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Everything posted by stevoraith

  1. FFS I was happily ignoring this nonsense but I feel I have to just correct the blatant lack of facts here. We are a well established team but claiming we've been around for 300 years is pushing it a bit but ignoring that there's still a lot of nonsense in that post. ICT have won the second tier twice, won one national cup, and have two and a half challenge cups. Raith have won the second tier six times, won one national cup and have two and a half challenge cups. Even if you just take the time period in which ICT have been around, we're only one second tier win short of ICT. ICT have done pretty well in their short history, but to claim they have "achieved a lot more in a lot less time" is blatantly rubbish.
  2. There is no room for such reasoned analysis in here. Just because there are no obvious strikers that we could have realistically signed, doesn’t mean Murray shouldn’t have pulled a 20-goal-a-season striker out of his backside.
  3. There is no room for such reasoned analysis in here. Just because there are no obvious strikers that we could have realistically signed, doesn’t mean Murray shouldn’t have pulled a 20-goal-a-season striker out of his backside.
  4. I’m struggling to see what the insinuation is here about Agnew and Goodwillie. Care to elaborate for those of us who’ve had a couple too many shandies and are a bit hard of thinking?
  5. I’ve been watching Raith for 30+ years. We’ve had some honking teams but I’d never describe us as being even remotely anti-football in style. And if you consider the teams of the early to mid-nineties and the last few years of McGlynns charge, we were the exact opposite of that.
  6. So we are the team that plays the least long-balls in the championship and Morton are the team that plays the most in Scottish football. Interesting stat that. Also interesting that the only team outwith the premier that play fewer long balls play McGlynn ball instead….
  7. I sat there for the same game and thought it was actually a better view than from the south stand. Obviously the view of the pitch is the same but looking at the south end with the main stand there is a better view than looking at the empty Pratt St side. I also started going in the late 80s and it was definitely north terracing at that time. In terms of the hub thingy, the plans on the council website show that the top floor is on the same level as the back of the stand, but it doesn’t show any boxes where you can see the pitch. The only bit that appears to be connected to the stand is a stairwell.
  8. Yeah, you can literally buy a ticket on your phone while standing outside the ground. Easier than having to go to the cash line before the game for old-fashioned paper money [emoji6]
  9. Just to clear things up for those who haven’t listened to the interview but have jumped on what they think was said; Sim did not say that he knew nothing about the Goodwillie deal. He said that he went to bed believing we hadn’t signed a striker and woke up to find we had. That fits with what was said at the time that the deal was dead around tea-time but resurrected late in the evening. Thought it was a good interview, the point made about Sim effectively postponing his retirement to pay off Goodwillie with he money he’s still earning was surprising. Good to hear we’re still searching for a ‘marquee signing’ too. Was also surprised to hear the thinly veiled criticism of Dan Armstrong and Dylan Tait (or at least Taits parents).
  10. I thought he said Nolan hadn’t trained much before the Dundee game because he took a knock in training during that week? One of us has picked it up wrong anyway
  11. This is very bizarre but, I mean, fair play to you for having the conviction to keep at it
  12. Yes, but he has a two year contract. So if he’s on £1k a week he gets £52k in a year and is liable for 40% tax on about £9k of that (for both years). if we pay him off in one go he’ll get £104k and be liable for 40% tax on £61k. So if we pay him off in one go his higher rate tax liability is about £24k, but if he gets paid monthly for two years it’s only £7k. He’d be daft to accept a pay off that will cost him £17k.
  13. Why pick a random seat then sit somewhere else? Why not just pick the seat you fancy sitting in in the first place?
  14. Can you post links to any other clubs who have put out statements regarding the availability of funds for transfers? Or indeed any statements regarding transfers (other than actual signing announcements)? I’m happy to be corrected if you can find evidence but I think you’ll find we’re the same as all other clubs, not some secretive club deliberately keeping our supporters in the dark.
  15. Christophe Berra is a human being with bills to pay and a young family. There is zero chance he has decided to give up his wage so we can bring in other players while he signs on at the dole office. He’ll have something else lined up, the story Rovers shared on Facebook from Berra’s wife about being ‘excited to start the next chapter’ or words to that effect definitely suggests he’s got a new job lined up
  16. Way too over-simplified. Do you really think he had a centre-half of the required standard lined-up ready to sign but he decided to use the funds on the midfielders instead? The problem appears to be a lack of available players at the required standard more than a lack of funds.
  17. No, it’s not just you, it just so happened you were the latest one to say it. I agree that I’d much rather know who the targets are and have a warm fuzzy feeling that we’re going to bring in who we need, but football at our level has never been like that so I don’t understand the criticism of the club over a lack of updates. Unless people genuinely think it’s as easy as popping to strikers-R-us and picking one off the shelf.
  18. This statement keeps being trotted out and it’s just bizarre. What do you expect to hear? “We tried to sign the big lad but he decided to go to Partick, then we went for that wee quick guy but he wanted £700 a week and we could only offer £500. Now nobody else wants to talk to us because they know they are, at best, our third choice”. No club ever has, or ever will publicly discuss signing targets before they are signed so I’m really not sure where the complaints about ‘deafening silence’ come from or what else they expect. When you read transfer rumours in the press it’s all from the big clubs and it’ll either be made up or leaked from an agent who has an agenda to push up the price of their client. The media isn’t interested in our level of football so that’s not going to happen. Murray has said in interviews that he knows where we need to strengthen. That’s as much as can be said.
  19. Your assumption is correct. Using the attendance figures given on the Raith website our average attendance last season was 1695. In the 16 games where capacity wasn’t restricted to 500, the average was just short of 1850. If both Pars games had been on a Saturday with no crowd restrictions I think we’d have got around 4K for each. And the Arbroath game would have got 1600+ instead of 500. Those three games would have added about 6k to the gate between them so average over the season would be around the 2k mark.
  20. A proper photo of the Raith home top rather than the video above. Best one we’ve had in a good few years I think, would be happy if we never see another half and half like last years one again.
  21. Exactly this. People these days seem to feel they should be in the loop with everything. The fact there are far fewer rumours this season than there have been in the past suggests that someone who has left the club (be that management team, board member or player) was the one with the loose lips. For anyone to think that a lack of rumours means that the man who is paid to manage the football team is not aware of the teams weaknesses and/or is not actively trying to address them is just madness. Of course that doesn’t mean we will actually end up signing anyone of the required quality but of course there will be lots of work going on in the background at the moment.
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