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Everything posted by C4mmy31

  1. Tbf he was marmite anytime he got a game last season in the Championship. All the one on one sessions he's getting from Chris Burke after normal training and the extra time allowed on the ball in the top flight seem to be paying dividends as his confidence is sky high at present. He's a smashing wee player who's changed a lot of our fans opinion on him.
  2. Astro turf shoulda had a yellow card for that challenge on Callaghan 1st half !! Still, that's been a good weeks work from the Killie squad. When it finally all clicks, someone is gonna be on the end of an absolute pumping.
  3. Our clubs voted against it so the SFA don't have the mandate to issue fines or bans like UEFA does for example.
  4. Were you kicking up f**k when the following occured, if not, why?.... On 30 October 2014, Tonev was given a seven-match ban for "using abusive language of a racist nature". Celtic confirmed that they would appeal the decision, as they believe him to be innocent. Tonev then lost his appeal and Celtic decided not to take the matter any further. It still took till the 27th Aug 2015, 10 months later, before they decided to move Tonev on.
  5. Answer me this.... Why is it old firm fans like yourself think it's exceptable to pay £30 for a ticket, turn up in droves and it somehow exonorates them from carrying on exactly as Lafferty did yet take it as a given they'll be no comeback? Is it because they suddenly develop faux outrage when it's aimed at them and they're not the ones actually dishing it out? It's pretty obvious why your like a dug wae a bone right now.
  6. 1. Sweep, sweep, sweep. 2. Already covered in my 1st paragraph of my previous post. 3. Far more reaching than just "community service" 4. Hopefully it does and changes his mindset. Time will tell. 5. No, see point 4.
  7. Were you under a rock? The club already made it clear they had concluded their investigation with a substantial fine and the order to work closely with Nil by Mouth, our youth players and the clubs Football for All initiative. Hows about we pressure our club when the Glasgow 2 admit they also have problems, only theirs emenates from the stands..... Deal?
  8. His 1st game back will be Celtic at Hampden. I'm sure you guys will have plenty to say that day. Mind those P's & Q's thou lads, I'm sure you wouldn't wish to offend anyone.
  9. We all know what end you'll be in with your half n half scarf
  10. Perhaps his mum sent him to his bed early for chewing his crayons.
  11. You maybe wanna have listen about 7min 5secs in when it echos round the stadium from 4 stands, no turned down pitch side mics here....
  12. Mate, there is minimal if any contact at all. Certainly not enough to make the player lie motionless on the pitch like he's been taken out by a sniper in the stand. The minute the red gets flashed he makes this miraculous recovery and gets to his feet. Thats blatant cheating in an attempt to con the ref and sway his decision no matter how anyone tries to spin it and regardless if the player later admits to it or not. I notice the video has convieniently disappeared btw.
  13. You can't have selective sectarianism by claiming it isn't as big a problem as the two cheeks so I'll just play it down. It either happens or it doesn't.
  14. It was a tongue in cheek comment mate, ffs turn that frown upside down
  15. Ask any Aberdeen fan about his subs and game management, in general they'll tell you they were baffling and more often than not turned out to be poor.
  16. Ok then It's not as if he doesn't have an extensive history of shite game management.
  17. Did you even read the full initial post? Try putting my post into context instead of picking out the parts that suit you while convieniently ignoring that parts that don't. I was talking about the changes he constantly makes. I've yet to see him make subs that benefit the team.
  18. How did it finish after his master class in changes again?
  19. The tinkerman strikes again. Fuckin sick of these McInnes subs that makes us worse week after week. Still only 3.5 years of this negative pish to put up with.
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