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Everything posted by stevoraith

  1. I’m going to disagree with you and agree with you all in one go. You’re right, we are what we are- a development/selling club. But where I’ll disagree with you is that it’s not about our lack of financial backing. Young guys generally don’t dream about trying help Raith Rovers get promoted to the Scottish premier. If a team comes in for them who can offer them the chance to play in front of 15-20k fans every week in a team established at a good level then any young guy with ambition will jump at that chance. And without spending an unsustainable amount of money on wages we’ll never be able to compete with that. That’s maybe a bit ‘canny stand in the lads way’ but it’s the sad reality and the best we can do is make sure we wring as much as we can out of the deal when it happens.
  2. Oh I’m well aware of that. And it’s not the fault of Raith TV guys either I’m sure- as has been said most other club TV channels are the same. But it would be nice to hear answers to the questions we all want to ask at times like this.
  3. If you're reading Niall, the pre-match interview tomorrow would be a good chance to ask McGlynn some probing questions....... Will we be getting anyone else as part of the deal? Did he get a say in allowing Dylan to leave? Does he have replacements in mind? Did we try and fail to strengthen the squad leading up the window closing? Will he be getting the transfer fee added to his playing budget? I'm sure others will chip in with some other things they would like to know.
  4. Losing Tait for such a relatively small fee would be hard to take in isolation. Then add the fact we lost Hendry in the summer. Then add the fact Spencer is out for a while yet. Then add the fact Vaughan won’t kick a ball for us this season (if ever). Then add the fact it’s happened right at the end of the window leaving no time to replace him. Unnecessarily weakening an area of the team which has already been decimated by previous player sales and injury since the end of last season is utter madness.
  5. Does anyone think for a second that the club simply haven’t bothered to put out a statement on a done deal? There must be some sort of hold-up or hitch which means the deal isn’t done and dusted one way or another.
  6. I wonder if it's due to COVID restrictions easing....... A lot of roles within the club are carried out by volunteers. Maybe during last season those volunteers were on furlough or able to work from home and could prepare statements/upload content/come up with ideas for new content quickly. Maybe the reason we are seeing content suffering now is because they are back at work full-time? I don't know this, I'm just speculating, but it would make sense. Obviously it doesn't excuse basic things like releasing ticket prices etc either.
  7. Hopefully in the form of some sort of insurance policy rather than a simple release clause. I wouldn’t like to see us simply drop Lewis, and to be honest I doubt we would. I think both parties have enough history and affection for the other that neither would do the dirty. Both sides would have known the risks when a long contract was signed, I’m sure both sides will be content with what happens now.
  8. Not much to add in terms of how gutted I am for a lad who seems like one of the nicest guys in football. On the positive side for Lewis, he knows what it takes to come back from this injury and he knows he can come back from a second injury in the same knee. He also has the financial security of knowing that he’s contracted for another year so he doesn’t have to worry about the club letting him go at the end of the season. From a Raith Rovers point of view…. Last season we had a squad full of good players and two absolutely outstanding ones. We have now lost both of the outstanding players for this season. If we manage to match the achievements of last season it’ll be an incredible effort from all involved.
  9. Shows how big an impact Keatings has made that he’s essentially a ready-made replacement for Vaughan (position-wise) and I forgot he even existed.
  10. Maybe both teams prefer the Tuesday as they’ll then have an extra day to recover before their championship games on the Saturday. Ayr don’t play in the cup this weekend but it means Raith have 2 days recovery after what should be an easier game against lower league opposition and then 3 days recovery between two tougher championship games rather than vice versa. Granted it’s not a huge difference but from a purely selfish point of view I bet that’s the way McGlynn would chose to have it.
  11. Dunfermline and Ayr look absolutely humpty at the moment. What are the chances they’ll both be vastly improved by the time we play them in the rearranged fixtures?
  12. That's just semantics though. Power failure doesn't have to mean no power. In fact, in this case it was specifically described as a surge which has tripped equipment in the stadium and prevented that equipment from being operational in time to allow the game to continue. If the power trips in your house how long does it take for your WiFi router to come back online after power is restored? Mine can be a good 10mins. And that's a single domestic router. So the power failure is stopping it from being operational long after power is restored. Very strange how you are so desperate to have the club take the blame. During a storm earlier this year there was a power surge which blew my mates telly. Is that his fault?
