4. Accies were dead men walking, but funnily enough the fans going mental at The Board seemed to galvanise the team as the pressure was all focused on the Owners/Board and not the Manager/Team.

    We only have two fit strikers and both hadn't scored for months up to today but after we got the goals you could see confidence coming back into the team.

    There is still an undercurrent of anger at The Board and Airdrie winning the tie easily will bring that back to the surface.

    Airdrie will start favourites as scoring for fun, but Accies and Play Offs have brought success in the past,so who knows.

    If we win, we will probably be in the same position next year as have only three players in contract and five of our fantastic under 18's(about to win the League,unbeaten against both Old Firm teams)are also out of contract which Shows how badly we are being run as in our top League days,there were never more than 4-5 out of contract every season.

  5. 3 hours ago, AyrshireTon said:

    I look forward to a video of the home fans singing "Keep the Board".

    That will never happen trust me.

    In my 47 years of support, once once have we been run by Owners with the best interests of the club at heart.

    Remember,over £6 million "disappeared" from the sale of the old Douglas Park leaving us with two Stands and a Gazebo.

    Today was weird,Alloa may feel the Keeper should have been off,but I think he went for the ball first.

    A part-time team down to the  bare bones with 10 men were always going to concede eventually, but I never expected four goals in quick succession.

    At 5-2 we made a few subs and kept possession.Main thing though is confidence returning to a team who  have been playing with fear.Guys who couldn't score now have confidence back.

    Airdrie will be favourites but I said months ago we would win The Play Offs if we end up there,so not changing my opinion even although it is a minority view.


  6. The Accies fans in the main this season have given our worst team in 30 years tremendous encouragement with very little in return apart from a memorable Cup Final win.

    Three years ago we were winning at Ibrox,easily dispatching Motherwell,drawing 2-2 at Tynecastle after playing 75 minutes with 10 men  etc etc and rarely has a Club witnessed such a staggering and swift decline in such a short period...all preventable.

    Three home League wins all season-all via penalties, 10 Home League wins in the last 3 seasons and not 1 goal from open play in the last 12 games shows how low they have allowed this ship to sink.

    Add in a Board of Directors who have always despised the fans,have allowed this club to turn into a shambles on and off the park and blame the fans  for our current predicament and not their poor running of the club and you have a cocktail which is toxic.

    I was there in  the bad old homeless days and if we lose out on Saturday the atmosphere will be akin to then and really poisonous.



  7. On 07/05/2023 at 08:21, ExiledLichtie said:

    If you had sold more tickets you would have got more terrace.

    Be interesting to see George Stanger tonight as I thought he got a raw deal at Accies and any time he did play it was out of position...funnily enough under Brian Rice.

    I am sure our fans will give Brian Rice a warm reception at both games as he took time to explain to fans on a few occasions of what he was up against in The Boardroom who never backed him 100% like most of our Managers including Alex Neil.

    Reminds me of meeting ex Player,Captain,Assistant and then Manager Jim Dempsey at a family Funeral two years ago where he told me The Directors were back in his day and still are the problem at Accies for any Manager whether that is interfering with signings or refusing to back a Manager with signings.

  8. On 16/04/2023 at 20:53, Toby said:

    I saw that mentioned by an Ayr fan (possibly yourself) in the last week or so, but to be honest I don’t see it. Imrie’s post match interview on Tuesday would suggest to me that his eyes are firmly fixed on Ryan Fulton and I don’t see McAdams leaving one Championship bench to go and sit on another.

    Failing bringing in Fulton, I’d imagine Jack Hamilton may well be back on the radar if Schwake returns to Livingston as their number two.

    Fulton supposedly off to Portsmouth.

  9. 9 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

    Not convinced. Another season or two scrapping around the bottom of the Championship, winning little more than a half dozen games a season, and their support will go back to what it was just a few years ago.

    As Hamilton know very well, when the relative success of a golden period dries up, those that came along for the ride drift away again.

    The current good Arbroath home support and I applaud them for that, may  start to diminish the same way The Accies support slowly ebbed away after constant relegation fights winning a handful of home games a season.

    The difference though is they have a Board of Directors who support their Club,have the best interests of the club at heart and crucially engage positively with the support.This  can carry a club through problems as this season has shown.

    Meanwhile,The "Owners" at Accies have ruined the best set up since the 1930's after Sir Alex Neil left with their frugality, bad decision making and constant  hostility towards the supporters.

    Now,we are in a scenario where it is only doom and gloom whatever the outcome of The Play Offs.

