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Everything posted by C4mmy31

  1. Chris Burke & Ally Taylor both re-sign 1 year deals at Killie....
  2. I think your forgetting the 48 hrs vote was only a request by the SPFL it was not compulsory.....
  3. It looks like we're doing something similar to Motherwell's model for season tickets sales...... We know we’ve taken our time but while we’ve been apart, we’ve been working through an unprecedented period of uncertainty over when and in what form professional football in this country could possibly resume. Our offer, which is a freeze on last year’s full price, is based on two key elements – being as fair as possible to our loyal supporters who have stuck with us through these tough times while also providing crucial funds to our manager Alex Dyer and allowing him to revamp the playing squad as we aspire to remain competitive in the Scottish Premiership. We don’t yet know when you will be allowed to return to watch matches at Rugby Park but anyone who buys their Season Pass will be guaranteed entry to 19 home league matches. If this full allocation can’t be honoured through the 2020/21 campaign then you will have the chance to claim a credit, which will be deducted from the cost of your package for season 2021/22. While fans are not allowed into Rugby Park, you’ll have full access to watch all home league matches live through our virtual season pass platform, and we will ensure you still feel part of the action. We can’t wait to see you back at Rugby Park when the restrictions are lifted, but until then, help us by getting right behind Ayrshire’s finest.
  4. out of curiosity...... What would happen if clubs were to abstain from voting ? Could Budge take the SPFL and its member clubs to court if as the law states, an abstention is neither classed as a Yes or No vote ?
  5. Ally Taylor does a u turn and signs a new 1 year deal..... should hopefully get more game time this coming season as the boy looks a very decent prospect. We"ve apparently offered Aaron McGowan a contract today as well....
  6. only for at least two top flight clubs to deliver the peoples elbow.......
  7. so your openly admitting the whole affair is corrupt...... interesting
  8. or we could just get a wealthy fan to bring £47k to the table for every SPFL member club then we'll waive your relegation......
  9. Sounds like your describing Alan Power for Killie as well......
  10. Bowie, Phyllis McLeish (ex QTS) and John Gall (Brownings) are all very pally.....
  11. No fannying about with money off this or free that from Billy Bowie...... Cash refunds for any 19/20 season ticket holder wishing to claim. The max it will cost the club if everyone claimed would be £142k.
  12. "In an emotional plea to the Premiership clubs Budge urges them to correct the injustices of the Covid-19 pandemic while protecting those clubs who contribute most to the professional game" moan tae f**k Anne..... in what way have Hearts contributed most to the professional game? Banter perhaps?
  13. With an 11 post count in almost 9.5 years, your not exactly William Shakespeare yourself cunto..... Noo get f**kin doon.
  14. Not something Rangers fans need worry about, seein as the blue pound boycott really, really, really kicks in from next season
  15. "in our possession verification from each club" I bet this evidence wont take 4 weeks to be released.....
  16. My Learned Friend : Used by a barrister or solicitor in court to address or refer to another barrister or solicitor. ^^^ Douglas Parks legal counsel found ^^^
  17. He'd refuse to settle the bill demanding it be null n void if the result wasn't favourable.....
  18. Sorry but Anne is straw clutching here, she even quoted the SPFL amendment..... "We have received several suggestions promoting League restructuring, perhaps around an enlarged 2020/21 Premiership. Such restructuring might offer the opportunity for relegation for Season 2019/20 to be avoided for all Clubs.” She appears to be taking the view it was a definite green light for change.
  19. From the 2nd paragraph ...... "Firstly, this is private correspondence that we will not be making public. I would hope you would ensure that this is respected by the SPFL and its PR advisers"...... Unless we get our own way obviously.
  20. How can you possibly justify this especially when she has overseen a £12m overspend on a stand to date with costs still rising while lining the pockets of family members ?
  21. BB already stated if it was a temporary fix, it would be dismissed...... IMO, Any Director at any club needs their head looked at if they thought it was a good idea to support a temp fix with the prospect of 3 down at the end of the following season.
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