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Ye Olde Hamiltonian

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Posts posted by Ye Olde Hamiltonian

  1. Ronnie McDonald coming across as a bitter man at being ousted by Zengin at The Football Club(Stadium Company is a different kettle of fish as we all know).

    His regime has went The Grand Old Duke of York as we find ourselves back where we started when he took over.

    His regime for me ultimately comes down to two things:the disastrous appointment of Martin Canning at the best period for the club since the 1930's denying us the chance of Europe and giving his Shares away to the man despised by 99.9% of Accies fans aka Colin McGowan in his last GIRUY to the fans.


  2. We have a better squad now than we had last season in The Championship.

    Another decent signing for this level and it will be supplemented by some of the Under 18's like Paddy Meechan,Cian Newberry,Chrissy McGinn  and Liam Morgan(better than Ryan One/Ben Black).

    Only downside of recent activity is that the outgoing stars from the Under 18's will weaken the team for their European games but the money from their sales has enabled us to build this squad, so  a Catch 22 scenario.

    It might go all Pete Tong, but the fans are looking forward to this season with optimism  for the first time in many years.

  3. 4 hours ago, Ian Mcleod said:

    I wouldn't have Mcginn as first choice and would be getting a LB in and have Mcginn as a backup choice We will also need a keeper considering Fulton is leaving cause if we let Jamie Smith be our number 1 choice keeper we are in big trouble. 

    I don't get the way many of our fans have a dislike of Jamie Smith as he has rarely let the side down and folk forget Fulton was no great shakes when he first came into the team.

    What he needs is a run of games and this League will provide that although we also need a back up if and when Fulton leaves.

  4. Tumilty started well but after the Final,he never looked the same player;the same could be said for McGowan also.

    Shiels should be getting replaced by young Chrissy McGinn anyway,although I am hearing Stephen Hendrie may be returning.

    A central defence of Lee Kilday and Fergus Owens would be good enough for this level.A right back,replacement for Scott Martin if he leaves(I heard Dundee United are interested) and 2 strikers would be my priority.

  5. Looking forward to revisiting old grounds,a new one in Kelty and some good,decent priced grub compared to what we had to suffer the last 15+ years home and away bar a few exceptions.

    As for the football,the club are still at war with the fans and vice-versa, so it could go any way.The way the club has been mismanaged from Alan Maitland and McGowan sees us where we are and we could sink even further.

    I was looking forward to seeing some of our fantastic Under 18's who are the best in the land,won The Elite League thrashing the Old Firm in the process  but one has joined Leeds(Josh McDonald)another about to join Norwich(Gabe Forsyth)and Ryan One also touted for a move.

    The only certainty is the incoming transfer fees plus that for Ryan Fulton,if he goes to Portsmouth won't go into "The Football Department".

    Oh how I wish we could get rid of these leeches and get Owners in who care about the club and the fans and just be a normal Football Club again.



  6. 19 hours ago, D'Jaffo said:

    Someone on our thread said we’ve spoken to Andy Ryan about bringing him back from Larne. He actually any good? 

    If he had not moved to Larne for a piddly £10k,we would not have been relegated.

    Larne are in European Competition and have just won the League,so I would be surprised if he moved anywhere at the moment.

  7. 19 hours ago, Beckford said:

    Yeah his relationship with our wee dictator was one of the reasons why it was weird he never moved up. Guess Livi / Morton just ticked more football boxes than us.

    Imrie was a regular at McGowan's Poker Nights above The Bay Horse before the Ownership changed(an Accies fan runs the Pub now).

    One of my friends is a Professional Poker Player, so who attended these nights was regularly relayed to myself and a few others.

    Main issue is the contradiction here: Charities at the ground against Gambling all for show,but quite a few well known football celebrities including Mr "wherez the burds"  were at these nights with a LOT of money changing hands.

    A lot more went on  allegedly which i am not going to post on here and one thing in particular  was the main reason why he never got the Manager's job at Accies at the time and went to Livvy.



  8. 8 hours ago, Beckford said:

    Thought the penalty awards were soft to say the least and the ref was poor throughout. Can see why a regular would feel the performance was average last night but felt we were always in control and managed the game well (which the first team couldnt do for the last 10 mins on Sat)

    Noticed a few club reps in the stand, to be expected given the season the team has had. Sadly feel you are right that cashing in for the junkie hotel will be Mcgowans plan.

    Noticed Ronnie and Dougie were sat together tonight. Dougie becoming a regular in recent weeks, no doubt keeping an eye on boys he knows well but wish he was planning to return. Should never have been allowed to leave and could have got much more out of the first team this year.

    Every game I have watched Imrie is always there as I think he was in charge of most of them at under 15/16 level.

    The one who gotaway.com

  9. Watched quite a few of their games and tonight was an average performance but we got the job done despite The Well getting two penalties which puzzled nearly everyone.