    Still,despite the dross on the pitch,I have no fears of the Play Offs.None of the League Two sides are as good as those we have played in recent weeks and we only lost points in those games due to comedy defending at our end.

    I predicted ages ago we would shit-fest our way to winning any Play Offs and it wouldn't surprise me if we only score 1-2 goals maximum and win both ties accordingly.




  10. There were three buses booked from The Vaults and only two turned up.Bus Number One chucked them all off as someone opened the hatch for fresh air.

    I was on Bus Number Two and walked off as was not leaving 110+ folk behind.No other buses could be sourced, so we all headed to The Bay Horse which had the game on Firestick.

    Thank fcuk we were not there as Dundee Arnold Clark Hospitality would not have got off as lightly as they did.




  11. On 01/05/2023 at 18:57, SirJimmyofNic said:

    Hope hes not gonna play the same card he did with us, and threaten building houses on the ground 

    He tried that a few years ago with a Planning Application to build Flats on land adjacent to The Tunnel behind The Main Stand,but South Lanarkshire Council knocked it back.

    Meanwhile,he spiels about Investors,but it is well known that John Viola tried to buy the Club and a potential deal was agreed until  McGowan put a spanner in the works by refusing to sell The Stadium Company.

    The man is arguably hated more than Watson,Fulston and Stepek who took over £6million out of the Club via dodgy Property deals leaving us with £650,000 to build a ground.

    Hence why we only have two Stands and have lost a large section of the support from back then and the last few years.

  12. On 03/05/2023 at 20:19, TONTROOPER said:


    Forgive me for posting a totally irrelevant comment regarding Lichties v Accies....but theres a cracker of a Youth Final happening on Ch9 Scotland....right now.

    The self same Youth League where Accies are top  above Aberdeen and The Old Firm and lost the Semi-Final to Rangers due to our best three players being unavailable- unlike Rangers who drafted three in from their Lowland League side for that game.

    Meanwhile, what a contrast in build up to this game.Arbroath and players like Bobby Linn(he would start in my team fwiw)encouraging a big and noisy support whereas The Accies Board-in particular McGowan- have spent the last week having digs at the fans culminating in today's attack on the fans in The Hamilton Advertiser with a near full page attack on " keyboard warriors", folk with banners,boo-boys(completely off the scale this as the fans have backed these duds all season) and the coup de grat of supporters chasing away a potential Investor who was going to put serious investment in the club.

    All nonsensical as John Viola and partners tried to buy the Club, but pulled out as McGowan refused to relinquish The Stadium Company.

    There is a lot of anger on Forums/Social Media at the comments from The Owners this week.Putting a tanked up,angry support near The Directors Box and potentially goading Hospitality and other fans is a disaster waiting to happen and as a fan who watched the disaster unfold in the Homeless Years,this has a similar vibe.

    Back then,the then Owners were attacked and folk arrested after we were dented to The Third Division.I sense similar anger here and with a long journey and drink added to the equation, this could get really ugly.





  13. Accies under 18's still top of the League after last night's thrilling 3-3 draw against Celtic at NDP where they could have won it in injury time but for a misplaced pass in injury time by Ryan One.

    Young Lewis Morgan is currently keeping Ben Black out the team and looks a prospect as does Gabe Forsyth with two goals last night.

  14. 4 hours ago, FuzzyBear said:

    Oh well. Play off at best so down we go.  No way is that team capable of beating Falkirk or Airdrie 

    We have just played the sides 2nd,3rd and 4th in this League and with good Game Management, could have yielded seven points.

    No way any Seaside League team we would face in the Play Offs  are the same standard as Queens Park,Inverness or Thistle.

    My worry isn't The Play Offs, it is actually getting to them as Cove will pick up points.





  15. The Accies fanbase are demoralised  after that calamitous defending which cost us three points on Tuesday after going ahead with that wondrous Connor Smith free kick.

    For all Rankin's paper talk,we don't see a side bursting at the seams to gain points and the goals conceded in the last three games show this.

    In addition,Rankin's subs and game management are atrocious and a decent Manager would have yielded 3-5 points the last three games by shit-festing our way to results.

    Thistle will be expected to win easily-at least by the dejected Accies support  but will that go against them the longer it stays level?

    All I want is a reaction to Tuesday night,a bit of effort,not playing guys out of position and take it from there and see where it takes us.

