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Everything posted by C4mmy31

  1. VAR was some laugh at Rugby Park this afternoon. A complete joke.
  2. I see Jones has been given permission to stay with us till the summer. At least he's another body.
  3. I don't know if I should laugh or greet ! The FA have ruled that Wigan's attempt to recall Jordan Jones wasn't legal and as such he'll spend the rest of the season with Killie (Wigan Today).
  4. 21 pts at home and only 2 pts away from Rugby Park. We really need to take something from this game but with our away record, I'll be shocked yet delighted if we see anything other than a defeat. No idea what selection Del's tombola will fire out for this one but it looks like Donnelly misses out, latest update awaiting results of a knee scan, while Taylor comes back into contention after being subbed off Wednesday night as a precaution. As for Robinson, he'll probably start on the bench.
  5. Gauranteed either way a huge rebuild, as it stands DM will have 23 players out of contract come 1st June and free reign to shape his own squad as he has signed or extended the 5 who'll be left, Armstrong, McInroy, McKenzie, Watson & Wales.
  6. Chambers looks a player, no wonder McInnes was waxing lyrical about his performance, you can see why he's as highly thought of at Liverpool, mature beyond his years and hopefully gets better once he knows his team mates.
  7. No idea what went on over the last week or so but it'll all come out no doubt. The lad from Liverpool looks very decent for 19 years old thou in an otherwise horrendous window. Surprisingly we looked far better tonight and probably one of the best performances we've had this season. Dundee Utd are utter dross away from home tbf.
  8. From a few different sources he was bagged for gross misconduct.
  9. His family remained in Brighton when he was at Killie, Anorher big plus of The Scotland job meant he could spend more time with them. He said so in an interview.
  10. Scratch big Duncan from that list, new manager at Forest Green Rovers
  11. Only if you class now until Saturday 5pm as the long haul... Jim will be in the dug-out on Saturday. However, to be clear, Jim has been left in no doubt that the Board and the fans are seeking an immediate response from him and the players.”
  12. By the looks of things, the wifes probably got his payoff money spent already !!
  13. Wishing it was still 80's technology down this way more like it. Knowing the world was tuned in, buckled with laughter, at the state of your lot on Monday night. Just imagine!
  14. It was plastered all over Sky Sports News last night for example. Grabbing the headlines on a channel which doesn't just exclusively broadcast within the UK, especially on an evening where Kane equalled Jimmy Grieves goal scoring record which they've been falling over themselves about for a while now. Try reading my post again, I never mentioned a CC company nor did I suggest they would solely look at Darvel. The bank she works for are involved with and sponsor various community based projects. Best not to just pick out bits or put a spin on the parts of my post that suit to have a go at certain individuals.
  15. Like it or not the simple answer to your question about why they would want out of the WoSFL league is AMBITION and PROGRESSION. Let me give you just ONE example of why Iast night could and I stress could, benefit the WoSFL, bare with me as it's a wee bit long winded. My Mrs is the Credit Card Director for a well known UK High St bank, this morning after their daily board meeting and knowing shes from East Ayrshire, the subject came around to last nights game which a good few of them from down south had also watched on TV. Her collegue responsible for marketing and sponsorship was extremely keen to know more about Darvel and most importantly the WoSFL as a whole. She tells me even the Chairman suggested they should explore further. Imagine they decided to sponsor a competition or the league, as these multi nationals don't get involved with a single club for fear of alienating themselves from customers. Don't you think the whole league would benefit if something became of that discussion? Afterall, big multi nationals love to ride the coat tales of a fairytale/success story. Like it or not, last nights game has generated discussion and interest from far afield not just the West of Scotland or our little country but it's making headlines worldwide. I've also sat back and read for a long while now about how John Gall, Mick and Darvel are this, that n the other, a vanity project where only their money talks and they're buying success. The truth is that success is getting exposure, interest and people talking that otherwise would simply not exist.
  16. And yet John Gall, Mick and the Darvel players have done more to raise the profile and generate publicity for the WoSFL than you or anyone else has or ever will do. But you batter on with your vanity nonsense.
  17. Judging by the amount of pictures posted of bookies betting slips on social media it wasnae just Aberdeen that took a pumpin in East Ayrshire tonight
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