  13. It was only a minute or so long clip, but it was a guy, probably in his late 50s, seemingly a bit under the influence. Started off with something along the lines of “no WiFi, no electricity, hundreds of people navigating their way home along dark streets- Kabul, Afghanistan? No. Kirkcaldy”. He then went on to describe RRFC as a shambles of an organisation. Not surprised he took it down after he woke up this morning and remembered what he’d posted last night.
  14. Surprisingly accurate. Although I can manage a bacon roll. Yeah…. Kind of comes across like that’s what I meant, but I really didn’t mean it like that. I refuse to comment any further on breakfast choices as my initial (tongue in cheek) post was that someone commenting 3 or 4 times to say someone else’s breakfast was a weird choice was a bit OTT and I’m in danger of reaching the same total on the same subject.
  15. At least you’re standing firm. I thought the opposite- if your mum is there to bring your bacon roll to your room then great but grown-ups have other things to do at the weekend.
  16. There’s a lot of nonsense on this thread but I think my favourite is the guy who insists, over several posts, that it’s weird to eat cereal for breakfast every day.
  17. Where have you popped up from? This isn’t true. Power in Pratt street down apparently. Floodlights on because they have their own generator. But with no stadium lights or cctv etc police wouldn’t let game continue.
  18. Champions league standard floodlights obviously sooking too much juice, none left for the rest of the stadium. Embarrassing.
  19. Can we talk about what the DAFC crowd display team is please?
  20. I was critical of Zanatta after the Hamilton game, not of his ability (of which he doubtless has lots) but of his work ethic- head going down when he lost the ball, not tracking back, pulling out of challenges etc. Basically all the things that Armstrong was good at last season. I didn’t manage to see the game yesterday so can’t comment on tracking back throughout the game but the goal certainly proved me wrong with regards to the other points. It would have been easy to let the defender clear it and it would have been easy not to stick the boot in to make the interception but he did brilliantly to make the chance for himself. Well done Dario, you’re winning me over anyway [emoji1360] There are definitely some areas of recruitment where the like for like replacements have been (on paper) downgrades, but JMcG always builds a team rather than a collection of players so that doesn’t concern me as much as it did when I initially heard who we’d signed. I still think we could do with a more prolific striker but we seem to be scoring anyway so I’m happy to see how it pans out. Certainly can’t see us troubling the relegation spots anyway.
  21. Dunno what you’re talking about Zen [emoji6] I’d like to blame autocorrect but was probably just subconsciously thinking about us getting humped.
  22. Strange thing to complain about considering you can view the stadium map and pick your exact seats online in a couple of minutes. At least the gadgie got them eventually. Fingers crossed he wishes he hadn’t bothered come 2pm on Sunday [emoji6] Aberdeen look an improved side this year though so I doubt they’ll have too much trouble getting past our injury-ravaged side.
  23. Who shat in [mention]Ro Sham Bo [/mention]s coco pops? Funny how we can be such a different team this year with just a few key changes. Defence is far superior, Dick, Berra and Lang all appear to be good bits of business. Still not really convinced with most of the other signings. Poplatnik looks useful, but I think one of the major things missing from the others is work ethic. Didn’t see the game today but Zanatta frustrated me last week as I always felt he was likely to shy away from the challenge. Successful McGlynn teams have always been built on every man on the pitch giving his all for his team mates. It doesn’t feel to me like we’ve got that just now. Hopefully it’ll come.
  24. I’m another who was in the McDermid end for a change and quite enjoyed it. The ground certainly does look nicer from that end. If we were able to have 1500 fans in each end I’d say keep it. However, I thought it led to a bit of a reduced atmosphere singing and chanting-wise. At 4-0 up and playing like Barcelona I would have expected a fair bit of singing etc but, certainly from the north end, that wasn’t the case. If we’d all been in together would it have been different? That’s the only negative though, was a positive in all other regards I thought.
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