  16. 3 hours ago, Owsley said:

    As dreadful as Tiehi is and Ashley-Seal doesn't look great either, Haaland would struggle in a team that can't create. Is it nine games since an open play goal? We rely on free kicks, corners and penalties. Our only creative players are probably Zanatta and Lewis, both have been pretty rank all season but surely one of them has to start? And Tumilty has to be right back. Give McGinn a chance at left back, he looked good against Hearts. I think Rankin is clueless.

    McGinn came on versus Queens Park,made a goal-saving tackle and did more in his short spell than Sparrow who cost the goal did.

    No surprise what the clown did earlier then by playing an out of position Sparrow again at left back with Lawson at right back.Stan Taylor realised Lawson was a liability there and moved him into midfield.

    The anger at the Board tonight end of the game was very evident:The Manager,the rookie Assistant,the paucity of a budget and again the refusal to sign a proven striker-as promised three years ago in January-all lie in this continuing catastrophe.






  17. Only "high point" was seeing that 50+ Falkirk fanny with the baseball bat outside the away end get it taken off him and leathered...play stupid games win stupid prizes.

    They then followed two Accies fans minding their own business heading for the train and were soon despatched  again once other Accies fans saw what was happening.

    Quite why  a mob of them turned up at this game is a mystery, but hey ho.

    As for the game, it was always going to be a 1-0 win and Rankin's insistence on playing guys out of position cost us again with a terrible clearance by a player playing out of position with his wrong foot leading to the goal.

    We have the worst set of "strikers" in the League which is why we are where we are.Still, a competent Manager would have made pre-emptive changes and secured two 0-0 draws this week.

    Utterly soul destroying as a blind man can see what is coming but these clowns can't.





  18. 4 hours ago, approximately dave said:

    Do Accies want to stay up more than Queen's Park want to play in the Premiership?

    There's a question for tomorrow evening.

    Accies suffer another calamitous relegation and the whole future of the club is in doubt.

    We will probably have a hybrid of full/part-time with the majority of the full-time being the current under 18's  I imagine.The Youth set up may end up being scrapped as it was costing over £250k a few years ago and that is the real issue as our Under age sides are all flying with quite a few of them leading their Leagues.

    We will be left with dross like Zanatta and the likes of Fulton and Scott Martin will be offski.

    The policy  of "just doing enough to get by" followed by this Board caught up with us two seasons ago and I warned when we were relegated, it would lead to another relegation if it wasn't changed and voila we are where we  are.

    The sadness here is that we may never get the chance to see some of the wonderful talent from the under 16-18's reach their potential.Cost-cutting and penny pinching even more than now will be the mantra.



  19. It used to be a given an Accies win at Cappielow  but it has reversed completely which is testament to Morton getting their act together and us dropping like a stone standards wise the last five years.

    We have collected more points away from home which tells it's own story for me and play better away from that astropitch.

    As for this game,it will be a case of comparing some of those who gave us wonderful days as Accies fans against the current lot who have given us very few good days out-Cup Final excepted.

    A bit of a long shot for Morton to get in The Play Offs and despite our side being guff,they can raise it on occasion but not often enough.

    A  draw in prospect then, but if he plays the right team we could nick it simply due to the precariousness of our dreadful position and the need for a win.As always,it depends what team our "esteemed" Gaffer goes with.

    It  most probably won't happen though if we play guys like Zanatta who is  worse than a man down when blood and thunder is required.A frustrating player as there is definitely ability there which some Manager will eventually get the most out of, but it  has happened all too rarely as all the clubs he has played for will testify.

    Time for Agent Dougie to help his old side out lol.

  20. We haven't beaten Cove this season,so I don't get the overwhelming sense of this is a formality from some Accies fans.

    Despite recent results,I expect Cove to be fired up as a win for them and Arbroath losing brings them onto the coattails of Arbroath.

    Accies have a long history of fcuk ups with a decent crowd in the ground, but a gritty, nervy narrow win would do me.

    Finally, a source I know very close to the Cove Manager told me that he will be sacked if they lose this.As it would leave them adrift at the bottom,this would be a case of shutting the stable doors after the horse has bolted.

  21. 2 minutes ago, RAITHROVERS84 said:

    Utterly honking.

    No striker on the pitch against relegation cannon fodder that Dundee showed how poor they are just 72 hours ago. 

    Whipping balls in to the box to 5ft 6 Vaughn…did you not learn from the cup final embarrassment?

    Everything is two touches, slow, predictable and boring. 

    Never worked the keeper, don’t recall a shot on target and just insipid.

    Quite a few changes to Accies team from Saturday which was a line up which would have suffered a bad defeat against any team in this League bar Cove.

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