    Loads of Scouts at these games and sadly McGowan will probably try to punt any he can to make up for the drastic shortfall in income.

    I expect to see quite a few of these guys in the first team next season.

  10. 18 minutes ago, G_&_T said:

    The ground has a capacity of just over 6,000. I'm guessing the one behind the goal holds 2,000, as it was almost full yesterday, but not quite. The temporary stand accommodates 700, according to footballgroundguide.com, so I would guess 3,300.

    1,600 home fans for a play-off final against local rivals is dreadful, btw. So aye, the stand was more than half empty if my calculation's correct.

    The  amount of Accies fans who didn't go because of The Board puzzles me.

    Biggest game in 25 years and folk not going because of their hatred of The Owners.

    The team needed them yesterday.I hope they are all happy today.😈😈



  11. It's not the relegation that is the big issue,but how low will these fcuks in the Boardroom take us that is concerning.

    I feel our club may  fold with these chancers running the show  as we have been here before and suffered plenty relegations but this feels different.

    We all take the piss out of each other,but no way would I want any other club on here to fold like Third Lanark.

    Not knowing what the future holds is the big issue.

  12. On 19/05/2023 at 09:09, Diamond1924 said:

    What’s the deal with tickets for Saturday?

    The website is still showing them as sold out? Surely we can’t be sharing that home stand. 

    Cash Gate at both ends as is always the case through here.

    Been told you guys had sold 1500 by last night,1200 at our end which considering most Accies punters pay in on the day is better than I thought so far.

    Not got a ticket yet myself,so Cash Gate it is.



  13. I felt Rankin gave Airdrie the initiative by moving to one man  up front start of the second half as it allowed the ball to move quickly against us.

    Subs were a bit meh and if you are going to bring Tiehi on,you give him more time and put balls in the box for him.

    As for Airdrie,they should be looking for the first goal Saturday as our powder puff strikers won't score 3.

    However,if we score first  I would be very confident of getting the job done.

    All to play for and  a big,big performance needed for sure.



  14. 2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

    I'm still not convinced anyone shouted anything on Saturday.

    There was an horrendous tweet sent on Tuesday that it is being claimed was shouted almost verbatim but I can't believe anyone shouting that in public, never mind no-one hearing it and leathering them at the time.

    I was right next to what went on and the only shouts I heard were against The Board.

  15. I presume The Commercial Manager will be one of those banned for abusing fans/wanting to batter individual supporters along with Gerry Strain/Martin Milligan aka The Iceland Employee from Burnbank?

    What a shower of self-serving cants we have running our club.The Players caught in the middle between the continuing war between The Board and the fans.

    Perfect way to prepare for our biggest game in 20 years against a Club with a United fanbase,Management and Directors all singing from the same hymn sheet.

  16. 1 hour ago, Mr November said:

    The very same. I was just about to say that the Hamilton fans reminded me of that Cove game when Seref Zengin was there with (I think) Colin McGowan and Jim Ballantyne. A poisonous atmosphere that day, though I do still laugh at the story of Ballantyne flashing his rolex at someone. It goes back to what we were talking about in our thread yesterday. For all some people aren't keen on them for whatever reason, the current board are miles better than those charlatans. I dread to think where we'd be now if Zengin had took over.

    I've heard from an unnamed source in his organisation that Zengin wants full control at Accies within the next two years.

    To be fair,he was the one Director trying to get the fans banned for social media comments in January back in the ground.We banned the guys who run The We Are Hamilton Facebook/Twitter(like the Airdrie Board banning the excellent Airdrie Fans TV)because they found out that one Director(let's call him Martin Mulligan lol) had set up a fake account to abuse supporters.

    Today's nonsensical statement by Allan Maitland(missing in action all season) added to yesterday's by The Commercial Manager wanting to better fans highlights the divide between the fans v the Board.

    I was part of the Campaign to get us back in the town during our homeless years when over £6million "disappeared" leaving us with £ 650,000 to build a ground.Thus,two Stands and a Gazebo when the original plans were for 4 Stands and a sliding Roof when we got the extra £2million overage money 2 years later from Hamilton West Retail Park.I

    Airdrie's fantastic attacking football you could say deserve to prevail but from an Accies fans viewpoint, we go down and will go down again and again as McGowan and Associates have run the Club into the ground and we could go out of business.

    This is the lot who made fans jump through hoops for Cup Final tickets, have banned fans resulting in hundreds of us watching games in local Pubs on dodgy streams a la above and who want the Stadium for "Charity" and other activities.

    The Football Club comes way behind squirrelling  money away for vainglorious projects such as their planned Drugs Rehabilitation Centre in The Away Stand.

    The last two days by Accies Officials on Social Media have only increased the divide and the atmosphere will be poisonous if Airdrie win easily.

    Supporttheteam nottheregime is the Accies supporters motto.











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